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South Africa to send troops

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Madaxweynaha South Africa Oo Sheegey Inuu Ciidamo u Dirayo Somaliya


Posted to the MOL January 15, 2007, 6:13 pm


JOHANNESBURG:- Madaxweynaha South Africa Thabo Mbeki ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaadey in dalkiisu ciidamo u dirayo Somaaliya.


Warka madaxweynaha ayaa soo baxey kaddib kulan uu la yeeshey Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Kenya oo isagu u xilsaaran abaabulka Ciidamda Nabad ilaalinta ee loo dirayo dalka Somaaliya.


Madeaxeyne Thabo Mbeki wuxuu intaas raaciyey in laga yaabo in tirad ciidamadu ay yaraato maadmaada South Africa nabad ilaalin ka wado meelo kale oo Africa ka tirsan.


Dardarta ciidamada nabad ilaalinta loogu dirayo Soomaaliya ayaa waxey kusoctaaa Xawli aad ah, waxaana la filayaa labo asbuuc gudahood iney ciidmada nabad ilaalintu ku gaaraan gudaha Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa horey u codsatey ciidmao deg-deg ah oo ka caawiya nabadda si wadanka Xasilooni loogu soo dabaalo.

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AU delegation in Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia, Jan. 14 -- An African Union delegation has arrived in Somalia's capital to discuss the deployment of international peacekeepers, and government troops expanded a house-to-house search for weapons in one of the world's most heavily armed cities, officials said Sunday.



Mohamed Foum, the A.U.'s special representative for Somalia, said nine delegates arrived in Mogadishu on Saturday for meetings with leaders of the U.N.-supported transitional government in this chaotic Horn of Africa nation. If Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf is able to establish relative calm, foreign peacekeepers could deploy to protect his government until it can form a police force and army. Troops loyal to the interim government, backed by Ethiopia's military, last month routed an Islamic movement that had controlled much of southern Somalia since the summer. But lack of security remains a problem in a country that has not had a central government since 1991. The United States and the European Union have pledged financial help for an African peacekeeping force. But no African government has responded to the push to form an 8,000-member mission, although Uganda has said it is willing to send as many as 1,500 soldiers as part of a wider mission. Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari said the weapons search was taking place in several neighborhoods but did not disclose the number of weapons seized, saying it was a military secret. Olol News Desk

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South African troops offer


Also on Monday Thabo Mbeki, the South African president, said South Africa would consider sending troops to Somalia but military operations elsewhere may limit its ability to deploy soldiers.


"Yesterday again I met the foreign minister of Kenya who had been sent by the East Africa region ... They are requesting we should assist with the deployment of troops in Somalia," Mbeki said in an interview on South African state television.


"I did say to the minister we will look at the matter this week."


Ethiopia, the main backer of Somalia's interim government, wants to withdraw its soldiers in the coming weeks.


Diplomats and aid agencies fear that their sudden withdrawal would leave a security vacuum around weak Somali government.

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South African troops offer


Also on Monday Thabo Mbeki, the South African president, said South Africa would consider sending troops to Somalia but military operations elsewhere may limit its ability to deploy soldiers.


"Yesterday again I met the foreign minister of Kenya who had been sent by the East Africa region ... They are requesting we should assist with the deployment of troops in Somalia," Mbeki said in an interview on South African state television.


"I did say to the minister we will look at the matter this week."


Ethiopia, the main backer of Somalia's interim government, wants to withdraw its soldiers in the coming weeks.


Diplomats and aid agencies fear that their sudden withdrawal would leave a security vacuum around weak Somali government.

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" Waxaa xaddidnaan doonta ciidamada aan u dirayno Soomaaliya maxaa yeelay.." madaxwaynaha Koonfur Afrika Tabo Mbeki.

Talaado, January 16, 2007


Madaxwaynaha dalka Koonfur Afrika Tabo Mbeki ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dawladda Koonfur Afrika ay rajaynayso inay ciidamo gayso dalka Soomaaliya.


Mbeki wuxuu sheegay in dalka Koonfur Afrika uu dalal badan oo Afrika ah ciidamo u diray, isla markaana ay noqon doonto ciidamada uu Soomaaliya u diri doono mid xaddidan.


Madaxwaynaha dalka Koonfur Afrika wuxuu sheegay inuu maalintii shalay ahayd la kulmay wasiirka arimaha dibadda Kenya , kaasoo ay soo wakiishen waddmada bariga afria , wuxuu sheegay in waddamadaasi in Koonfur Afrika ay ka caawiso ciidamo gaynta dalka Soomaaliya.


Mbeki wuxuu sheegay in uu ka aqbalay codsiga kaga yimid madaxda bariga Afrika, hase ahaate wuxuu u sheegay in muddo todobaad ah la siiyo si uu xaaladda u darso.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu sheegay in dalalka Burundi, Jamhuuriyadda Kongo iyo Suudaanba ay ciidamo ka joogaan, arintaasina ay tahay mid culayskeeda leh.


Dawladd Koonfur Afrika oo kamid ah dawladaha Afrika ugu dhaqaalaha badan ayaa wadamada bariga Afrika ka sugayaan inay ciidamo iyo dhaqaaleba ku taageerto Soomaaliya.


CCC Farayaamo


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sa has changed! mark my word. they aint gonna show up tell bush gives them the big bucks...!


homie ruling sa is tuck! he aint no nelson mandela! dont count on him! cuz congress is gonna

tie bush in hog tie! sa aint gonna do nothin if they dont see the dollar sign!


nice wish...but this ship aint sailing to mog! heard this from my bodie in the sa consulate in la!! they aint coming.

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There is no logic to this imperative. They are sending peacekeepers, but there is no peace. There will be no peace, cause this government is not seen to be a government of national unity by the people. So what these people are backing is the further imposing of this group.



Secondly, allowing South African troops in, who every one is HIV+ is not a good idea.. We allowing disease to spread in the country.


I would accept only

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