Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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spoke by phone with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia. The call addressed regional and global developments as well as the Türkiye-Ethiopia bilateral relations. President Erdoğan stated that the relations between the two countries are growing stronger each passing day. Underscoring that Türkiye continues its efforts aimed at ending the tension between Somalia and Ethiopia, President Erdoğan noted that steps to be taken by Ethiopia that would eliminate Somalia’s concerns regarding its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity will facilitate the process.

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36 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:


I feel for Faysal. That said, all Somalis are being played for fools. Young people need to own their country and condemn these men to history.

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58 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:




spoke by phone with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia. The call addressed regional and global developments as well as the Türkiye-Ethiopia bilateral relations. President Erdoğan stated that the relations between the two countries are growing stronger each passing day. Underscoring that Türkiye continues its efforts aimed at ending the tension between Somalia and Ethiopia, President Erdoğan noted that steps to be taken by Ethiopia that would eliminate Somalia’s concerns regarding its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity will facilitate the process.

So what does this mean is turkey neutral or is  turkey doing the bidding for Ethiopia since it has more investments in Ethiopia 

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22 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

So what does this mean is turkey neutral or is  turkey doing the bidding for Ethiopia since it has more investments in Ethiopia 

I honesty don't know. It seems to me they want to have their cake and ate too. They have interests in both countries and would like to keep those interests.

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Sida lawada ogyahay,collaadda hadda ka dhextaagan Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya waa mid ka dhalatay Isafgaradkii Abiye Axmed iyo Muuse Biixi.

Arrinkaas waxaa looga dooday Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda JFS,kaddibna waxaa la geeyey Golaha Shacabka oo go'aan cad kasoo saaray.

Shalay ilaa maanta waxaan maqlayaa Turkey ayaa Heshiis dhex-dhexaadin ah Soomaaliya u keentay,oo Soomaaliya ayaa Itoobiya siinaysa Dhul-badeedkeeda(Saylac).

Waxaan la yaabanahay sida fudud ee Madaxda Qaranku u wajahayaan Masiirka Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

Waxaan ka digayaa in maanta Itoobiya lasiiyo Qayb kamida Badda Soomaaliya;waxaan digniintaas u dirayaa Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh oo u dhaartay Midnimada Shacabka,dhulka,cirka iyo badda Soomaaliya.

Waxaan uga digayaa xitaa haddii Itoobiya ka laabato Is-afgaradkii(MOU),waa in aan sinaba looga aqbalin helitaanka Badda Soomaaliya.

Dhanka kale,dib-u-eega Biyo xireenka Wabiga Nile(Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam),oo Itoobiya Xoog iyo xeelad ku bilowday 02 April 2011,diiddey in ay Masar iyo Suudaan kala Xaajooto:maanta xaggee xaalku marayaa-intaas itoobiyo shaqada hoos ayey ka wadatey ilaa ay hadda soo gaartey meel aan waxba laga qaban karin.

Maanta Masar Biyo xireenka ma weerarikarto,oo hadday sidaa samayso Masar Daadad ayaa qaaday,sidaasna waxaa guuli ku raacda Itoobiya.

Soomaaliya waxaa ku filan,Itoobiyo oo ku soo deysa "10 Million Oroma" ah,marka haddaad maanta Itoobiya u oggolaato baddaada u diyaargarow Gumeysi iyo xaqiijinta Riyaddii Itoobiya ee Boqolaalka sano.

Waxaa caqliga salimka ah diidayaa in Turkey oo shay balan qaadday in ay Soomaaliya ka difaacayso Itoobiya ay maanta ku talinayso Bixinta Badda Soomaaliya!!

Gunaanadkii,waxaan Madaxweyne @HassanSMohamud @TheVillaSomalia uga digayaa in uusan gelin khiyaano Qaran;in uusan Badda Soomaaliya ka iibin Itoobiya;in uusan Itoobiya u oggolaan marin-Baddeedka Soomaaliya.

Xildhibaan sharafta @AqalkaSare  @Golaha_shac_JFS leh ee ku dhaartay Kitaabka,waxaan u soo jeedinayaa in ay fadhiga ka kacaan oo maanta Dalkeena bedbaadshaan;waa taarrikh mugdi gelindoonta jiritaankeena ummadeed.

Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee qaaliga ah waxaan leeyahay,shalay waad diiddeen Isafgaradkii ee maanta diidda gumeyso iyo in dhulkiina iyo baddiina bilaash lagu bixiyo.

Mar 2aad,mar 3aad iyo mar 4aad,Madaxweyne Xasan waxaan uga digayaa Saxiixidda Qoraal Khiyaano Qaran ah iyo in uu Ummada Soomaaliyeed u horseed Gumeysi-dhuleed!


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Miskiinka this is pure satire 


good article che even though Farah macalin has become a real anti Somaliland figure , how ever he is consistent with his anti Ethiopia ideology 

what I don’t understand if the people in Mogadishu don’t protest against the new possible deal  where Ethiopia gets access via Somalia or via somaliland but then only with the signature of culusow if they don’t protest this  then they are all hypocrites 




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Press Statement

Mogadishu, Somalia - August 11, 2024

Today, His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a phone call with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Republic of Türkiye. Their discussions highlighted the strong bilateral relations between Somalia and Türkiye, as well as the importance of regional security and stability.

During the call, the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing the partnership between their nations, particularly in areas of mutual interest such as defense cooperation and economic development.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud emphasized Türkiye's role in promoting dialogue and peaceful resolutions to address the challenges facing the region and to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two brotherly nations.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud reiterated Somalia's readiness to engage in economic and development cooperation with Ethiopia, while firmly emphasizing that such partnerships must always respect Somalia's sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, and adhere to international law and norms. He also took the opportunity to thank President Erdoğan for his unwavering efforts in addressing this issue.

End of Statement

Villa Somalia

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