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General Duke

Galkacyu: Yusuf, Geedi, Sharif together and many more....Pics

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War deg deg ah Shariif Xasan & Caato oo ka soo degay Gaalkacyo


Baydhabo-10.February.2006 Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, Cismaan Xasan Cali (Caati) iyo xubno kale oo ka mid ah

DFKMG ah ayaa goor dhoweyto waxay soo gaareen magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug.


Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxaa iminka ka socda soo dhaweyn balaaran, waxaana dadweyne boqolaal gaaraya iyo masuuliyiin kala duwan ay isugu urureen garoonka.


Waa markii ugu horeysay ee uu Shariif Xasan soo gaaro magaalada Gaalkacyo tan iyo markii loo doortay xilka gudoomiyenimada baarlamaanka.


Mudada uu ku sugnaan doono magaalada Gaalkacyo Shariifka waxaa la filayaa inuu kulamo kala duwan kula yeesho halkaasi madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka kmg ee Somalia C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo mas'uuliyiinta maamul goboleedka Puntland.


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh iyo wafdiga la socda ayaa waxaa ku soo dhaweeyey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug xubno ay ka mid aheeyeen Kuxigeenka Madaxweyne Puntland ahna kusimaha Madaxweynaha Xasan Daahir Af-Qurac, Gudoomiyaha golaha wakiilada Puntlanad Cismaan Dalmar Xaaji Yuusuf, xubno ka mid ah golayaasha DFKMG ah iyo maamulka Puntland iyo boqolaal dadweyne ah.


Shariifka iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa loo sii galbiyey Hotel Taar City oo ku yaal duleedka Magaalada Gaalkacyo halkaasi oo ay ku sugan yihiin Madaxweynaha & Ra'isalwasaaraha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya



Mukhtaar C/laahi

SBC Gaalkacyo.

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Good news. This unprecedented coming together of the highest three officials of the FTG is taking Somali politics to a dignified higher level and to an absolutely point of no return.

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Gaalkacyo: Masuuliyiinta ugu saraysa dawladda Soomaaliya oo shir kuleh Gaalkacyo iyo wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guryaynta oo asaguna shir kula jira Odayaasha koonfurta Gaalkacyo.

- Friday, February 10, 2006 at 16:46


Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Madaxwaynaha Somaaliya Md: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed , guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyo raysulwasaare Geeddi oo ay weheliyaan xubno 30 kor udhaafaya oo ka tirsan dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa shir uga socdaa Hotel Taar oo ku yaalla duleedka magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Shirka ka socda Hotel Taar oo aannu isku daynay inaannu ka qayb qaadanno ayaa nalaka hor joogsaday , waxaase la hadal hayaa in kulanku u badan yahay hore u sii dhaqaajinta hawlaha dawladda .


Shirkaan oo ka duwan shirarkii hore ayaa si qoto dheer loogu eegayaa in meel la iska dhigo khilaafaadka yar yar ee mar soo kala dhex galay xubnaha dawladda iyo in si midaysan dawladda loo hago.


Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ay weheliyaan xubno isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaanno maanta kasoo duulay Baydhabo ayaa duhurnimadii waxaa qado sharaf loogu sameeyay isla Hotel Taar ee Gaalkacyo.


Guddoomiye Shariif wuxuu u mahad celiyay dadka Gaalkacyo oo uu sheegay inay yihiin dad soo dhawaynta ku fiican isla markaana hasyta ammaan, dhammaan umadda Soomaaliyeed ayuu ka codsaday inay nabadda ku dadaalaan.


Dhinaca kale wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guryaynta Cismaan Xasan Cali Caato oo la socday wafdiga guddomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa iminka shir kula jira odayaasha iyo wax garadka koonfurta gobolka Mudug.


Arimaha laga wada hadlayo ayaa naloo sheegay inay ugu wayntahay sidii loo gudo gali lahaa qorshe nabadayn oo laga dhex bilaabi doono beelihii dhawaan ku dirirayay koonfurta gobolka Mudug.


Hotelka uu kusugan Yahay Cismaan Caato waxaa kula sugan xubno isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaanno ,waxaana naloo xaqiijiyay marka kulamadoodu ay dhammaadaan in Cusmaan Caato kusoo biiri doono kulamada ka socda Hotel Taar ee duleedka Gaalkacyo.


CCC Farayaamo



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Pardon my French, but what the f.uck are they lining up for and smiling about?


Reer Puntland have been on Col Yeey's leash for years. Give it up. Sharif Xasan was enemy of the state before January 5th. A month later, he walks into Galkacyo and is given the red carpet treatment. Why? Coz Col Yeey told those unemployed folks in Mudug that the Sharif, all of a sudden, is on point so they have to welcome him.


I remember you, GENERAL DUKE, labelling Sharif Xasan as the Xamar warlords' "tool." Aren't Reer Puntland tools for Col Yeey? Its amazing how the political climate in Puntland coincides with the sayings and dealings of the old fart. All of a sudden, GENERAL DUKE in the Diaspora is posting pictures of "tool" Sharif Xasan in Galkacyo.


You have no solid political foundation whatsoever. You're entire political orientation revolves around that of your idolized warlord-turned-selected President Col Yeey. Get a grip, man!


This episode just shows who the real "tool" is, however.

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Gaalkacyo hosts momentarily the president, prime minister, speaker of parliament and a great deal of ministers and parliamentarians. This is quite an achievement if we compare it with the situation before the Sanca agreement. Hopefully the result in Mudug's capital city will be that all differences between the officials will be settled and that the never-ending wars in Mudug and Galguduud will be ended indefinitely.


Here are some more pics of the Speaker's arrival.











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You have no solid political foundation whatsoever. You're entire political orientation revolves around that of your idolized warlord-turned-selected President Col Yeey. Get a grip, man!


This episode just shows who the real "tool" is, however.


Brother lets not kid ourselfs, the Sharif when he was on the side of the few warlords did not enjoy mine or reer Puntlands support. However as you know politics is fluid things change over night. Today Sharif has the support of not just Galkacyu but also his constituancy of Bay. He has agreed to work within the institution and let the PM and President do their job. They in turn have allowd the Parliment to meet without any condition. This is posative unless of course you never wanted a government? ;)

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Why are these b@stards so fat while hundreds of thousands are starving?? Why are they either laughing all the way home or arguing about petty nonsense of were to make the seat of this phantom fcuking "government"?


Allah must be extremely unhappy with us to give us these fools as leaders. Frankly, they could all be hit by lightening and most people would never notice. Their absence could never be any worse than their presence.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Today Sharif.....has agreed to work within the institution and let the PM and President do their job.

Where and when did he agree to that sxb, can you proove it? Mise walidadi iyo beentadi ayaad ku noqotey? To say they agreed to settle the differences would be fair enough but to give it in such specualtion and detail as you are is pure falsification. In these deal I think Sharif has the upper hand, but one think C/llahi Yusuf proved in the process is that he is more flexible and nationally oriented than Sharif. That would be fair calculation. And also sxb there is a rumour going around that C/llahi got fed up with Geedi and co.(namely Juurile & Maxamed Dhere) who did not actually meet his standard of demands, on the contrary they were more happy with flying around and collecting the petty cash with no intention of creating a centralised government. In other words they were happy with the atmosphere of hate within the TFG as long as they were internationally recognised as being the TFG. With this in view C/llahi is trying to make amends with his former collegues of Sodere in Mogadishu to realise his dream of ruling Somalia regardless of how it comes about.He has come to the conclussion that neither Geedi nor Maxamed Dhere or the others in Jowhar can help him achieve this goal. While on the other hand the Mogadishu faction saw they were considered as the heavy weights of Somali politics yet they had no funds coming in to support their ego. So the two need each other, which is leading to their union in Baydhabo. Though it is widely believed that this merger will bring about the extinction of the premiership of Geedi. Dont say I did not tell you all this sxb when this actually happens in Bay.

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