Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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What’s is quite ironic or actually more satire is that nobody has actually seen the originally signed MOU nor the actual agreement. But your seing Ministers and regime supports celebrating while nobody has seen it, the Courts, Parliament nor Guurti has laid eyes on the document, and neither has the public seen it.

And yet the regime and Faisal Ali Waraabe are already hailing and celebrating something they haven’t seen, haven’t studies and haven’t even discussed which might have quite the repercussions that they might come to regret. 


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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:


Very very interesting development it seems abiye is determined to have a sea out let   . I don’t see him backing down on the efforts of the bunker at this point only Somaliland is the only one that can stop him from a practical position . Muse bixii him self is seeking re election in four months time he will need  the support of this deal if it results in recognition it’s crucial for his return so he is pushing it . If he doesn’t manage to convince the Ethiopians to recognise Somaliland independence there isn’t going to be much of a deal . Because recognition is valued more then diamonds or money or anything. Muse wants to distguish him self form all the all previous leaders . Though if they go ahead with the deal there is no turning back . Though if it isa principle thing on Somalia to stop Ethiopia from having sea access via somaliland. The bunker can only offer sl a better deal the Ethiopians are offering though I do believe the Ethiopians are using this as a tool to get the best deal to pin Mogadishu against hargeisa and if I was them I would do the same also . If Ethiopia go ahead with the deal and let’s say even recognise somaliland they jeprodise their influence over the bunker and their troops  it would be a matter of time if or when their troops are out of Somalia we should also consider the Turks and their influence can they stop or fight for Somalia against Ethiopia interest we do know they have billions of dollars of investments in Addis Ababa . Then there is the United Arab emeretes and their role in all of this. Interesting time indeed .

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Turkey says Somalia, Ethiopia to resume talks on port deal

Tensions boiled over when Ethiopia agreed to lease 20km (12 miles) of coastline from Somaliland in exchange for recognition of its independence.

Video Duration 12 minutes 24 seconds 12:24

Published On 9 Aug 20249 Aug 2024

The Somali and Ethiopian foreign ministers will meet in Ankara next week to discuss disagreements over a port deal Ethiopia signed with the breakaway region of Somaliland this year, Turkey’s foreign minister says.

“Tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia would come to an end with Ethiopia’s access to the seas through Somalia as long as Ethiopia’s recognition of Somalia’s territorial integrity and political sovereignty is secured,” Hakan Fidan said at a news conference in Istanbul on Friday.


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Turkey is mediating talks between the East African neighbours, whose ties were strained in January when Ethiopia agreed to lease 20km (12 miles) of coastline from Somaliland in exchange for recognition of its independence. Somalia says Somaliland is part of its territory.

The agreement grants Ethiopia a 50-year lease on a naval base with access to Somaliland’s Berbera port. It was signed on January 1 in Addis Ababa by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland leader Muse Bihi Abdi

In April, Somalia announced the expulsion of Ethiopia’s ambassador from the country. It also shut down Ethiopia’s consulates in Hargeisa, the largest city and capital of Somaliland, and Garowe, the capital city of the semiautonomous region of Puntland.

Ethiopia is one of Africa’s most populous countries with 120 million people, but its economy has been restricted by a lack of access to the sea. It was cut off from the Gulf of Aden after a three-decades-long war that saw Eritrea secede in 1993, taking all of the country’s former coastline with it.

In return for the deal, Ethiopia said it would provide an “in-depth assessment” of Somaliland’s quest for official recognition as an independent nation, marking the first time any other country has offered to do this.

Fidan’s announcement came a week after he visited Addis Ababa and met Abiy.

Somaliland is a self-governing breakaway state. Somalia regards any international recognition of it as an attack on its sovereignty.

The Somali government has called the port deal “outrageous” and “unauthorised”.

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So turkey is pressuring Somalia to give Ethiopia access to the sea to have Naval base. .  So what will this entail  this means they have to get access to hobyo Garacad . But this is very bad for Somalia and hsm what will Ethiopian actually give him in return other then dumping the mou they have with somaliland .  Abiye and the gallas might ask hsm to get somaliland sea access because it is closer to their land but somaliland will most likely reject it if it doesn’t include Recognition. The winners in this deal are Ethiopia they might not get what they want to get the golf of Aden and Red Sea  but at least get access to the sea . For somaliland it is an L because they got excluded from any deal but the biggest L is for the bunker for they get absolutely nothing in return

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No one is giving Ethiopia naval base. HSM will be chased out of town if he agrees to such thing! He's already on shaky ground. Any such agreement will result in his dismissal as he pissed the parliament, regional leaders, politicians, and even the youth who insulted today inside the villa mosque.

Abiy wants a way out of this mess and Turkey has invested too much in both countries.

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Turkey wants a middle ground  che hsm is ruthless he just wants to be reselected that is his objective 

turkey has to remain neutral between Ethiopia and Somalia and it pressures the Ethiopians to drop the mou with somaliland in order to give the Ethiopians something in exchange Ethiopië will respect the one somalia policy I wouldn’t  trust hsm he would say something that Ethiopia lease deal is maybe ten or twenty years and not 50 years to safe face . Let’s see how the talks go next week  I don’t think though they will agree to an agreement cause hsm can’t be signing deals with Ethiopia while saying they are the  enemy I predict the status quo will remain


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No one trusts HSM. He would sell everything if he can. Ethiopia might be backing down cuz outside pressure. Abiy wants face-saving exit. He cannot pick more battles specially now considering he is taking Western money, IMF and World Bank loans.

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Turkiga: Xiisadda Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya waxay kusoo dhamaanaysaa in Itoobiya ay galaangal u yeelato badda 


Sabti, Agoosto, 10, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiirrada arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ayaa ku kulmi doona Ankara toddobaadkan si ay uga wada hadlaan khilaafka ka dhashay heshiiska ay la saxiixatay maamulka Somaliland sanadkan, sida uu sheegay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Turkiga.

“Xiisadda Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya waxay soo afjarmi doontaa in Itoobiya ay galaangal u yeelato badda iyada oo soo mareysa Soomaaliya ilaa inta Itoobiya ka xaqiijinayso midnimada dhuleed iyo madax-bannaanida siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya,” ayuu Hakan Fidan ku yiri shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Istanbul.

Hadalka kasoo baxay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Turkiya ayaa yimid todobaad ka dib markii uu booqday magaalada Addis Ababa oo uu la kulmay raysal Wasaare Abiy Ahmed.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa horey u sheegtay in haddii Ethiopia ay doonayso inay galaangal u yeelato biyaha Soomaaliya, ay soo marto waddada sharciga ah, iyadoo ixtiraamaysa madax bannaanida dhuleed ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya.

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Here the Turks again  they say they want to give access to Ethiopia via Somalia i don’t know what they mean by this  Do they mean  via Somaliland or proper Somalia . Not sure what it says. Let see next week what the talks say 

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3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Whatever happens, it is the Somali people  that will get screwed.

That is for sure if they only made deals between themselves instead of hoping on the Turks or the Ethiopians 

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Weftiga Somalida ku matalaya wada xaajoodka Itoobiya,waxa uu gaaray Turkiga,iyadoo uu ku jiro Lataliyaha Amniga Qaranka Xasan Shiikh. Waxay ku timid tagida weftiga Somalida ee Turkiga,iyadoon wakht…


HSM dowladiisu waxay u saxiixi doonaan heshii kii Somaliland la gashay Ethopia.

Fiqi, reerkiisa Hobyo buu dekad uga soo dhameen in Ethopia ka sameeyso

Turkiga, wuxuu iska dhigin in uu soomaliyo la jiro, balse wuxuu ku dadaalin siday ethipia u heli laheed waxay rabto

Once again, Ethipia and Turkey are the winners and Somalia is the looser, 

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