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O.N.L.F Statement On Unlawful Arrest Illegal Rendition Of O'gaden Woman Activist

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The O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) strongly condemns the unlawful arrest and illegal handover to Ethiopian regime authorities of Bishaaro Wa'adi Shaqlane a senior member of the O'gaden Womens Democratic Alliance (OWDA) and respected businesswoman who had been residing in Hargeisa in northern Somalia. Bishaaro was arrested by authorities of the so-called Somaliland administration on 10 Feburary 2010 and handed over to security officers of the Ethiopian regime shortly thereafter. Bishaaro had fled O'gaden due to the constant harassment of the security services of the Ethiopian regime who targeted her for her activities empowering women in O'gaden. She had been arrested by the Ethiopian regime three times and tortured in prison on both occasions.


She was first arrested in July 2000 for her activities associated with OWDA and beaten in prison. No charges were brought against her and she was denied legal representation. She was released a few months later only to be arrested again in October of 2001 and was beaten again in prison. After several more months in prison denied access to her family or counsel, she was arrested again on October 20, 2006 and was severely tortured having both her arms broken during violent interrogation by security forces before being released from prison for a third time on 31 January 2007. Bisharo fled to Northern Somalia and resided peacefully with her children in Hargeisa before being picked up from her home by the security services of the so-called Somaliland administration on 10 Feburary 2010. She was quickly handed over to Ethiopian authorities soon afterwards.


Bishaaro has escaped persecution in O'gaden and fled to northern Somalia where she registered with the UNHCR under an alias (Shamsa Abdullaahi Hersi) for her own safety given the extensive security cooperation between Ethiopian authorities and the so-called Somaliland administration.


The unlawful detention and illegal rendition of Bishaaro Wa'adi Shaqlane is in line with a recent security cooperation agreement between Ethiopian authorities and the so-called Somaliland administration concluded at the Semrat Hotel in Dire Dawa city in November 2009. The agreement stipulated that those percieved to be ' political opponents' of the Ethiopian regime who fled to Northern Somalia would be detained and immediately handed over to Ethiopian authorities. The Ethiopian security team at the meeting was headed by General Abraham Woldhe Maryam and the security forces of the so-called Somaliland administration delegation was headed by Nuur Ismail Taani (commander of the armed forces) and Mohamed Saqadhi Dubad (police forces) and Hassan Abdi Yusuf representing the intelligence services of the so-called Somaliland administration.


This unlawful arrest and illegal rendition of a civil society leader and woman activist in O'gaden is the first operational implementation of the new security arrangement between the Ethiopian authorities and the so-called Somaliland administration. It represents a violation of international law and is a testament to the blatant abuse of human rights by the authorities of the so-called Somaliland administration.


The ONLF will not tolerate the targeting and illegal renditions of our citizens in northern Somalia fleeing persecution. The so-called Somaliland administration will solely be responsible for the consequences of this action.


O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

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^Gumaysiga waxaa ka daran kuwa uu wax ku gumaysato. Rag baddan waa in bariiska laga ciideeyaa.


Ina ismacil taani ma qabataa? :D

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Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya Ayaa Warsaxaafadeed ka Soo Saartey Qabashada Bishaaro Wacdi


Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya ayaa si adag u cambaareysay sida sharcidarada ah ee loo qabtay looguna dhiibay nidaamka Itobiya ka taliya Bishaaro Wacdi Shaqlane oo ka ah xubin sare Ururka Haweenka Ogadeenya ee loo yaqaano - O'gaden Womens Democratic Alliance (OWDA). Gabadhan ayaa ahayd ganacsato laga qadariyo Hargaysa oy daganayd.


Bishaaro ayaa waxaa qabtay maamulka la magac baxay SomaliLand bishan 10keedii una dhiibay saraakiil ka socotay Sirdoonka Itobiya waqti yar ka dib. Bishaaro ayaa ka soo carartay Ogadeenya ka dib markii si isdaba joog ah ay u cadaadiyeen Sirdoonka Itobiya sababa la xidhiidha dhaq-dhaqaaqeeda ay ku doonaysay xuquuqda Haweenka Ogadeenya. Waxaa hadda ka hor xidhay 3ex jeer nidaamka Itobiya oo jidh-dil xoog leh u gaystay.


Waxaa markii ugu horeysay la xidhay Luulyo 2005tii arima la xidhiidha dhaq-dhaqaaqa OWDA iyadoo xabsiga lagu jidh dilay oo labada gacmood ay ka jabiyeen ciidanka sirdoonka Itobiya intaan laga sii daynin xabsiga markii sadexaad 31kii January 2007. bishaaro ayaa u soo carartay Waqooyiga Somaliya waxayna si nabadgalya ah iyada iyo caruurteedii Hargaysa inta aanay ka qabanin gurigeeda mamulka Somaliland 10kii February 2010 oo aanay si dhaqsa leh ugu gacan galinin sirdoonka Itobiya.


Bishaaro ayaa ka soo carartay Ogadeenya cadaadiskii lagu hayay dartii, waxayna iskaga diiwaan galisay hay’adda Qaxootiga ee UNHCR magaca ah (Shamsa Cabdulaahi Xirsi) si ay isaga qariso sirdoonka Itobiya oo xiriir la leh maamulka Somaliland.


Qabashada iyo gudbinta sharcidarada ah ee Bishaaro Wacdi Shaqlane waxay la xiriirtaa heshiiska wadashaqaynta ee dhex maray maamulka Somaliland iyo nidaamka Itobiya oo lagu soo gabagabeeyay shirkii ka dhacay Hoteelka Semrat ee magaalada Dirdhabe Nofember 2009. Heshiiskaa ayaa lagu amray maamulka Hargaysa inay soo qabqabtaan oo si dhaqsa leh ugu soo gudbiyaan Itobiya dadka ka soo horjeeda xukuumada Zinawi. Waxaa hogaaminayay shirkaa dhanka Itobiya Generaal Abraham Woldhe Maryam, dhanka maamulka Somaliland waxaa ka socday Nuur Ismaaciil Taani oo madax ka ah ciidanka iyo Maxamad Saqadhi Dubad oo booliska xukuma iyo Xassan cabdi Yuusuf oo matalayay sirdoonka maamul ku sheega Somaliland.


Talaabadan lagu qabtay gabadhan u ololaysa xuquuqda haweenka Ogadeenya ayaa ahayd midii ugu horeysay ay fuliyaan ka dib heshiiskii laba geesoodka ahaa. Wuxuu falkan xadgudub ku yahay qawaaniinta dawliga ah, wuxuuna ka marag kacayaa xadgudubka xuquuqul insaanka ee maamul ku sheega Somaliland.


JWXO waxaa hubaal ah in aanay u dulqaadan doonin xadgudubka lagu hayo shacabka Ogadeenya ee sida sharcidarada ah loogu gacan galinayo cadawgooda. Maamul-ku-sheega Somaliland ayaan xambaaran doona dhibaatada ka dhalataa xadgudubyada badheedhka ah ee gumaysiga loogu adeegayo.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Hey so what are the onlf going to do now attack Ethnic Somalilanders in Ethiopia.

By the way Its nuux ismacil taani the commander of the somaliland army

It's unbeleivable walaahi at least if the admin you support did this awful mistake against innocent people ,wouldnt it be wise and smart to shut your mouths up..You still are adding insult to the damage..

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Ku Xigeenka Hogaanka Arrimaha Dibbeda ee JWXO Mudane Hanad Maalinguur ayaa si xoogan u cambarayay falka sharci darada ay ku dhaqaqeen maamulka ka taliya Waqooyi Galbeed Somalia .


Feb 17, 2010 (QOL) Ku Xigeenka Hogaanka Arrimaha Dibbeda ee Jabhadda Waddaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya Mudane Hanad Maalinguur ayaa si xoogan u cambarayay falka sharci darada ay ku dhaqaqeen maamulka ka taliya Waqooyi Galbeed Somalia oo todobadkii hore Itoobiya u gacan galiyay hooyo Bishaaro Wacdi Shaqlane.


"Sharuuc caalami ayey jabiyeen marka ay Itoobiya u dhiibeen Bishaaro Wacdi" ayuu yiri Hanad "ka ganacsiga shacabka Ogadeenya ama ha noqoto maamulka Puntland ama maamulka ka taliya Waqooyi Galbeed mid aanu u dulqaadan doono ma'aha" ayuu yiri Hanad isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wado.


"Waxaanu rajeynaynay in ay dhibaatadii hore ee dhacday marka ay fal noocan oo kale sameyeen Maamulka Waqooyi Galbeed ay wax garashadooda kordhisay lakiin waxaad mooda in ay weli ku dhaqaaqayaan tilabooyin dan u ahayn iyaga oo raali galinaya maamulka Itoobiya" ayuu yiri Hanad Maalinguur.


"Maamulka waqooyi Galbeed tilaabada ay qadeen waa mid diblomasiyiinta dalalka deeqda bixiya ay la socdaan waana mid sumcadooda beesha caalamka hortiisa dhaawacay" ayuu yiri Hanad.


Mudane Hanad Maalinguur waxuu hadalkiisa ku soo gabo gabeeyay "xisaabtanka ma foga"


Maha markii ugu horeysay ee ay labada maamul u gacan galiyaan dad ka soo jeeda Soomaalida Ogadeenya waxaa sanooyinkii ugu dambeeyay loo gacan galiyay Itoobiya dad shacab ah oo ka gacsanayay labada maamul waxaana dadkaas qaarna lagu laayay xabsiyada Itoobiya qaarna ilaahadda ku jiraan.


Qorahay Online

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