Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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Garacad has not the equipment and facilities to serve Ethiopia unless Ethiopia finds a funder to develop it for them. And garacad is puntland not sure how the bunker can convince puntland to give a big share of its port to Ethiopia remember Ethiopia wants a percentage in the port so they can minimise on the cost Djibouti is making them pay . In berbera port they have 19 percent share . But the deal with somaliland is to good to let go a naval base  which they  so badly want  to secure their security interest on the Red Sea .how far ulusow willing to bend to let the mou go away. He has to give the Ethiopians an offer they can’t refuse . Hadu ta diido then the other option if it s a principle thing to protect Somali interest against Ethiopian involvement then he has to give somaliland an offer it can’t refuse . That’s the other option  the thing is what does he want more or hates more Ethiopia getting access to a sea or Somaliland quest for statehood by blocking Ethiopia sea access he also helps Djibouti if he doesn’t do that I don’t know his relationships with geele can continue to exist at least in a positive manner

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4 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Its seems the talks have failed even culusos claimed that nothing came out of the said talks 

yes, it was a waste of time

Ethiopia still committed to get sea access

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Why wouldn't Ethiopia desire access to the sea? They are compelled to pay $3 billion annually in port fees, an extortionate sum exacted by Djibouti. The lack of maritime access for a nation as vast as Ethiopia is not only impractical but also poses significant security concerns for the entire region. The current situation is untenable, and viable alternatives must be explored to alleviate this burden.

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7 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

The lack of maritime access for a nation as vast as Ethiopia is not only impractical but also poses significant security concerns for the entire region

Xaaji the security concern thing is a cover. In Djibouti they pay around one billion which is nothing compared to the amount of cargo that goes to Ethiopia. From oil, fertilizers, grain, merchandise, chemicals, automobiles and so forth. They don't pay any tariffs or taxes on these and many imports.  All they pay is small portion of the port services or they would have went to Lamu or Mombasa in Kenya. Even in Bebera, Ethiopian goods transit without paying nothing except the port services.

In fact, Abiy tried to move to Kenyan ports many times, but can't satisfy the British system that manages the port which demands accounts to be settled with dollars and on time. In Djibouti, they mostly pay their services Ethiopian Birr. No one will accept the volatile Ethiopian currency for trade.

If ports were that serious for Ethiopia, they could have negotiated a deal with Eritrea. In fact, the Assab port was built and managed by Ethiopia for 50 years.

Look, Abiy has seen the corrupt Somali leaders who doesn't look beyond today. He sees Dani in Puntland who would do anything for power. HSM making deal with British to get weapons embargo lifted and so on. You got a desperate  separatist clan, and corrupt southern leadership. How many times we have to say it. If God willing some of us ever come to power, the Hargeisa project will be over within a few years. Rather than ask Abiy a deal , will demand the return of Somali Galbeed or a referendum for the people to decide.

Don't be even be surprised if Hobyo or Garacad offer a military base for Abiy in exchange for business deals. 

 And Finally, when we traveled to Ethiopia to get some weapons and liberate Awdal, everyone accused us of aiding the enemy. 

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11 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Why wouldn't Ethiopia desire access to the sea? They are compelled to pay $3 billion annually in port fees, an extortionate sum exacted by Djibouti. The lack of maritime access for a nation as vast as Ethiopia is not only impractical but also poses significant security concerns for the entire region. The current situation is untenable, and viable alternatives must be explored to alleviate this burden.

how is that SOMALI problem? that is their misfortune


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15 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Why wouldn't Ethiopia desire access to the sea? They are compelled to pay $3 billion annually in port fees, an extortionate sum exacted by Djibouti. The lack of maritime access for a nation as vast as Ethiopia is not only impractical but also poses significant security concerns for the entire region. The current situation is untenable, and viable alternatives must be explored to alleviate this burden.

Maxaa naga galay bad la'aantooda? Iyagee jirtaa. You should be thankful for awoowyaashaa iyo faracaaga u soo taagnaa difaacida baddaan dheer for hundreds of years. Xabashiland dalal ka waa weyn ayaa bad la'aan ah, sida Mongooliya, the 'stan' countries, Maali, Jaad, Nayjar, Buluufiya to say a few. Dhulkee naga heystaan intaa soo ceshan lahayd ayaaba bad sii siineysaa. Yaab iyo yaabkiisa.

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Madaxweyne Xasan Shelkh: "Ma jiraan wax calaamado ah oo muujinaya in ay Itoobiya ka soo laabanayso heshiiska badda 

Arbaco, Luulyo, 3, 2024 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in aanay jirin wax muujinaya in Itoobiya ay dib uga laabanayso heshiiskii is-afgaradka ahaa ee ay Somaliland la saxeexatay.

"Ma jiraan wax calaamado ah oo muujinaya in ay Itoobiya ka soo laabanayaan waddadaas," ayuu yidhi madaxweynuhu.

Hadalkan ayuu madaxweynuhu sheegay kadib markii ay dalka Turkiga ay ku soo dhamaadeen wada hadal u dhaxeeyay dowladaha Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya, kaas oo aan wax natiijo ah laga gaarin.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ayaa sheegay in Itoobiya ay tahay midda Turkiga ka codsatay inay dhexdhexaadiyaan Soomaaliya.

Wuxuu sheegay in ergada Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya aysan wada hadal toos ah yeelan, balse Turkiga uu dhexdhexaad ka yahay.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ayaa u ballansan inay wahadal labaad ku yeeshaan dalka Turkiga, kaasoo la rajeynayo inuu dhaco bisha September ee sanadkan.

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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Maxaa naga galay bad la'aantooda? Iyagee jirtaa. You should be thankful for awoowyaashaa iyo faracaaga u soo taagnaa difaacida baddaan dheer for hundreds of years. Xabashiland dalal ka waa weyn ayaa bad la'aan ah, sida Mongooliya, the 'stan' countries, Maali, Jaad, Nayjar, Buluufiya to say a few. Dhulkee naga heystaan intaa soo ceshan lahayd ayaaba bad sii siineysaa. Yaab iyo yaabkiisa.

I never said bad baan siinaya I said I can understand where the Ethiopians are coming from  from 1950 until 1993 they had a port and suddenly they don’t  and the situation has changed let’s see if we were in Ethiopia shoes what would u have done 

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On 7/3/2024 at 5:37 AM, galbeedi said:

 And Finally, when we traveled to Ethiopia to get some weapons and liberate Awdal, everyone accused us of aiding the enemy. 

Marka Muuse idinkaa tilmaamay. Wu idiin daba maray. 😂 

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Some Somalis are fighting hard to free their land. In fact, most nations within Ethiopia are fighting hard to make sure their land is under their control, and not under Abiy. And here you have some Somalis are working hard to make the case for Ethiopia.


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Abiy Ahmed defends Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU amid Somali government protests


Thursday July 4, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) - Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addressed criticisms from the Somali government regarding Ethiopia's recent agreement with Somaliland, emphasizing Ethiopia's commitment to peaceful resolutions and mutual development.

"There is no need to go around other countries to accuse us. We are ready for discussion here in Addis Ababa," Abiy stated, addressing accusations from Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud about the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland. The agreement, which involves Ethiopia leasing 20 kilometers of Somaliland's Red Sea coastline in exchange for recognizing Somaliland's independence, has been deemed illegal and unacceptable by Somalia.


The comments come days after an attempt by Turkey to formally mediate between the two East African neighbours.

"It is very simple because we have no fight with the Somali government," Abiy said, noting that the Somali government "chose to go around and accuse us." He added, "My advice is don’t waste money; we spend money when we go around countries. There is no need to go around other countries to accuse us when it is possible to come to us in Addis Ababa. We are ready for a discussion," suggesting that resources could be better spent on development projects within Somalia.

"It is very simple because we have no fight with the Somali government," Abiy added.

"But Ethiopia has a question, it is difficult to be landlocked with an economy of this size. This is a national interest issue." Ethiopia wants to "reconcile this without lives lost; without insulting each other and without wasting money traveling to [other] countries. If there is a win-win approach for common benefit, the Ethiopian government is always ready to work together. It can’t be a shame when it is Ethiopia’s interest and correct when it is others’ interest," he said.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud recently responded firmly to Ethiopia's actions, emphasizing Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. "Somalia will not accept any agreements that violate our sovereignty," he declared. Referring to the MoU, he stated, "This agreement is illegal and unacceptable. We will not recognize any deal that undermines Somalia's territorial integrity."

President Mohamud criticized Ethiopia's approach, saying, "Instead of respecting our borders, Ethiopia has chosen to make deals with breakaway regions. This is a direct affront to Somalia's unity and sovereignty." He expressed hope for a peaceful resolution but remained firm on Somalia's position, stating, "We are committed to protecting our nation's sovereignty. We welcome dialogue, but our stance on the Somaliland issue is non-negotiable."

To mediate these tensions, Turkey has facilitated initial talks between Ethiopia and Somalia, which have been described as candid and forward-looking. These discussions are set to continue in Ankara in September. "The Ethiopian and Somali foreign ministers had a candid, cordial and forward-looking exchange," according to Turkey's Foreign Ministry.

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On 7/4/2024 at 6:08 AM, Arafaat said:

Marka Muuse idinkaa tilmaamay. Wu idiin daba maray

Muuse waxa uu ogaa haddii aan hub helno in there could have been another Goojacade. So he decided to give the shop. Why don't we liberate the land and negotiate a business deal just like these fools.

Awdal managing its affaires  is a very dangerous thing for too many people. Even Che, deep down might not approve because Garacad could be challenged by Awdal ports because of proximity. Even when the federal government was fighting Abiy , they went straight to Addis and offered Garacad to silver plate.

The only way to prosper is by ports and trade routes, and Awdal got that. Other than Mooyaale to the south all other ports are far away from population centres. Zaylac is just around 300 Km to Jigjiga and major Oromo population centres.

Regardless, we will build our ports one day came whatever might be.


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Awdal is an integral part of somaliland they are deeply rooted in Somaliland society I can’t imagine aaway that all awdalite communities  detach them from somaliland all their elders are on board with Somaliland politicians bussines people every one only the young ugaas who resides in Addis Ababa isn’t on board the Garaad clan were always sceptical with somaliland because they are a whole different clan with different ambitions really who believe their clan interest isn’t met and that they don’t share an ancestry with the rest of somaliland. Where as the duriyad and awdal clan share more then just ancestry  they are closer to each other and intertwined though I do agree with galbeedi that awdal didn’t get its fair share of development but allot of region didn’t but it hasn’t got to do with qabil but more with the centralisation formula we have adopted in somaliland  and I do believe awdal is one of the strategic places of the horn and in particular in Somaliland 

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