Che -Guevara

Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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It all depends on perspective really a somalilander will try to defend his qaran that is his context and his qaran.the koonfurians claim they are also defending their qaran and believe that Somaliland does t belong  landers but to the koonfurians . There isn’t much room for talk if u ask me when u have those stand points when dealing with negotiations 

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Xaaji, your definition of Qaran is like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. One day, it's all about a Qaran owned by its citizens, with a constitution and democracy, and the next day it's a Qaran that's morphed into an authoritarian family regime that has suspended democratic elections, divided its  citizens in to in-groups, second class and another as enemies to wage war against and . Make up your mind!

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The Somaliland Government was elected by its People  untill new elections are held they are the legitimate  leaders of the country they were given  legitimacy    by the guurti as our constitution states  that the guurti can extend the term of the Executive branche of the Goverment president and vice president and cabinet.  its the same qaran i dont care if Siilaanyi ina rayaale and ina cigaal and tuur are at the helm or ina biixi.  I support and protect the interest of the Republic From Yoocade to Lowyacade, thats the qaran i am talking about party politiics dont interest me So ina bixii is not more or less evil then ina rayaale who extended his term also two years  or like ina cigaal or Siilaanyo this became part of the SL political culture. There are no second class citizens in SL who are these second class citizens u are refering to ?

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Itoobiya oo sheegtay in aysan marnaba ka tanaasulidoonin doonisteeda badda cas


Isniin, Juun, 3, 2024 (HOL) - Machadka Arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa marti galiyay wada-hadalladii 2-aad ee Badda Cas oo ka dhacay Addis Ababa, kaasoo hal ku dhiggiisu uu ahaa baahida Iskaashi Goboleed ee badda cas.

Madaxa fulinta machadka arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya Jacfar Bedru oo warbaahinta la hadlay, ayaa ku nuux nuuxsaday muhiimada ay Itoobiya u leedahay gobolka Bada Cas, wuxuuna sheegay in Itoobiya  aysan marnaba ka tanaasuli doonin doonisteeda badda cas.

“Itoobiya iyo badda cas waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir taariikhi ah. Itoobiya waligeed waxay halgan taariikhihi ah ugu jirtay badda cas, waana arrin ku xiran jiritaankeeda. Waddamada dariskeenna ah waxaa ka go’an inay meesha ka saaraan doonisteenna badda cas” ayuu yiri  Jacfar Bedru.

Jacfar Bedru oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa ku eedeeyay wuxuu ugu yeeray cadowga Itoobiya ee taariikhiga ah, inay maleegayeen sidii Itoobiya looga saari lahaa wada hadallada ku saabsan badda cas.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Itoobiya ayaa doonaysa inay ka *****so fulinta heshiiska ay la gashay maamulka Somaliland, kowdii bishii January ee sanadkan, kaasoo ku saabsan in Itoobiya ay qeyb ka hesho badda cas.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa si adag uga hortimid damaca iyo doonista Itoobiya ee badda cas, iyadoo ku tilmaamtay heshiiskaas inuu xad gudub ku yahay madax bannaanida iyo gobonimada jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya.

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Itoobiya oo Baarlamaanka dalkeeda horgeesay heshiiskii ay la gashay Somaliland 

Talaado, Juun, 4, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiirka gaadiidka iyo saadka ee dowladda Itoobiya, Alemu Sime, ayaa maanta baarlamaanka dalkiisa horgeeyay heshiiska ay Itoobiya la gashay Somaliland, heshiiskaas oo ku saabsan, in Itoobiya ay deked iyo saldhig militari ka hesho badda cas ee Soomaaliya.

Alemu Sime, ayaa xildhibaanada u sheegay in heshiiskii is-afgaradka ahaa (MoU) ee Itoobiya iyo Somaliland ee January 01 uu ka dhigan yahay heshiis  dhab ah  oo Itoobiya ka caawinayo helitaanka marin-badeedka.

“Tani waxay ka dhigi doontaa rabitaanka Itoobiya ee ah helitaanka marin badeed, taasoo keenaysa isbeddel asaasi ah waxqabadka saadka iyo iskaashi cusub,” ayuu yiri wasiirka gaadiidka Itoobiya.

Maalmo ka hor ayay ahayd markii machadka Machadka Arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya uu marti galiyay wada-hadalladii 2-aad ee Badda Cas, kaas oo ka dhacay magaalada Addis Ababa, hal ku dhiggiisuna uu ahaa baahida Iskaashi Goboleed ee badda cas.

Madaxa fulinta machadka arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya Jacfar Bedru oo warbaahinta la hadlay, ayaa ka hadlay muhiimada ay Itoobiya u leedahay gobolka Bada Cas, wuxuuna sheegay in Itoobiya aysan marnaba ka tanaasuli doonin doonisteeda badda cas.

“Itoobiya iyo badda cas waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir taariikhi ah. Itoobiya waligeed waxay halgan taariikhihi ah ugu jirtay badda cas, waana arrin ku xiran jiritaankeeda. Waddamada dariskeenna ah waxaa ka go’an inay meesha ka saaraan doonisteenna badda cas” ayuu yiri  Jacfar Bedru.

Jacfar Bedru oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa ku eedeeyay wuxuu ugu yeeray cadowga Itoobiya ee taariikhiga ah, inay maleegayeen sidii Itoobiya looga saari lahaa wada hadallada ku saabsan badda cas.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Itoobiya ayaa doonaysa inay ka *****so fulinta heshiiska ay la gashay maamulka Somaliland, kowdii bishii January ee sanadkan, kaasoo ku saabsan in Itoobiya ay qeyb ka hesho badda cas

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On 6/4/2024 at 3:43 AM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

The Somaliland Government was elected by its People  untill new elections are held they are the legitimate  leaders of the country they were given  legitimacy    by the guurti as our constitution states  that the guurti can extend the term of the Executive branche of the Goverment president and vice president and cabinet.  its the same qaran i dont care if Siilaanyi ina rayaale and ina cigaal and tuur are at the helm or ina biixi.  I support and protect the interest of the Republic From Yoocade to Lowyacade, thats the qaran i am talking about party politiics dont interest me So ina bixii is not more or less evil then ina rayaale who extended his term also two years  or like ina cigaal or Siilaanyo this became part of the SL political culture. There are no second class citizens in SL who are these second class citizens u are refering to ?

Xunjuf, you have been warned. Wa digniin to doorasho diidka. 🤣 

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what does the constiutions say about this  i am not against this one bit. I also dont think wadani and Kulmiye differ ian y way  or form all the people that are wadani are ex kulmiye minus Ciiro  and the Siyad barre looka like vice president. all the other gudooomiyaal from xildhibaan wabee to xirsi to  persished abib tima cad to  xamarji  are all former Ex KULMIYE so i dont see that they could bring any change how ever this message is good



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The recognition of the Republic of Somaliland is the correct decision "

H.E. Ato


State Minister for Industry of Ethiopia




its getting serious now 

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According to Ethiopia the state minister said just now just in that his country Ethiopia will be the first  to country recognise  Somaliland sovereignty and independence 

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14 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:



Prof: Samatar: Aqoonsi Somaliland usoo socdaa ma jiro 




Axad, Juun, 16, 2024 (HOL) - Guddoomiyaha Ururka Hillaac Prof: Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa sheegay in Somaliland anay dadaalkii loo baahnaa galin aqoonsi raadinta.

Samatar oo hadal u jeediyay ardayda Jaamacada New Generation ee Hargaysa, ayaa sheegay in anay jirin doodo cilmiyaysan oo qoran si adduunka loogu qanciyo waxa ay Somaliland tahay.

"Aqoonsi Somaliland usoo socdaa ma jiro, sabab? Waayo maynaan kasban dee, hawsheedii maynaan galin, waa ciyaar ciyaar sheekadii aynu haynay 33kii sannadood, car soo sheeg meel Somaliland qadiyadeedu ku qorantahay oo ay cilmiyaysantahay, waxaynu nahay" ayuu yidhi Samatar.

Samatar ayaa in badan fagaarayaal kala duwan ka sheegay in loo baahanyahay in la diyaariyo dood cilmiyaysan oo ka turjumaysa waxa ay Somaliland tahay iyo wixii ay ahayd xiligii xoriyada iyo ka hor.

Hore waxa uu u sheegay in xuska 26 Juun uu ka muhiimsanyhay 18 May, isaga oo sheegay in 26 Juun ay ka turjumayso dowladnimada Somaliland ee dhabta ah.





he is right though Somaliland politicians haven’t done a great job to sell Somaliland to the world I really liked ina rayaale policy who knocked on every door in the African Union . Somaliland was invited to au several times. And was even on the verge to present its case at the African Union Sudan and Egypt threatend to pull out of the au if  Somaliland is given platform there .  Though Somaliland took a few steps back when siilaanyo and kulmiye came and opened talks with the bunker that didn’t help one bit to the SL luckily ina biix stopped these meaningless talks there were only two attempts of talks held during his reigning one time during. Farmaajo in jabuuti . The meeting ended with no result. And the other one was last year then muse biixi held talks but to r next day he flew to Addis and signed the mou agreement .

in essence muuse didn’t fully cancel the talks but he down graded it and ignored the koonfurians  and focused on the berbera port on the Americans and  engagement with Taiwan and to sell that America can be an ally to sl there was almost an American somaliland joint military excercise  things were going good until the laaacanood war. But samatar is right and I agree SL doesn’t have a clear policy one policy enshrined by the parliament  to sell Somaliland to the world and to achieve recognition and don’t deviate from that policy a well drafted Somaliland policy towards recognition with the clear story of Somaliland . That we don’t have we just doing some thing but things are changing slowly now  



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Itoobiya oo sheegtay in ay Somaliland aqoonsanayso 



Axad, Juun, 16, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiiru-duulaha Hawlaha Guud ee Itoobiya Tarekegn Bulbulta ayaa sheegay in Itoobiya ay aqoonsandoonto Somaliland.

Bulbulta waxa uu sheegay in uu kalsooni ku qabo in Itoobiya ay Somaliland aqoonsan doonto "Waxaan kalsooni ku qabaa in Itoobiya ay noqonayso waddanka ugu horeeya ee Somaliland u aqoonsada waddan madaxbannaan" ayuu ku sheegay bartiisa X.

Bulbulta waxa uu sheegay in kadib marka la gaadho heshiis rasmi ah ay Somaliland iyo Itoobiya noqon doonaan xulufo dhaqaale iyo millateri.

Sannadkan horaantiisii ayay Somaliland iyo Itoobiya yeesheen isfahan ku salaysan in Itoobiya ay saldhig millateri ku yeelato biyaha Somaliland isla markaana ay Somaliland u aqoonsato waddan madaxbannaan.

Isfahankan oo la rajaynayo in heshiis rasmiya loo badalo dhawaan, ayaa waxa si wayn uga soo horjeedsatay dowlada Soomaaliya, sidookale urur dowladeedyada gobolka ayaa cambaareeyay.

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6 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

According to Ethiopia the state minister said just now just in that his country Ethiopia will be the first  to country recognise  Somaliland sovereignty and independence 

They are toying with Somalis. There is no indication they are moving forward with this.

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