Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 1 minute ago, Che -Guevara said: Some things cannot be used as a bluff. Inviting a hegemonic neighbor led by a leader who believes he is the reincarnation of Messehiah is one of them. And giving away territories of other clans will ensure a civil war. Reer Awdal and Isse are not going to be gifted to Ethiopia. Does he really believe he is the Messiah Menelik re incarnate grand son of King soloman. Thats why i suggest if Muse wants to go through with the deals and does want to keep the cohesion of Somaliland. He should avoid the Borama clan and the Jesus clan at hand , And focus on his own Clan his clan stretches from the eastern Part of Lughaya, he can start from saba wanaag to eel sheikh all the way to bulahaar what ever 20 km thats from saba wanaag to eelksheikh is about 20 km and i think that would do it And u will not hear the jesus and borama clan complain at all Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted January 9, 2024 Xaaji, I don't even think his sub-clan would accept that. What clan would accept a naval and commercial base exclusively controlled by an outside force? Mind you, Ethiopia will have complete control over the area. They will bring their people to work there and secure the area. They may ask for a security zone which means additional land. They will exploit the marine resources. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 10 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said: Close proximity to Ethiopia etc Zeila would be the closest and Lowya adde and i think Muse will choose that for them Zeila and Zelel is the most emptiest part of Somaliland there about six villages of each village has about 200 people . I think he is going for that . His good ties with the jesus clan i believe he will give their officials incentives and stuff and help their people relocate and stuff. He will avoid the Borama clan for they will try out cry and stuff and he knows the Jesus clan are not that large in Somaliland, the land is on their name but they dont really live there but their land is sizable and it is closest to the Ethiopian border. the other option is from Saba wanaag all the way down to wajaale straight to Ethiopia , thats also an option lets wait and see Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 2 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said: Xaaji, I don't even think his sub-clan would accept that. What clan would accept a naval and commercial base exclusively controlled by an outside force? Mind you, Ethiopia will have complete control over the area. They will bring their people to work there and secure the area. They may ask for a security zone which means additional land. They will exploit the marine resources. Your right muse has about 9 month left i dont know he might say i will give u a share of Ethiopian Airliner hahah . U never know its very hard though he is not in good terms with chief of his own clan. So they might not accept it. I just hope for the time being he keeps it as a bluff and signs nothing with the Ethiopians Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted January 9, 2024 Let's hope so. There is another question of what constitutes Somaliland today considering Hargeisa no longer controls H@rti areas and reer Awdal/Isse are getting worried by the day. And Grxjs wants the presidency by any means or they will walk away. The man made a big mess. I thought Southern politicians were bad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 it looks badder than it seems he mishandled the the entire Laascanood conflict which was very unnecessary how it was managed. Hopefully talks can begin between the Somaliland goverment and the Garaadada. its evident that Culusow doesnt care for them as he doesnt want to grant them a state as a federal member state.. As for the Grx the most Majestic Somaliland if not Somali clan. They will most likely succeed Muse Bixii i am not sure if it will be ciiro Gaboose or Abdikarim the young Mayor of Hargeisa. But they can overwealmingly get allot of votes from all over Somaliland since they live in all corners of Somaliland i am also hearing that Ina xashi is joining wadani. So they will be fine. Xirsi might leave wadani Muuse understands xoog he comes from a time where iron fist is anything. But if he handles this situation well, caanu ka daadsan kara xamar, and this time they wont stall with the Somalia and Somaliland talks. Since Abiye becomes hungrier and bolder every day Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted January 9, 2024 You are misdiagnosing Garaada and the youth of Sool. It does not matter what Mogadishu does. What they want is to determine their fate. Any negotiation with Hargeisa is to live as neighborly brothers. Their stand hasn't wavered. Abiy is a loose cannon more than anything else. It will be his Oromo that will pay the price for his recklessness. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted January 9, 2024 War yaa Facebook algorithm yaa iga ceshto. Waxaan camal isoo hor dhigaa, aniga 'not interested/block' ku haayaa maba joojinaayo. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 4 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said: You are misdiagnosing Garaada and the youth of Sool. It does not matter what Mogadishu does. What they want is to determine their fate. Any negotiation with Hargeisa is to live as neighborly brothers. Their stand hasn't wavered. Abiy is a loose cannon more than anything else. It will be his Oromo that will pay the price for his recklessness. i disagree i am not saying it will happen over night obviously it will take time to solve the underlying issues. But the people are not that different to reconcile on some of the issues. You are right though the laascanood youth are a voice that needs to be heard and reckoned with , and the things are not the same as before. but as there was a war between Grx clan and the Garaad clan in 1936 which lasted over 6 six years. by 1944 they were all palls , this wont be any different then that i believe. Horta culusow hada masaar ma gaadhay wali mise wali dictatorki asmara wuu la jooga Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 So Somalia became a laxoox hahaha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 9, 2024 Bristol Iyo Baaqa Taageero ee Heshiiska Somaliland Iyo Ethiopia January 10, 2024 Dated on 8th January 2024 Kulan muhiim, ah oo ay yeesheen qaar ka mid ah dhalinyaro aqoonyahano ah oo degen Magalaada Bristol ee Dalka UK iyo xubin sharciyaqaano ah oo Netherlands, ka yimd ayaa lagu taageeray heshiishka taarikhiga ah ee labada dawladdood ee Somaliland iyo Ethiopia ayaa ku wada gaadheen bilowgii sanadkan 2024 magaalada Addis Ababa, kaasoo ay ku kala saxeexdeen isfaham nuxurkiisu yahay kirada badda 20KM oo kamida Badda Somaliland iyo Aqoonsi Itoobiya ay u fidiso JSL. Xubnaha kulanka ka qaybgalay Kadib, markii dood dheer iyo falanqayin dheer ay ka yeesheen heshiiskan uu Madaxwayne Muuse Biixi Cabdi la soo galay dalk aynu jaarka nahay ee Itoobiya, darseen nuxurkii hore u dhaca ahaa ee ( Memorandum of Understanding ) uu xambarsana iyo faa’iidooyinka ugu jira Somaliland, heshiiskan, oo ah in heshiiskan yahay kiro ( Naval base ) iyo isticmaalka dekada Berbera, oo ay Ethiopia kordhiso isticmaalkeegii ay hore u isticmaali jirtay. Waxay aqoonyahanka is la fahmeen in uu yahay heshiis dano, la is waydaarsaday oo dan u ah labada dhinacba oo ( Mutually Beneficial to both Parties Signed ) iyo in uu yahay ( Successful Partnership) in lagu shiraakoobo dano dhaqaale oo ah heshiiskan macnaha ku jira oo ay ugu wayntahay in ay Somaliland hesho Citiraafkii, ay 32 sano raadinaysay iyo in ay Itoobiya, hesho 20KM bad, ah oo ay uu isticmaasho ciidamadeeda badda kaas ah Kiro oon ahayn wax siin sida dawlada Villa Somalia, ka talisa ee Amisom ilaaliso sheegtay. Waxay isla garteen, in uu ( MOU ) heshiiskan lagu sheegay yahay ( on lease purpose only ) kiro, waxay Aqoonyahanku isla fahmeen in uu aduunka jiro ugu yaraan ilaa 44 wadan oo ( Landlocked ) oon bad lahayn oo ay wadamadaas badda lahayn ay isticmaalaan wadamo ay jaar yahiin amba ay ka kiiraystaan oo ay tahay heshiis aan Dunida ku cusbayn. Waxa kale, oo ay Aqoonyahanku, isla fahmeen in uu aduunka jiro ( International Law ) United Nations Charte) kiisa waxa ku jira in ay mabnuuc ka tahay in uu wadan wadan kale dhulkiisa amba badiisa ku qaato xoog xitaa aanu uu hanjabi karin haddii ay dhacdo uu wajihi karo cunaqabatayn dhaqaale oo dhinac walba leh, tana waxay meesha ka saaraysa sheegashada ah in Itoobiya, dhulka qaadan karto mustaqbalka iyo hadalada ka soo yeedha dawlada Villa Somalia, ee qiil uga dhigaysa badbaa laa qaadanayaa. Waxa kale oo ay isla fahmeen in heshiiskan uu yahay sidan hoose: Waa fursad qaranka Somaliland, uu soo kordhay oo faa’iido badan ugu jirto oo ay ugu horayso aqoonsi buuxa oo aad ka heshaan heshiiskan iyo in aad u hiiliso dalkaaga 32 sano raadinayey aqoonsi oo ku biiri doona bulshada caalamka adigoo u hiilinaya mustaqbalka dalka iyo dadkaba. Waxa kale oo lagu falanqeeyey kulankan Dawlada Villa Somalia ka talisa ee Amisom ilaaliso maxaa ka khuseeya heshiiskan. Somaliland, waa dal ka madax banaan Somalia oo markii hore midnimo dhinaca Somaliland ka timid ku timid kadib ka goday Somalia, 1991 mar labaad oo intaas oo dhan ka maqnayd Somalia. Waa dal leh, dhamaan shuruucdiisa oo dhamaystiran, dawlad iyo dhamaan hayadihii dawliga ahaa oo dhan, calankiisi, dasduur,lacag gaar u ah iyo wax kasta oo dawlad laga rabo. Waxa aqoonyahanku hoosta ka xariiqeen in Somalia aanay lahayn dasduur waayo dal baa ka baxay waxooguna yahay ( Temporary Draft ) aanay Somaliland qayib ka ahayn xitaa Puntland oo maamul ka mid ah ay diiday (Draft kaas ) Sidaa awgeed, waxay Aqoonyahanku isla garteen in dhawaaqa Villa Somalia ka soo baxaya yahay hal bacaad lagu lisay oo ay tahay gardaro qaawan oo ay ku soo qaadeen Dawlada Somaliland. Baaqa ay soo jeedinayaan aqoonyahankan, wuxu yahay in ay bulshada reer Somaliland soo dhaweeyaan heshiiskan taarikhiga, ah ee uu horseedaya in ay ku biiran wadamada caalamka una keeni doona dhaqaale iyo mustaqbalka ubudkiina oo noqda dad ka mid ah bulshada caalamka. Talada ay u soo jeediyeen xisbiyada mucaarudka, wuxu yahay in ay taageeraan heshiiskan si ay hadhaw u xukumaan dal la aqoonsanyahay oo bulshada caalamka ka mid ah, oo ay nasiib u yeeshaan in ay yagu xukumaan dal ka mid ah bulshada caalamka oo dhaqaale leh. Talada guud ee ay soo jeediyeen, oo ah in dalka loo midoobo lana diido ninka xamar ka soo qaylinaya een ogolayn in aad noolaato oo wax ku soo kordhaan. Bal xasuusta heshiiskii Berbera sida ay uga soo horjeesteen iyo halka ay maanta Berbara marayso kana waa horumarkii ay ku diidanayeen kan iyo kuwii hore ee badana ee mawadin u hiili mustaqbalka ubudkiina iyo dalkiin. Ilaahay ayaa mahad oo dhan leh. Guul Somaliland Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites