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Somaliland asserts airspace control amidst frequency jamming allegations

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Tuesday February 20, 2024

FILE PHOTO - The General Manager of Somaliland's Civil Aviation Authority, Omar Sayid Abdilahi Aden

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somaliland government has declared success in managing its airspace, claiming effective service provision to a multitude of aircraft. However, amidst this assertion, tensions have surged as the Somaliland Aviation and Airports Authority refutes allegations of airspace disruption by the Somali government.

Somaliland also alleged Somalia's civil aviation authority's involvement in the killing of one of its employees named Abdinasir Muse Dahable.

Reports emerging over the weekend reveal a troubling scenario within the Mogadishu FIR, with nearly a dozen aircraft reportedly contacted by unauthorized controllers, issuing conflicting instructions. Instances of unauthorized climb and descent clearances, particularly prevalent in the northern part of Somali airspace, spotlight the ongoing political discord between Somaliland and Somalia. Despite Somaliland's lack of international recognition, both entities vie for control over the airspace.

A specific incident involving an Israeli airline, El Al, on a route from Thailand to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, has raised concerns about security vulnerabilities during flights traversing the Mogadishu FIR.

The Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) has reiterated its authority over the airspace, emphasizing its designation as the "Mogadishu Flight Information Region (FIR)" since the 1960s. 

Further complicating matters is the troubling revelation of frequency jamming, highlighted in a complaint lodged by the Federal Government of Somalia. Deliberate interference with critical air traffic frequencies poses a significant threat to aviation safety, violating international aviation laws and norms.

The dispute over airspace control has escalated further, with Somalia actively denying access to flights bound for Hargeisa, Somaliland's capital. This includes incidents such as the denial of entry to an Ethiopian Airlines flight carrying senior officials, highlighting the diplomatic tensions surrounding the airspace issue.

Amidst accusations from Somaliland of mismanagement and misuse of funds by the Mogadishu government, the airspace dispute has far-reaching consequences. Allegations range from diverting funds earmarked for airport development to failing to equip Hargeisa with necessary air traffic management equipment.

The Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (SL-CAAA) has vowed to protect its airspace, signalling a potential escalation in the conflict. With both sides claiming authority and tensions mounting, the airspace dispute threatens to disrupt regional air traffic and undermine safety measures.

As the situation unfolds, stakeholders in the aviation industry must closely monitor developments and assess the implications for flight operations within the region. 

Somali airspace regained its Class A classification after over 30 years in January 2023. The change to Class A airspace can potentially increase traffic to as many as 600 flights daily.

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Golaha wasiirrada oo ansixiyay iskaashi dhinaca difaaca oo ay kala saxiixdeen Soomaaliya iyo Turkiga


Arbaco, February, 21, 2024 (HOL) - Golaha Wasiirrada ee xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta ansixiyay heshiis lagu tilmaamay inuu yahay mid  taariikhi ah oo ay dowladda Soomaaliya la gashay Dowladda Turkiga.

Heshiiskan ayaa wuxuu ku saabsan yahay iskaashiga dhinaca difaaca iyo dhaqaalaha.

Ra’iisul wasaare Xamsa Cabdi Barre oo shir guddoomiyay kulan deg-deg ah oo ay isugu yimaadeen Golaha, ayaa ku tilmaamay heshiiskan mid masiiri ah oo dhaxalgal u ah ummadda Soomaaliyeed – isaga oo ka hadlay ahmiyadda heshiiskani u leeyahay dalka.

“Heshiiskani waa mid masiiri ah oo dhaxalgal, waa go’aan Soomaaliya u jeexaya waddo cusub oo aan horey u suurtoobin, waa go’aan Soomaaliya ka saaraya walaal la’aantii, waa go’aan Soomaaliya u sameynaya saaxiib dhab ah oo ay caalamka ku yeelato”. ayuu yiri Ra’iisul wasaare Xamsa.

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa xusay in heshiiskani uu soo afjarayo in badda iyo waxa ku jira looga baqo argagixiso, burcad badeed, kalluumeysi sharci darro ah, sun lagu shubo, xadgudub iyo halis kaga timaadda dibedda.” yuu yiri raysal wasaare Xamse.

Heshiiskan ayay dowladdu sheegtay inuu ku saabsan yahay tababarada iyo qalabeynta ciidanka badda Soomaaliya, si ay ula wareegaan difaaca badda.

Heshiiskani waxa uu sidoo kale kordhinayaa wax soo saarka badda iyo dhaqaalaha buluugga ah, sida uu sheegay Ra’iisul Wasaare Xamsa.

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa uga mahadceliyey Dowladda Turkiga isgarab taagga xilliyo muhiim ah oo ay Soomaaliya soo martay iyo maanta oo uu sheegay in lagu soo xadgudbay Qarannimada dalka.

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Somaliland oo sheegtay in ka go'antahay in ay hirgaliso is-fahamka ay Itoobiya la gashay


Arbaco, February, 21, 2024 (HOL) - Somaliland ayaa sheegtay in ay si buuxda u hirgalinayso isfahamkii ay la gashay dowlada Itoobiya, waxayna ku dooday in uu yahay mid waafaqsan xeerarka caalamiga ah.

Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland D.R. Ciise Kayd Maxamuud, oo shir-jaraa'id ku qabtay Xafiiska Somaliland ee Itoobiya, ayaa warbaahinta Itoobiya u sheegay in heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya uu yahay mid barwaaqo u horseedi doona labada dhinac.

"Wafti ahaan waxaanu sharaxaad ka bixinay arragtidayada ku aadan is-fahamka ay Somaliland iyo Itoobiya wadagaleen, kaasi oo aan kali ah waafaqsanayn shuruucda caalamiga ah, lakiin ah mid is badal togan u horseedaya Somaliland iyo Itoobiya, marka ay noqoto dhinacyada dhaqaalaha, ganacsiga iyo amaanka" ayuu yidhi Wasiir Kayd.

Waxa uu sheegay wasiirku in aan la malaysan karin faa'iidada laga dhaxli doono is-fahamka Somaliland iyo Itoobiya, sidaa darteed na ay Somaliland ka go'antahay in ay hirgaliso, isaga oo sheegay in guddi aqoonyahano ah loo xilsaaray.

Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa dhawaan magacaabay guddi ka kooban 8 xubnood, oo uu hoggaaminayo Amb. Baashe Cawil, kuwaasi oo ka shaqayn doona sidii is-fahamka loogu badali lahaa heshiis dhab ah.

Marka laga yimaado in ka go'naanshaha Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ee hirgalinta heshiiskan, hadana heshiiskani wuxuu wajahaya cadaadisyo dibulumaasiyadeed, xili badiba ururada caalamiga ah iyo urur goboleedyada sida Mifowga Afrika ay ku baaqeen in la ilaaliyo midnimada Soomaaliya.

Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa iyaduna aad uga soo horjeedsatay heshiiska, iyada oo sheegtay in Itooobiya ay doonayso in ay qaadato qayb kamid ah dhulka Soomaaliya, sida uu Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ka sheegay shirkii Midowga Afrika iyo munaasibado kale.

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10 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Blood must have blood  Reer burco strong words for the walanweyns.. Abdinasir Dahable death  will be avenged 

why do some reports suggest he was killed one of the Duriyada, what is going in this hell hole Mogadishu

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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

why do some reports suggest he was killed one of the Duriyada, what is going in this hell hole Mogadishu

why would duriyada kill their own makes no sense no motive what so ever 

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Muuse biixii  on Somalia..  on hassan ulusow and his calacaal on the MOU deal . on the current elections . also accused ulusow of the killing of abdinasir dahable 

Muse spoke on all issues 

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It is hard to believe but I think Turkiya will abuse this deal, it is rushed, the good part is illegal fishing can be controlled or replaced with legal one via Only Turkey

I have my doubts to think Turkiya has  magic bullet to our problems , don't depend one country alone

Somalia's issues is internal issues 

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