Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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i doubt the bunker can close the diplomatic office in Hargeisa  the Ethiopian goverment since the hey days of Meles zenawi always kept the Ethopian diplomatic office in Hargeisa and kept it as  a seperate entity  Seperate from their Embassy in Mogadishu they had this diplomatic office even prior to the formation of the so called TNG  of arte so even before they opened an embassy in Mogadishu they had this office


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Ethiopia is the real winner here, it turned the tables around on the countries it was actually dependent on their ports, now competing with eachother for the cheap. 

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Ofcourse the more enemies the bunker has  the better for Somaliland.

Puntland and Somaliland should actually cooperate to battle the Bunker together



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11 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Ofcourse the more enemies the bunker has  the better for Somaliland.

Puntland and Somaliland should actually cooperate to battle the Bunker together



Xaaji, now that is indeed what the concept of politics is all about, bravo! 👏 

It was the German Political thinker, Carl Schmitt, who theorised on ‘what is the political and what is not’, through his political theories on friend-enemy distinction and said, “the specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced to is that between friend and enemy”. further clarifying that the friend- enemy distinction is not static in the sense that friends won’t always remain friends and enemies now doesn’t mean enemies forever, but it based on mutual understanding on interest and issues and above all on temporal mutual opponents.  

Coming back to your points, yes Somaliland should indeed play political ball and seek alliances that further its ambitions and interests trying to win terrain on the (common) opponent. For that is what the system of state and political are all about, and how every region or group that ever sought distinct political ambitions, such as independence or autonomy, achieved things by playing the game of the political as it was conceived and ought to be. 

P.S. irrelevant of one supporting or not any sort of political manoeuvring, Somali leaders should stop the whole ‘wa baxday’, ‘xiriir wa u jaray’, ‘qeyb kama mijin’, Kama qeyb qaadadino’, and other sorts of wimpiness that completely defeats the purpose of politics. You signed up for politics, then play politics and come with what is political. 

  • Thanks 1

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