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Puntland's Education Minister Defects to Somaliland

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This is not first time Dhiilood went to Ceerigaabo. Probably the third time since he became a minister na'mean.


I am surprised my infamous AYOUB is not yelling "Dhiilood is jailed by Riyaale for treason" na'mean.


One more hint that Ceerigaabo is a divided city and even Puntland minister can go there and visit or retire there under the protection of the powerful puntland tribes that live in half of the city na'mean. If he defected he probably had problems with Hashi or Abdullahi Yusuf and this defection thing is very common these days. Many dudes are trying to take advantage of this xiisad between Puntland and Somaliland. Defection is very common on both sides.


I wouldn't be surprised if this whole defection thing is a fabrication by the Somaliland camp na'mean.


Maybe the man just gave up politics and went back to his home town na'mean.



Free Buurmadow.

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Mobb please spare us this qiiro jabaan.You make Erigabo sound like the retirement city.I personally approach issues I know I have no answer for with a No Comments attitude.I dont make things up out of the blue and expect people to be fooled by it.The only person your remarks are fooling is yourself and no one else saaxiib.



Who ever told you Erigabo is a divided city is either living in the past or is simply playing with your head.Either way what ever you believe Erigabo is not and will not be another Kismaayo. ;)

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Hangaraarac hal lug uma uu dhutiyo! Laakiin waxaan leeyahay "markii talda habar Saar leh iyo Sebiyo loo dhiibay ayey saancadaa iyo nin ragi sibir dhaqaaqeene"

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lol@Gediid. Sowdigan boodhka iyo qiirada iyo cadhada isku qariyey. Waar is yara deji. lol


If it makes uncle Gediid feel better, Ceerigaabo is yours. Forever. ;) Don't say that to the sons of the city like Sophist. unless he defected recenlty na'mean ;)


PS: Gediid, odeygii dhalay dadkan aad Puntlanders ku sheegto oo dhami wuxuu ku aasan yahay halka aad ka hadlayso. So long for the Kismayo comparison na'mean. :D Hadal waxba yaan lagugu daalin saaxib.

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Ayoub, I got some pictures of Dhiilood and some other Puntland ministers. I wonder who will be next in your list bro ;)



Dhiilood, Wasiirka Waxbarashada Puntland




Dhiilood and Dooxojoog, wasiirka Ganacsiga




Faroole, wasiirka maaliyada




SeeftaBanaanka, Wasiiru dawlaha Puntland




Xaabsade, Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha




Afgaduud, Taliyaha ciidanka booliska (Hated by Somaliland)




Carays, Taliyaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta (Hated by Somaliland)




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Mob Deep! Ceergaabo cidii leh baa leh! it won't change its character because Gediid or someone else's claims!


Defected aah! waraa sheekaa keentey walaahi! Anyhow, Wasiirka wuxuu Shaqo qaran kutegey dhulkiisa. He is indeed from Sanaag--


[ February 19, 2004, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Originally posted by Sophist:

Pure propoganda! the Somaliland camp can never cease to amaze me.

Denial is a river in Egypt. You'll only believe it when a new minister is appointed, I hope and Radiolascaanod will have the balls to report that for you. I doubt even that would be enough for a person who believes Riyaale is not a Somalilander.


Originally by Mopp Deep

I got some pictures of Dhiilood and some other Puntland ministers. I wonder who will be next in your list bro

All genuine asylum seekers are welcome to Somaliland. The operative word is GENUINE.

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I think somaliland stategy on eastern front is working quite well, as we all know C/Y was hoping that things would blow up in sool and there would be a qabiil orientated war which he hoped would get him a broader support but it has backfired on him spectaculaly, he has constantly tried in vein to collect millia from the enhabitants of sool, he was told in no uncertain terms that this is his problem.


but now it seems he has even a bigger problem in kenya where he has been outmanouvered by abdi qassim, he says he was tricked into signing a documents, you have to wonder to yourself if this guy can even read :cool:




there is news that more ministers are on their way soon, to claim asylum :D

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Originally posted by Mobb_Deep:

If it makes uncle Gediid feel better, Ceerigaabo is yours. Forever.
Don't say that to the sons of the city like Sophist. unless he defected recenlty na'mean


Gediid, odeygii dhalay dadkan aad Puntlanders ku sheegto oo dhami wuxuu ku aasan yahay halka aad ka hadlayso. So long for the Kismayo comparison na'mean.
Hadal waxba yaan lagugu daalin saaxib.

Half of the ancestoral fathers of Somali clans are buried there Mobb but you dont hear them claim Ceerigaabo.Sophist can huff and puff all he wants but it dont change the reality on the ground..

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True! The minister defected from Abdullahi. What does that mean now? Ayoub I find it amusing about the whole thing. A week ago the good minister was this side of the fence. Today he is the other side of the fence. Tells u something about them - all of them.


I see u jumping up and down as if the fundementals of this conflict has changed...surprise me and tell me it has cuz Dhiilood is siping tea @ Ambasador hotel :D .



Well well look at u sxb invoking Kismayo and drawing parallels from here and there! True the reality on the ground is clear and that is Ceerigaabo is under the SL. One other fact is Ceerigaabo is a shared city. Only clan-cleansing can change the equation and even though u r perfectly willing to carry out that act by doing what u do best :D folks on the ground know better.



No it is not propoganda! it is true Dhiilood is sitting @ a marfish in Hargeisa. No surprise there. Nothing has changed though.

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Somaliland has never been known as a nation or people to use or commit ethnic cleansing past or present.Their short history as a nation has evolved around peace,reconcialiaton and forgiveness.Its also a term alien to our dictionery and way of thinking but unfortunately its one where other Somalis notably those residing in present day South Somalia(*hint* Afweyne,Morgan,Gaani,Abdiazis,Aideed,Dafle etc) have tried or continue to .......


Anyways here's an article about the minister in question......Enjoy






Har(SNN)-Wasiirkii Waxbarashada ee Maamulka Puntland isla markaana ahaa Masuulka u qaabilsan Xaaladda deg dega ah ee gobolka Sool, Md. Xasan Maxamed Dhiilood, oo Doraad ka soo fakaday Maamulkii u hore uga tirsanaa ee Puntlant, ayaa galabta fiidkii soo gaadhay magaalada Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu saaka ka soo baxay magaalada Burco, oo uu xalay saqdii dhexe Guure ku soo galay.


Md. Dhiilood, oo ay weheliyeen Maayarka Ceerigaabo Md. Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur iyo ku simaha badhasaabka Sanaag Md. Cabdi Casiis, waxa galabta Fiidkii markii ay soo gaadheen magaalada Hargeysa lagu dejiyay Hoteelka Hargeisa Club, oo Amaankiisa si weyn ay xoojiyeen Koox ka tirsan Ciidamada Booliska Somaliland.


Md. Dhiilood, oo ay hareero Fadhiyeen Wasiiradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Hawlaha Guud, Cadaalada iyo Wasiirul Dawlaha Arrimaha Dibadda, waxa uu sheegay inuu aad u daalanyahay, oo uu Shir jaraa’id qaban doono sida ugu dhaqsaha badan “Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay inaan dalkayga dib ugu soo laabto, waxaanan ka mahad naqayaa sida magaalooyinka Somaliland laygu so dhaweeyay” ayuu yidhi Md. Dhiilood oo daal ka muuqday.


Hoteelka Hargeysa Club, ee Wasiirka ka soo goostay Maamul goboleedka Puntlant lagu dejiyay waxa ku soo qamaamqay dadweyne aad u farabadan oo isugu jira reer Hargeysa iyo kuwo ay Md. Dhiilood isku beel ka soo jeedaan, iyada oo Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Xukumadda Somaliland kaga hortageen Kaantaroolka Dhinaca Berbera ee magaalada Hargeysa.

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What about the mass graves in Hargeisa? Not long ago your minister have been angry at Siilaanyo about this issue. What was that all about :D . By the way that news is already acknowledged...what u doing is an overkill icon_razz.gif


Mr. Oodweyne,

You must be in a good mood today for you have a sense of humor. That is a progress! Aaah! I see you have confirmed the status of this city as a one that being shared by PL-ers and SL-ers. Another progress!


You have also confirmed the reality of the regime in the area as one that rules with the barrel of the gun. Not so far ago we were discussing the 97% vote, consent, and other pertinent issues to weigh in the reality on the ground. We argued, reasoned, explained, analyzed in vain. It seemed that we were not listening each other. It took the joy and excitement derived from the defection of a senior officer of PL to make u loosen up, feel at home, and let it slide :D


Who would have thought the tribal warrior aka Mr. Oodweyne will utter these confessions publicly but again in the heat of the moment and clannish pride can throw u off sometimes.

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