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Breaking news: President Yusuf to resign on Saturday...

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War Deg Deg ah M/weyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo iscasili doona dhawaan,waa maxay sababtu?.


(WYNET)Baydhabo:-War deg deg oo goor dhawayd nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in M/weyne C/laahi Yuusuf uu go’aan ku gaaray inuu xilka iska casilo isagoo sheegay inuu eegayo Maslaxada guud ee dalka Soomaaliya sida uu sheegay afhayeen u hadlay.


Afhayeenkaan oo Aljazeera ay soo xigatay ayaa sheegay in M/weynuhu uu go’aansaday inuu jagadaas iskaga tago ka dib markii uu wada tashiyo la sameeyey dhamaan qaybaha bulshada,xildhibaanada Barlamaanka Federalka,uu go’aansaday inuu iscasilo.


Afhayeenka M/weynaha Xuubsireed wuxuu kale oo sheegay in M/weyne Yuusuf uu qoray khudbadii uu xilka kaga dagi laha ay diyaar tahay uu iskaga dagi doono subaxnimada Sabtida ah ee fooda inaku soo haysa hadii alle qadaro.


Istiqaalada M/weynaha ee la shaaciyey ayaa imanaysa saacado yar ka dib markii uu iscasilay R/wasaare Max’ed Max’ud Guuleed (Gacma dheere )isagoo sheegay inuu ilaalinayo danta guud ee dalka.


Dhinaca kale arriintaan ayaa salka ku haya khilaaf xooganaa oo mudooyinkii u dameeyey u dhexeeyey M/weynaha iyo R/wasaare Nuur Cadde ,kaasi oo salka ku hayey arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo waliba dhisida golaha Xukuumada,iyagoo eedaymo kulul hawada isu soo mariyey.

Lama garan karo in M/weyne Yuusuf uu kaga dhabayn doono go’aanka iscasilaadiisa iyo inkale,waxaase jira warar isi soo taraya oo sheegaya in beesha caalamku ay culays badan ku saartay madaxda Soomaaliya inay xal deg deg ah keenaan,taasi u muuqata inay jidkeedii heshay.


Wixii kasoo kordha kala soco Shabakada

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Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo go’ansday inuu xilk ka dego

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 at 5:08 pm

Horseed Media


Breaking News


Madaxweynaha dowladda kmg ah ee federaalka C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa go’aansaday inuu ka dego xilka madaxtinimada dalka Soomaaliya, sidaasi waxaa xaqiijiyay afhayeenkiisa.


Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa ku dhowaaqay inuu xilka wareejin doono saacado ka dib markii uu iscasilay sarkaal uu u todobaad ka hor u magacaabay xafiiska ra’iisal wasaaraha.


Sida ay qortay wakaaladda wararka ee Reuters, madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa la filayaa inuu isku hor casilo fadhi sabtida uu yeelan doono baarlamaanka kmg ah maalinta sabtida ah.

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Warar illaa shalay la isla dhexmarayay ayaa sheegaya in ay suurogal tahay in madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf uu iska casilo xilka uu hayo. Hadday taasi dhacdana dowlada KMG ah ayaa la filayaa inay kala daadato oo qaarkood ay dib ugu noqdaan hogaamiye kooxeed. C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa la rumeysan yahay inuu yahay shaqsiga kaliya ee isku haya kooxaha iyo beelaha ku bahoobay dowlada KMG ah, hadduu meesha ka baxana koox walba ay ku noqon doonto deegaankii ay ka timid.


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Yeey had very few options in front of him.


1. Recognize Nuur Cadde(let Gacmo-dheere go), work with him and accept the Djibouti process which is designed to stop you from getting another term.


3. Stay in power and keep fighting everyone until you achieve what you really want which is basically another 5 year term.


2. Resign and let someone else take over.


Yeey has picked his best option, and I say good for him. There is no need for a scuffle with the international community over the issue. His tenure is almost over and the TFG needs a fresh boss to take it out of the ditch.

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^^^Now the pressure is on the "International community" I hope they help the new admin and keep their promises.


Yusuf impact will be felt though.. May Allah SWT give peace to our beloved land and people.

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I agree this is the best option and a good step for HE A/Y. The ball is really is in the court of the people who have been obstacle to reviving the Somali state for the last 17 years. Can Nur Cade, Sharif and Shabaab compromise and produce peace. If they will only agree to stop the violence, then their might be a chance to achieve peace.


The international community has no solutions and worse they have no money to spare. It is upto Somalis to stabilize their country.

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No surprise at all. It is a case of the chickens coming home to roost. And if this news is true then it is a good news for all peace-loving somalis. For sure, in his part, Yey was a major obstacle to peace in somalia. So all in all good to see him go.

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It will be essential for the P.M to call for a new national peace process.


The president indeed fell out of favor when he branded the take over of Kismayo as a local issue, which indeed infuriarated Ethiopia's PM who saw the port city as a potential outlet and conduit for weapons to his homegrown insurgents. And since the so called International Community sub scribe to whatever decisive action Ethiopia takes in regards to her own interest in the region, they have no choice but to withdraw their endorsement of him and his grand vision.


Now the pressure is on the PM not look his reconcoliation efforts from a very narrow window. The parliament is riven by division and mutual suspicion and distrust, so it will be interesting to find who will be the next person to lead us and restore the Somali Republic.



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No need to dawg the homie..we all have the final day when that fat lady sings for u!! lool.


i just wanna gave him my human farewell and say good luck to u homie! u know Allah will give him his justice... it will be a home coming party in hell for him for all the bloody shyte he committed.


SO who is NEXT 2 fall from grace!! well... its gotta bw pretty boy!! RIYAALE!! AKA BUSHQADA!! his time is up...sland never progressed in his hand and got worse!!


i say its pretty good time for somaliweeyne 2 get together!! lets have some fun...burn the warlords. U game!

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Sadly, his resignation will not make much of a difference. The predicament in Somalia will not improve in anyway :(


That been said, I pray for Somalia. We suffered enough.

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