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Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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So what does this actually mean what does jabuuti want to achieve first to make peace between Somalia and Ethiopia and then get the au chairmanship 

second it’s helping the bunker get rid of the mou

the problem in here though is jabuuti is shooting it self in the foot what does this mean will they give a free port to Ethiopia. Because if they give Ethiopia a 90 percent discount it is bankrupt  jabuuti will become bankrupt,   If that is the case how ever this is good for Ethiopia if it gets a free port it can manage but here is the problem what about the navy , I still think what sl offered the Ethiopians   Nobody can offer. And I doubt Djibouti would want to get bankrupt just to stop the mou that wouldn’t make any sense at all

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This was a political master stroke on the part of IOG to diffuse crises with a sentence "We are offering Ethiopia 100% management of a port". With it, there shall be no separation between Somali peoples, no Hashaba in their midst, and the threat to the Red Sea, and India Ocean has been neutered. Award the dictator another medal for "seemingly on the onset [conditional]" throwing a life line for the Somali people of the Horn. Checkmate the bakhti-feasting Habasha!

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5 minutes ago, Illyria said:

This was a political master stroke on the part of IOG to diffuse crises with a sentence "We are offering Ethiopia 100% management of a port". With it, there shall be no separation between Somali peoples, no Hashaba in their midst, and the threat to the Red Sea, and India Ocean has been neutered. Award the dictator another medal for "seemingly on the onset [conditional]" throwing a life line for the Somali people of the Horn. Checkmate the bakhti-feasting Habasha!

Do not celebrate too hastily, for this development may hold little significance. What does it truly mean to have 100% management of a port? Does this imply that the port will be offered to Ethiopia at no cost? If that is the case, then President IOG would be the architect of Djibouti’s economic downfall, as giving away a port for free would undoubtedly cripple his nation's economy. There must be more at play here, and we are in need of clarity and explanation on this matter.

Furthermore, what about the proposed naval base? Ethiopia has expressed a desire to secure its presence on the Red Sea will President IOG also provide for that?

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Nothing is for free, and the details shall be ironed out between the two nations with Jibouti being in the driving seat. This proposal I trust is backed by a number of Muslim nations. More importantly, Somali seas, be ion the Red seas or Indian Ocean, are out of their filthy paws. 

We knew all along Habasha did not want to built a port, nor could it build it, for it lacks the requisite wealth nor the investment, and if they had, they would have built Lamu offered to them by Kenya in 2012.

The Kenyan option:
    - In May, 2012, Ethiopia agreed a deal with Kenya to facilitate the acquisition of land in the island of Lamu as part of the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (Lapsset) project, a $24bn(£18bn) transport and infrastructure plan to link the two countries and their neighbours.
        - The project was signed in 2012 but has been beset by funding delays and security problems in both countries.

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Türkiye leads mediation in Somalia-Ethiopia sea access dispute

Sunday September 1, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) —  Türkiye has emerged as a central mediator in the escalating dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia over Ethiopia's pursuit of access to the sea, a move that has raised significant concerns in Somalia about its territorial integrity. The conflict stems from a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed earlier this year between Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Musa Bihi, which grants Ethiopia access to ports in Somaliland—a breakaway region that declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but remains unrecognized internationally.

The MoU has sparked fears in Mogadishu that Ethiopia's ambitions may extend beyond commercial interests to include a military presence, a scenario that Somalia sees as a direct threat to its sovereignty. Recognizing the potential for this dispute to destabilize the Horn of Africa, Türkiye initiated the "Ankara Process," a series of diplomatic negotiations to defuse tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia.


Türkiye's role in the Ankara Process is underpinned by its deep-rooted historical and cultural ties with both Somalia and Ethiopia. Over the years, Türkiye has cultivated strong diplomatic and economic relationships with these nations, positioning itself as a trusted intermediary capable of facilitating dialogue and preventing further escalation.

The first round of talks, held in Ankara in July, marked the beginning of official dialogue between Somalia and Ethiopia following the signing of the MoU. A second round concluded in August, with a third round scheduled for September. Türkiye's involvement is seen as critical in ensuring that the negotiations stay on track and that a peaceful resolution is reached.

The implications of the Somalia-Ethiopia dispute extend far beyond the immediate region. The Horn of Africa is a critical corridor for global trade, providing access to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Any disruption in this region could have severe consequences, affecting neighbouring countries such as Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia, all of which rely on the stability of these waters for their economic well-being.

Egypt recently signed a defence pact with Somalia, partly driven by its own disputes with Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The prospect of Ethiopia gaining access to the Red Sea through Somaliland has raised alarms in Cairo, particularly regarding the security of the Suez Canal, a vital global trade route.

For the Ankara Process to succeed, Ethiopia must address Somalia's concerns by clearly stating that its intentions for sea access are purely commercial. Any agreement reached must respect Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, particularly concerning the sensitive Somaliland region. Continued dialogue, facilitated by Türkiye, is essential to prevent the situation from escalating into conflict.

However, if diplomatic efforts fail, the risk of regional destabilization could increase, potentially drawing in other regional powers and non-state actors, which could further complicate the situation. Such an escalation would have significant implications not only for Somalia and Ethiopia but for the entire Horn of Africa.

Türkiye's involvement in the Somalia-Ethiopia dispute is part of its broader strategic engagement in Africa. Over the past decade, Türkiye has expanded its influence on the continent through investments in infrastructure, trade, and military cooperation. In Somalia, Türkiye has been particularly active in building schools, hospitals, and roads, as well as providing military training to Somali forces. These efforts have earned Türkiye considerable goodwill, which it is now leveraging to mediate the conflict.

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How times have changed!

"For argument's sake,if Abiy Ahmed has aligned himself with the UAE & Turkey, acquiring drones to target our people. 

Why should it be unacceptable for Amharas to collaborate with Egypt or Somalia? 

If Oromo Prosperity Party/OLF can then Amharas have every right to do the same!"

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Yes but Amharas will not since Amharas view Egypt as a more of a direct threat  to Ethiopia how much Amharas despise the gallas and abiye I don’t think they will side with Egypt or even Somalia 

but Ethiopia feels so threatend by Egypt these days i dont think the Ethiopians will back down they might even threaten to shabelle river  

Let’s see how the talks in Ankara go 



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Abiy is massacring Amharas daily. It's matter of survival. They don't have lthe luxury of picking ideall allies. They also understand Ethiopia might collapse. They are positioning  themselves in advantageous situation.

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Welk maybe yes their enemy today are the  gallas  if Ethiopia collapses they might want to ventje top dog and then maybe re construct Ethiopia or the old Abyssinia from the ashes we shall see in this door case scenario Somalis must prepare them selves I am talking about Somali galbeed  but abtigiis is busy allowing gallas to freely roam in Somali region. Not sure if the man has a plan if the empire collapses 

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#Sudan closes #Ethiopia border after Fano militia seize nearby town

Authorities in Sudan’s eastern Al-Qadarif state have closed the Gallabat border crossing with Ethiopia after the #Fano militia seized the nearby Ethiopian town of #Metema. According to the Sudan Tribune, Sudanese authorities allowed disarmed Ethiopian federal police and army personnel to cross into Sudan, while Fano militia members allowed stranded Sudanese nationals to enter Ethiopia.

The Metema-#Gallabat border crossing between the two countries faces frequent closures due to localized tensions in the area. Since conflict erupted between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (#RSF) last year, thousands of Sudanese have fled into Ethiopia.

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