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Would you consider marrying a broke man?

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the somali men i know love their kids to bit and their wives have decent jobs.


vaay cant we have it all yaah?


ladies money bring problems, bal bisinka aan qabsanoo £60kaas aan isku celcelino


ps: waxan maqlay the coalision government would introduce vouchers like mareykanka ay sameeyaan


tesco vouchers for all

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Find me a Somali Man who loves his children that much.

There are fathers out there who raised their kids when the circumstance asks for it who are good and loving and there is nothing wrong with that a father is a parent and he has the capability to love and raise his kids.


But full time stay at home daddy? when the mom is there? that's asking too much. How about you both work different shifts and take turns? that sounds good enough. And, if he makes crazy money and you don't need that extra income then it wouldnt hurt to stay at home for the first few yrs of your children...


again depends on your income and what type of career you are sacrificing. If you have a professional job it will be harder to stay at home with the kids and you might wanna send them to good private the end of the day thou you need to know if it worth it? personally I HATE daycares....but when someone established a career that they spend so many years studying it might be hard to give up all that for maybe that's where it comes when the guy covers some of the day and helps you out.


Otherwise, if you have a dead end job let the man work and you can take care of the kids.



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^lol Faduma nakruma rocks walahi...


soo tii tidhi caruurta cuntada sii oo sariirta ku tuur ana ladan baa iskulka igu so turasa


markasu yidhi anuu shaah uun baan karin kara :D


There is nothing wrong with sharing household chores with your spouse. But, it has be "shared".I dont agree with the guy staying home all day long..I find that a bit gayish lol..



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NNC walaal somali culture is the guy working out and the girl taking care of her family and him making sure that he provides well. So you dont expect fathers when moving abroad to change their habit and way of life.


Laakin, gradually the younger generation those in our age group are understanding that we sisters are pursuing higher education and have the right to choose to work.


I am not sure about the statistics lol but I do know enough young couples who girls work and their husbands are supportive. And, am sure the numbers will increase along the path...



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^ameen to that..horta ninka suu ula macamilo waladi ka yaryar iyo reerkisa laga garta inuu caruur keep an eye on him around his family :D

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Is this the Million Dollar Matchmaker? Mid lacag badan waa is fureyseen laba beri kadib. Kibirkiisa iyo kaaga maba is arki karaan waad ogtahay :D

Waxaan soo raadinaa mid shaqeysto, how is 50K sound?...ok ok fine, I will look for 65K and that's as high as I can go. SOLD :D:D ...

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