Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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I think Ethiopia, specially Oromo obsession with Somali seas, are real, and will do anything to get sea access.

We should not underestimate their intentions, they will most likely recognise SL

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Meles zenawi objection to support Somaliland over Somalia  was different because meles believe u keep the Somalis under ur thumb if u keep all of them as ur friend and don’t support one group over the other and he managed it well. Meles wanted good relations with Somaliland but not at the expense  of the bunker simply because if he had supported Somaliland he would have lost grip over Mogadishu and they would feel antagonised and anti Ethiopianism would rise every one would have abandoned the tigray funded govt aka the tfg back then led by cabdilahi yusuf .


 Xabashida their politicians are smart meles had a grudge against afewerqi he said I will ignore assap and massawa I will use jabuuti I will give them all the money in the world  and  let u Eritreans die of poverty but things have changed abiye gave the  Eritreans the chance to commit genocide in tigray as they did  and they slaughter their tigrayan cousins .

but abiye is not meles abiye doesn’t want to pay 2,5 billion dolllar to jabuuti every year and counting. Abiye wants to protect the abay dam . He is flirting with the Arabs suggested to join the Arab league not sure what relations they have with Arabs 

abiye want to be seen as a hero in Ethiopia greater then Haile sellasie who federated eritrea with Ethiopia. And abiye hada  wuxu fahmay that the bunker is just booto the may may crew the pirates in garowe all defied the bunker on Ethiopia despite  abiye being nice to Somaliland  this shows u the times have changed this was u thinkable 15 years ago . The only one that can stop this deal from going through is really somaliland and that will only happen if the  bunker  gives a better alternative  but I don’t think they will . The other option is if Ethiopia backs down  but that is unlikely the other scenario is a full scale war with eritrea to get assap . If they go that route good  let the xabahsis kill each other 













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Ulusow crocodile tears he doesnt oppose Ethiopia access to the sea



Isniin, Juun, 24, 2024 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud, ayaa sheegay in la jahwareeriyay khilaafka ka dhaxeeya Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ee dhashay faragalinta arrimaha badda.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya aysan bad u diidin Ethiopia, isagoo caddeeyay waxa la isku haysto ee uu khilaafku ka taagan yahay inay yihiin, habka ay Ethiopia doonayso inay kusoo gaarto badda Soomaaliya.

“Dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo adduunkaba waxaan rabaa inaan u caddeeyo, Ethiopia haddii ay doonayso inay soo gaarto xeebaha Soomaaliya, waan soo dhoweynaynaa. Waxaan rabnaa inay usoo gaarto sida ay Uganda usoo gaartay xeebaha Kenya, sida ay  Ruwanda iyo Burundi u gaaraan xeebaha Tanzania, "ayuu yiri madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh.

Madaxweynaha waxa uu sheegay, in Soomaaliya aysan aqbalayn in Ethiopia si aanay dowladda Soomaaliya raali ka ahayn inay usoo gasho baddeeda. Wuxuu ugu baaqay Ethiopia inay kusoo laabtaan dhaqanka suuban ee caalamka u yaala.

“Ethiopia, ha iska iloobaan ciidamo bad ah ayaan Soomaaliya dajinaynaa, saldhig bad ah ayaan Soomaaliya ku yeelanaynaa,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray madaxweynuhu.

Hadalka madaxweynaha ayaa yimid, iyadoo Ethiopia iyo Somailand ay sheegeen inuu gabagabo ku dhow yahay dhameystirka iyo dhaqan galinta heshiiska badda. Itoobiyaha waxay sheegtay in ay si degdeg u aqoonsanayso madax bannaanida Somaliland.


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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

another BAD day for secessionist, they were dreaming of getting recognition on 26th

nobody said anything about that  what we do know is the MOU deal is nearing its closure  and the two sides have reached an agreement  thats what we know but we dont have exact date when it will be officially signed.



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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

another BAD day for secessionist, they were dreaming of getting recognition on 26th

nobody said anything about that  what we do know is the MOU deal is nearing its closure  and the two sides have reached an agreement  thats what we know but we dont have exact date when it will be officially signed.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo sheegay in ay ka go'antahay in la fuliyo heshiiska Itoobiya


Arbaco,  Juun, 26, 2024 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa sheegay in Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ay ka go'antahay in isfahankii badda loo badalo heshiis rasmi ah.

Biixi oo hadal ka jeediyay munaasibada xuska maalinta xornimada ee 26 Juun, ayaa sheegay in Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ay labada ka go'antahay in ay fuliyaan heshiiska oo uu sheegay in uu Somaliland u horseedi doono aqoonsi.

Waxa uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ku eedeeyay daacadnimo daro, isaga oo sheegay in aanu diidanayn in heshiis badeed la galo, lakiin uu diidanyahay in ay Somaliland gasho.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo isna dhankiisa ka hadlay munaasibada 26 Juun ee magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in aanu kasoo horjeedin in reer Somaliland ay heshiis galaan, lakiin uu kasoo horjeedo in dhul la bixiyo, isaga oo sheegay in ay leedahay khatar mustaqbal.

Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Itoobiya ayaa gobolka ka abuuray xiisad dibulumaasiyadeed oo ka dhaxaysa waddamada Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya, sidookale qaar badan oo kamid ah urur goboleedyada caalamka ayaa kasoo horjeedsaday heshiiska.

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It is quite amusing that the so called government in  the Bunker  traveled to Turkey for discussions with Ethiopia, during which they offered Hobyo for Ethiopia’s use, free of charge. This action effectively undermines even Geele, all in an effort to obstruct Somaliland. The issue is not about preventing Ethiopia from gaining access to the sea; rather, it is about thwarting Somaliland from benefiting from any potential agreement. This is not a matter of principle, or  anti Ethiopian sentiment, or fear of Ethiopian occupation. It is something else entirely. Its about Money and financial gains  and about stopping Somaliland. Ujeedadu maha itoobiya ujeedadu wa Somaliland.


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Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya oo wada hadal rasmi ah uu uga furmayo magaalada Ankara


Axad, Juun, 30, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya, Axmed Macallin Fiqi iyo wafdiga la socda ayaa maanta u ambabaxay Turkiga, halkaasoo ay uga qeyb galayaan wada hadallo u dhaxeeya Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya oo ay gar wadeen ka tahay dowladda Turkiga.

War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ayaa lagu sheegay, in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay ka go’an tahay mabaadi’deeda ilaalinta madaxbanaanida iyo midnimada dhuleed ee dalka.

Turkiga ayaa Soomaaliya u sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay inuu xalliyo  khilaafka Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.

Dhawaan, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka Turkiga Hakan Fidan ayaa kulamo la qaatay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa horey u sheegtay in aysan wax wada hadal ah la gali doonin Ethiopia, illaa iyo inta Itoobiya ay ka laabanayso heshiiska arrimaha badda oo ay kula jirto maamulka Somaliland

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa u qabatay bishaan June ee maanta ku eg, inay Itoobiya uga laabato heshiiska badda, haddii kale waxay dowladdu sheegtay in ciidamadeeda ay si degdeg ah dalka uga bixidoonaan.

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Remember  that  Bunker  declared it would not engage in dialogue with Ethiopia unless Ethiopia withdrew from the signed Memorandum of Understanding. However, Somalia has since reneged on this stance. It appears the pressure is mounting on the   Bunker.

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It is the other round. Abiy made a diplomatic blunder. He is looking for a way out. That said, HSM is always happy to please. I wouldn't doubt if he offers a port to Abiy.

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7 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

It is the other round. Abiy made a diplomatic blunder. He is looking for a way out. That said, HSM is always happy to please. I wouldn't doubt if he offers a port to Abiy.

Apart from the African Union troops what else could  abiye want from Somalia. I sense the au Ethiopia troops stay is important for him . But it seems south western state wishes the Ethiopians to stay even if the bunker wants to remove them 

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8 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Hobyo port is probably a long way to go, seven or eight years from now.

I think Hobyo thing is fake news

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7 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

think Hobyo thing is fake news

Exactly, if they need a port from central Somalia right now, Garacad is ready to do the job immediately. We met the minister of ports of Galmudug here a month or so ago and they are on the process of building a port which at the early state of design and engineering.

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