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How To: Cure A Feminist : D

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Medhar, nayaa is that how you suppose to be my girL...its aight though when i see ur Azz on Friday its on.


LooooooooooooooooooooooooooL@Qac Qaac wait Lemme see if i read that right LMAO!YOu wish...Keep dreaming though.


wixii intaa kadanbeeya, banaanka aan isku aragno

Haye now what?What are you gonna do eh?Bring Your dacas and watch me b!tch sLap you with that-LooooooooooooooL i hope i didnt just hit a sensitive nerve ;) !LOL.

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Come ON dee whose hoLding You back...and the admin Line is marmaasiiyo so cut the crap the dee.

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