Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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12 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:



His death waxa ka masuul culusow iyo hayadisisa basaasiinta its is true SL has no motives to kill one of their own



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6 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Things that happen when you appease secessionists and don't take tough stand against Ethiopia


you should call the bunker and tell them to apply to the agreement they signed with Somaliland in 2014. one accident has to happen and  the bunker will be stripped from its little power it has 

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6 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Things that happen when you appease secessionists and don't take tough stand against Ethiopia


Xasan daciifnimadiisa mar mar waaka yaabeysaa. Siduu ugu hanjabi jiray, ugu booteen jiray Farmaajo oo shaqsi ahaa uguma hadli karo dalkii iyo baddii oo kis la qaadanaayo. Waa yaab. He really cares only about jeebkiisa.

Why doesn't he go to Laascaanood and hold a shir jaraa'id that will let the world know Waqooyiga being part of Soomaaliya and dowladda maamusho. What is this inexplicable jikjileec? Imaaraadka iyo Jabuuti ka cabsanaayaa? Or qabyaaladnimadiisa ayaa ka xoog badisay. The only reason u soo dhaweeyey Firdhiye a few months back waxee ka ahayd inuu Deni iyo asaga isku diro.

Now Deni is back, marka Reer Khaatumo ma kala jeclo.

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He can also ban all flights to Hargeysa until further notice and put Muuse in his place.

Xamsihii howl laga sugaayena timo talaalid Turkiga u aaday. He went missing earlier in this month in Turkiga. Laba toddobaad ku maqnaa, timo lagu soo talaalay la yiri. After he came back, koofibaraawe ku qarinaayaa. We will see if it was true.

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miskiin if he goes to Laascanood it would be seen as a declaration of war he doesnt want that to happen it will further jeaprodise his future remember he also wants to be re elected he cant rely on the on reer puntland or khatumo ,for votes for they will have candidates of their own he knows those from Somaliland will not have candidates and wuxu rabba xildhabaanadooda inu jeebka gashado. So despite his opposition to SL as much as Biixi backstabbed him he cares for his office more then hates biixii or Somaliland he doesnt like Somaliland `but he wont go in that length to make a statement wu qeylin masaajiid bu ka khudbadayn etc etc.  Hawada ayuu ku cagu juglayn even as he is doing now when he send the delegation from Ethiopia away. But he cant shut down the SL airports of berbera and hargeisa he has to have physicial control over those airports to shut them down and that he doesnt have he can ban Ethiopian airlines but will they comply  they will just stop flight to Somalia , He can ban the fly dubai airplane though but then again will the UAE  like this and can he go against the wishes of the UAE  , REMEMBER UAE Lacag fiican bay ka helan revenue from their airplanes going to Somaliland every day an airplane from the uae comes to Hargeisa one in the morning and one in the afternoon. He can ban the UAE But that he wont do 

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Waxaa sheegaaye waa tan. Xasan waa cadowga midnimada iyo wadajirka Soomaaliyeed. I am no fan of Deni macangag - and since he was part of the gang that (s)elected Xasan - laakiin xilligaan ma'aha xilli Soomaali la sii kala fogeeyo. Xasan lataliyaal Mahad Kawaanle and co. ka dhigtay. C/shakuur C/raxmaan ayaaba ka yaabay siyaasadxumadiisa.

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28 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

miskiin if he goes to Laascanood it would be seen as a declaration of war 

And selling part of baddeena and dhulkeena is not a declaration of major provocation? And since when meesha dhul dagaaleed ahayn? Oog ma meel masaajidada la isla fadhiyaa?

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4 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

He can also ban all flights to Hargeysa until further notice and put Muuse in his place.

Walaal, that was the Kacaanist ideology pinned in sheer unlawful brute force, which gave birth to lawlessness. Now you know why I call you one. Your generation's brain had been soiled by the only way you know of: unlawful brute force.

Just 'cos he can, does not mean he should, as there are laws governing the nations where political leaders can not just do as they please to cause harm, even if politically convenient at the time.

To be clear, flight interference and wanton acts of endangering civilian lives, as the secessionists are engaging in, are illegal. There are international laws to apply and bring them to account.

4 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

But he cant shut down the SL airports of berbera and hargeisa he has to have physicial control over those airports to shut them down and that he doesnt have he can ban Ethiopian airlines but will they comply  they will just stop flight to Somalia,

He can, does have control, but he MUST not.

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See, simple technology could be used to improve flight safety and security, and prevent criminal acts, without resorting to tyrannical acts. Still, a mutually agreeable resolution where such 'cisal walhis' does not occur must be found. 


The introduction of this new communication system aims to address the challenges faced by aircraft flying over Somalia, enhancing efficiency and safety measures. Meanwhile, Somalia clarified that the satellite phone communication system is solely employed for flights within Somaliland's airspace. The country mentioned it operates three communication systems for aircraft: VHF, satellite phone, and an internet-based device for message exchange. The VHF radio has been removed from service.



Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia has introduced a new communication device for aircraft flying over Somaliland, replacing the previous...


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