Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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Is there movement in the background regarding MoU? Things are quieting down.

HSM is distracting Somalis with the constitution amendments while Abiy and his minions are lowering their rethoric.

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I am hearing about a coalition being formed by Eritrea, Tigray and Amhara regions leaving Abiy's grand empirical aspiration in tatters; it further speaks as to the timing of his signing the agreement with Bixiye as a new year gift for the nation all for theatrics to appease and misdirect. Tyrants and despot are odd creatures.

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1 hour ago, Illyria said:

I am hearing about a coalition is being formed by Eritrea, Tigray and Amhara regions leaving Abiy's grand empirical aspiration in tatters; it further speaks as to the timing of his signing the agreement with Bixiye as a new year gift for the nation all for theatrics to appease and misdirect. Tyrants and despot are odd creatures.

That will be a pleasant development for Somalis but only if this alliance wants to put this ailing empire to bed for a good. Otherwise, we will be substituting Oromo tyranny for Amhara hegemony.

Aferwerki made the mistake of thinking united Ethiopia is good for the region. Let's hope he learns from his mistake.

SSC will be part of the regions that will deliberate the changes to the constitution. Bixiye has hastened his demise. If Awdal is formed, no group has monopoly in deciding the fate of the Northerners.

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Afwerki will never oppose the unity of Ethiopia he has not done it in 1991 and not in 2018. It’s his habesha identity oo u diidaysa inu kala daadiyo itoobiya 

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Ku-xigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u Fadhiya Qarammada Midoobay oo Madal Caalamiya ka Difaacay Heshiiska ay la Galeen Somaliland

by Qaran News | Jan 24, 2024

Ku-xigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u Fadhiya Qarammada Midoobay oo Madal Caalamiya ka Difaacay Heshiiska ay la Galeen Somaliland

Hargeysa – Kuxigeenka Safiirka Itoobiya u qaabilsan Qarammada midoobay, Samuel Isa, oo ka qaybgalay shir ay Magaalada Kampala ku yeesheen dalalka G77 iyo Shiinaha, ayaa ka hadlay ahmiyadda iskaashiga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ay dhawaan is-fahamka ka gaadheen.

Danjire Samuel Isa wuxuu sheegay in heshiiska is faham ee Somaliland iyo Itoobiya uu waafaqsan yahay xeerarka caaalamiga ah ee kastamada iyo shuruucda badda.

“Heshiiskani wuxuu si cad u jidaynayaa oo loogu talo galay inuu wax ka taro arrimaha ganacsiga si ay uga faa’iidaystaan muwaadiniinta Somaliland iyo Itoobiya,” ayuu yidhi diblomaasigaasi.

Samuel Isa waxa kaloo uu intaas ku daray “Waxa isfahamkan loo maray qaab nabadgelyo ah oo ku sallaysan wadahadal iyo iskaashi wadajir ah oo dhinac waliba guulaystay, kaasi oo kor loogu qaadayo nabada iyo barwaaqada gobolka Geeska Afrika.”

Heshiiska is faham ee Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ayaa dhigaya in Jamhuuruyadda Somaliland Itoobiya ka kirayso 20km oo ay ka dhigtaan saldhig millatari oo badda ah, iyadoo Itoobiyana ay noqon doonta dalka u horreeya ee aqoonsada Qarannimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ee 33ka sannadood u halgamaysay inay caalamka ka hesho ictiraaf caalamiya.

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UK oo ka Hadashay Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya

by Qaran News | Jan 24, 2024

UK oo ka Hadashay Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya

Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Wasiiru Dowlaha Arrimaha Dibedda, & Xafiiska Barwaaqo-sooranka UK , ayaa la weydiiyey su’aal ku saabsan haddii uu wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland la yeelan karo wadaxaajood ku saabsan amniga gobolka, iyo addeegsiga dekedda Berbera.
Wasiirka ayaa ku jawaabay.

” Ilaa iyo markii ay soo shaac baxday isafgaradka Somaliland iyo Itoobiya, Dowladda Ingiriisku waxa ay xidhiidh dhow la lahayd dhamaan dhinacyada ay khusayso, oo ay ku jirto Somaliland, annagoo ugu baaqaynay in xaalada la dejiyo, lana wadahadlo. Waxa aannu dhinacyada oo dhan ugu baaqnay in ay ka dheeraadaan wixii ficil ah ee si taban u saamayn kara amniga gobolka, gaar ahaan la dagaalanka Alshabaab.

Si taa ka duwan, Dowladda Ingiriisku waxa ay taageero ka geysatay mashruuca “Berbera Corridor” oo qayb ka ahaa mashruuca “Ibofurka Barwaaqada ee Geeska”. Taageeradan oo ay qayb ka ahayd 25 milyan oo Ginniga Ingiriiska ah kaasi oo loogu talagalay horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo jidka si loo fudaydiyo isku xidhka Berbera, Itoobiya iyo gobolka intiisa kale”.

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“Since the announcement of the Ethiopia - Somaliland memorandum of understanding (MoU) the UK has been engaging closely with all parties involved, including the Somaliland” The UK Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Andrew Mitchell

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21 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:


Xaaji, why are you all of sudden losing all senses when you hear recognition? Are you now willing n supporting this? Do you think this is temporary deal or as Ethiopian Ambassador put it, will make them not landlocked country? Wake Up 

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Xasan Socdaal daciifnimadiisa xad dhaafka ah markii la arkay ayuu saan jees jees ugu hadlaayaa Xabashada daljirahooda.

Xasanoow maxaa Soomaali bahdishay, mar dad u sujuudid, marna madax kale hortaada dalka Soomaaliya haku hor caayaan. Haddana Oromahaan Soomaalida sheegto.


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2 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Xaaji, why are you all of sudden losing all senses when you hear recognition? Are you now willing n supporting this? Do you think this is temporary deal or as Ethiopian Ambassador put it, will make them not landlocked country? Wake Up 

So far we have not seen anything which indicates that Somaliland will benefit from this deal ,  but before we jump the gun we yet have to see the agreement first and try to do an assesment on it.  All we know is so far hadalka suuuqa  bad for aqoonsi 

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