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As the new year is only a month away (september) i would like to take this chance to wish all those studying or working all the best for the coming year. Keep me entertained in here cos 90% of other topics in the other forums are boring.




For me, just to work and work, 1 day i enjoy it, then the next day i wanna quit, go figure :confused: . I am now a new man, as some of you guys know, so sujui, no more Edgware road for me bro, Winger no more .... as well ;) .lol. Rocko get yo a$$ over here soon, where is Beniyal? AL i heard Viera is on his way, what next for the Arses? :D


I'm just glad i got 2 weeks solid work out of the way 2 days early!


So whats all yall plans for the academic year boys? and girls? :D

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Qoute from NORTHERNER:

"..I am now a new man, as some of you guys know"

NO bro, I have no idea. Did you RE-NEW your manhood or wat :D;) kiddin(no need to reply).

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Mate with only 2 months till my exams + loads of assignments before + work and the footy season just bout underway and the Tri-nations looking fantastic this year with the All blacks 2 from 2, mate i’m starting to get massively stressed out :mad:


So my plans for the rest of the year quite simple really

- Not more than 6 hours of sleep per night

-Watch only 2 games of footy PW

-Quit gym

-No more late Saturday night with the boys

-No more Friday night indoor soccer

-No more Xbox

-Work atleast 16 hours per week, bit short of 3_5_6.gif @ moment

- Atleast 5 hours of study time per day



I hope Allah gives me the strength to do achieve these goals

And hopefully i’ll see guys in London during the up coming summer, Australian summer thats smile.gif

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good to hear you got your priorities sorted!


I will install Sky as soon as i get my new place, you can watch your team at 3pm on sat afternoons,lol, what a result!


Good luck IA for your plans to work and work hard........



So when can we expect ya in UK?

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Salams ppl




North, Geezer, the wind of change blew its course through your neck of the woods, and now you find that what was before :eek: is in the past, and like your Beloved (Lucky :mad: 85min goal) Liverpool, Brighter Times lie ahead ;) .


All the best for the up coming year to all the Nomads, the Fiary Good :D , the Veiria Bad :D , and the Disgruntled/Bored Lot lol.


Putt in the hard work now, and reap the rewards of your efforts later, failing that device inginuative methods for getting by on minimal effort.


Rokko man, u need to Get from down-under to up-over here mate ;) with your dodgy australian accent you will fit in perfectly in dodgy ole east-london where th ethnic's and the Cockney tribes reside, and charm the London lasse's with your impressive Aussie vocab, just dont try ordering a Possom Burger mate :eek: :D

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Originally posted by Shujui-1:

just dont try ordering a Possom Burger mate

lool alright bro

that along with Spotted Dick :eek:

r off the menu then :D


North around end of december insha allah sxb

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