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Somaliland and Ethiopia signs "Historic" MoU on access to Red Sea and Establishment of Naval Base

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10 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

The Foreign minsiter is in Turkey not sure what he is doing there though  maybe the turks are up to something 

The Turks favor one Somalia, but more importantly, they don't want to put in a position to choose between Ethiopia (Oromia at this point) and Somali proper.

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Turks have allot of investments in Ethiopia  over 2.5 billon dollars. Turky is the biggest invester in Ethiopia after China. I doubt they will choose Between Somalia and Ethiopia its  big choice.  For them.   As for Somaliland yes they sure support Somaliland to be re united with Somalia, i think it is a principle isssue But they deep inside know it isnt going to happen. They have this policy also because they have their own Separate issues turkish , And they created their own Cyprus.  They know they facilitated the SL somalia talks for years   they know it wasnt going any where. Not sure what they up to now.  But i doubt they will cross Ethiopia because of Somalia surely they will say the lipservice they support one somalia policy. But i think those are just words on a screen. They wont dennounce Ethiopia they might call for talks.

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6 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

^^very interesting

Thank You America

The US would probably endorse the port deal, but Abiy and Muse are loose cannons that can't be trusted.

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The White House says US is working with partners to push against the MoU signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland. 

"We're certainly troubled," says John Kirby director of strategic communications for the National Security Council, adding: "As we've said many, many times, we support Somalia's sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and it's got to be respected."

The situation poses a national security concern, Kirby said, in that it could embolden Islamist al-Shabab militants that have long been the main antagonist in Somalia's brutal civil war.

"What we're particularly concerned about is this [Memorandum of Understanding] inked recently between Ethiopia and Somaliland threatens to disrupt the fight that Somalis, Africans and regional international partners, including us, are waging against Al-Shabab," he said

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DF oo hawada ka celisay diyaarad wafdi Itoobiyaan ah u waday Hargeysa

Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta qaaday tallaabo culus oo dhan ah Itoobiya ayada oo goordhow hawada Soomaaliya ka celisay diyaaradda Ethiopia Airlines, sida ay innoo sheegeen ilo wareedyo xilkas ah.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in amarka uu kasoo baxay hay’adda duulista rayidka Soomaaliyeed ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Muqdisho, taas oo dib u celisay diyaaraddan oo wafdi Itoobiyaan ah u waday magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimada maamulka Somaliland.

Diyaaradda ayaa ugu dambeyn ku laabatay magaalada Addis Ababa oo markii hore ay ka soo kacday, sida uu xaqiijiyay maareeyaha hay’adda duulista Axmed Macallin oo la hadlay Shabelle Tv.

Axmed Macallin ayaa sheegay in weli kiiska ku dhex jiraan, balse waxa uu xaqiijiyay in diyaaradda ay wadday dad muhiim ah, ayna dib ugu celiyeen Addis Ababa.

“Waan celinay diyaaradda, waxayna dib ugu laabatay Addis Ababa, waxay ahayd VIP,” ayuu wareysiga ku yiri Axmed Macallin.

Wafdiga Itoobiyaanka ah ayaa la sheegay in ay shir uga qayb-geli lahaayeen magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimada Somaliland, sida aan xogta ku helnay.

Go’aankan ayaa waxaa durbo ka dhashay hadal xoogan, waxaana soo dhoweeyay dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed si weyn u boggaadiyay tallaabada dowladda dhexe,

Si kastaba, arrintan ayaa sare usii qaadeyso xiisadda u dhexeysa Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee ka dhalatay heshiiskii badda ee Addis Ababa, kaas oo ay diiday dowladda federaalka.


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3 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

high level Ethiopian delegation arrived In hargeisa 

Xaaji, Waa normal schedules flight kaasi

Soon that will stop too. 


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