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Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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Masaaridu awal ba cadaw bay noo ahayeen oo waxay rabaan inan askar u noqono ilaalinta webigoodu , masaaridu think if the cancerous union between SL and Somalia is restored then  webigooda loo diifaacaya but they cant revive something that cant be done ,    Taiwan is a reliable partner just because China is a super power we remain firm we have principles who does us good we do them good

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Itoobiya: Dowladda Soomaaliya ma awooddo inay si hufan uga shaqeyso meel ka baxsan gobolka Banaadir




Axad, September, 15, 2024 (HOL) - Ku-xigeenka Wakiilka Joogtada ah ee Itoobiya u fadhiya Midowga Afrika, Nebiyu Tedla, ayaa ka  hadlay hadal dhawaan ka soo yeeray Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliya, Axmed Macalin Fiqi, oo ku aaddanaa in Soomaaliya ay taageerayso Xooggaga Mucaaradka Itoobiya.

Qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa X, ayuu Nebiyu ku tilmaamay hadalka wasiir Fiqi mid majaajillo ah, wuxuuna ku eedeeyay inuu danaha qabiilka ka hormarinayo horumarka qaranka.

Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Soomaliya, Axmed Macalin Fiqi ayaa sheegay Soomaaliya inay  inay xiriir la sameynayso jabhadaha ka soo horjeeda Itoobiya haddii Itoobiya ay sii waddo heshiiska ay la gashay Somaliland.

Nebiyu ayaa qoraalkiisa ku yiri, "Waa wax lagu qoslo in la arko xubno Al-Shabaab ah oo iska dhigaya mas'uuliyiin dowladeed, kuwaas oo aan awoodin in ay si hufan uga shaqeeyaan meel ka baxsan Banaadir.

Xurgufta diblumaasiyadeed ee u dhaxeysa Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya, ayaa saamayn ku yeelan karta dadaalada diblumaasiyeed ee loogu jiro in lagu xalliyo xiisadda labada dal.

Durba, hadalada xanafta leh ee labada dal isku marinayaan saxaafadda ayaa loo maleynayaa inay sabab u yihiin baaqashada wada xaajoodkii saddexaad oo la filayay in magaalada Ankara lagu qabto 17ka bishaan September. Dowladda Turkiga oo dhexdhexaadiye ka ah wada hadalkan weli wax war ah kamasoo saarin baaqashada shirka.

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18 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Somali speaking Eritrean vows to Attack Somaliland


Hooyadiisa xataa haddee Eritareeyaan tahay waa ka Soomaali dheereeyaa kuwa Oromada iyo Qureyshta sheegto oo waxee yihiin isogeen.

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1 minute ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Hooyadiisa xataa haddee Eritareeyaan tahay waa ka Soomaali dheereeyaa kuwa Oromada iyo Qureyshta sheegto oo waxee yihiin isogeen.

Somali maha  ninkani , Hooyadi ba reer budhlayn aah gaar ahaan reer bosaaso  laakin abihi wuxu ka so jeeda  Ereteriya wa wax dhab ah oo jiira,   Somaliduna  waxay ku abtirsadan abayaashood eeh slaamaha lugu ma abtirsado

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On 9/15/2024 at 11:15 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Somali maha  ninkani , Hooyadi ba reer budhlayn aah gaar ahaan reer bosaaso  laakin abihi wuxu ka so jeeda  Ereteriya wa wax dhab ah oo jiira,   Somaliduna  waxay ku abtirsadan abayaashood eeh slaamaha lugu ma abtirsado

From what I remember Sheikh Mohamed Edris's father is not Eriterian, he is Oromo that lived in Somalia. You are confusing him with Sheikh Salah from Sweden.

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No sheikh  Mohammed Idris is Eritrean well at least on his mother side I will bring the video where he says his father was from Eritrea give me a few hours 

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This is a bold statement  wauw strange 

what does he mean we lost first opportunity during miniliq they didn’t couldn’t capture Eritrea due to Italians there before that there were Turks  there before there Tigrinya kings and lords always feuded with. Amhara kings and chiefs . Ethiopia never had any access to the sea through out the history . So what is there to change . By the way does this mean the talks in turkey are dead 

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5 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

This is a bold statement  wauw strange 

what does he mean we lost first opportunity during miniliq they didn’t couldn’t capture Eritrea due to Italians there before that there were Turks  there before there Tigrinya kings and lords always feuded with. Amhara kings and chiefs . Ethiopia never had any access to the sea through out the history . So what is there to change . By the way does this mean the talks in turkey are dead 

It was not from lack of trying. If it was not for Ajuran empire, Geledi Sultanate, Adal, and other Somali entities from North to South, they would have taken the Somali sea. 

They came very close to capturing Banadir if it wasn't for Sheikh Hassan Barsane.

"During Meneliks invasions Barsane fought and defeated several thousand Abyssinian forces at Balad and Daafeet (Wanlaweyn district) in the early 1900's."


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I never know they tried to invade Somalia during the Italian colonial era  but where was the Italian administration what year was this exactly 


the Ethiopia professor I think is just lying and wishful thinking  where did puntland ever say they want to join Ethiopia their beef with Mogadishu should never be seen as wanting to join Ethiopia 


And Somaliland would never join Ethiopia we didn’t fight hard to gain our independence just to be part of a 3rd world country that is about to collapse .

as somalidu say isha cali ka lullata ayaan arka refering to somali galbeed we seen how the Somalis in galbeed are being treated , why would any one entertain such notion . Itoobiya inti ku jirtay ba ka cararaysa 


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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

I never know they tried to invade Somalia during the Italian colonial era  but where was the Italian administration what year was this exactly 



It was early 1905, thousands of  well armed Melenik forces marched all the to Balcad, one hour way from Xamar. Sheikh Hassan Barsane was fighting Melenik and Italians simultaneously. The Biyamal were in fierce war with the Italians.

Melenik also tried to invade Somali territory from Gedo. They reached Luuq in 1896. The Geledi [Raxanweyn] Sultanate along with other Somali pushed them back.

When people say, Ethiopians have literally been trying to reach the Somali coast through any means for centuries. It is not an exaggeration. 

If it was not the many Somali souls lost in the defense of Somali territories, we would be speaking Amharic now,

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