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Professor Ghedi: Bearing the Burden of Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle’s Watchful Espionage Eyes



To the human standard, Ghedi must be either a gullible or a patient man. Not only does he is patient but he has also lost some of his prides and sense to resist the encroachment of his rights and the defense of his dwindling private space that to breathe it.


I’m not constantly conferred the title of Professorship or a head of government, but I must admit that, I constantly feel sorry for what Professor Ghedi is going through coupled with his reasonless, outstanding patient and tenacity to be a prisoner of his own making.


Some people question, how Ghedi feels when he is monitored his daily and nightly route activities by a minister, whom he suppose to be monitoring his activities rather than-he (the Prime Minister) being monitored round the clock.


Some people feel uneasy and astonished how Ghedi became a prisoner of his own making. Many of Ghedi’s foes and friends have equally sensed the insecurity and the lack masculinity of Professor’s words, acts and overall his political and social performances. Has Ghedi lost the sense and the concept to understand who is friend and who is enemy? It seems Ghedi has one eye and one ear in which he hears and sees the faults of his own constituent groups. Ghedi is being convinced, told and encouraged to regard his people and territories of his ancestors as his enemies and not allies.


As a prime minister, Ghedi should be giving orders and doing the watching over his ministers’ activities but not other way round. But as it all seems Ghedi likes to concede over his minister (Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle’s) watchful eyes of monitoring his activities, words, works, movements; and what Ghedi does or does not, what Ghedi says or does not say it in private and in public. What policies Ghedi does execute domestically, and internationally. What agreements Ghedi signs on behalf of Somalia, what foreign aid Ghedi receives or promised to be given long term and short terms basis.


Ghedi must be a wounded and an unfortunate technocrat who has not so far grasped the political scheming, art of its unkindness and its dirty crafts. One wonders how many months or years does Ghedi need to be a seasoned politician, agile and fearsome street fighter and politically robust, instead of acting as a controlled robot machine. One wonders too when Ghedi shall be free? If he does not feel free in his own home territories, where will he be feel free? One would have been sympathetic to his predicaments and pitiful if professor Ghedi was confined in hostile territory of North Western Somali-cities like Bossasao, Garowe or northern Galkaio.


How Ghedi allows himself to be constantly informed how to behave, act, talk, misused, and bears 24 hours under the microscope of the career corrupted and double dealer of international mafia and the trusted hand and blood related of Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf, to shadow the daily activities of Professor Ghedi?


It has now become a trademark of Professor Ghedi to accept any inhospitable conditions or threat mete out to him, regardless of its psychological impact on Ghedi, unsteadiness, insecurity which blurs what Ghedi says or does in public and in private-which worries him whether he will do right move or wrong steps.


Ghedi who already gave in many ministerial portfolios to Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle under the duress of Ethiopia and its surrogate son of Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf; has now also conceded to him for his own privacy, premiership title, his personal pride and that of his people who comprises admirers and admonishers.


We know, Ghedi has in the past suffered under the watchful eyes of untitled nephew of Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf-Mr Yusuf Bari Bari, but the most talked and daily conception has become the issues of how a minister/s Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle become the most fearsome, effective watcher and monitor over Professor’s Ghedi’s movements, verbal utterances in public and in private without relenting his foot to foot shadowing over Ghedi’s strides.


People now really, question who is a real prime Minster Ghedi or Jurinle? Some even went that far, and say that Professor Ghedi is no more than a decode prime minister but the real power rests on the shoulders of Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle. Either way, Ghedi is uncomfortable situation for his good name, his supporters, international watchers and above all his international standings. International communities which so often confuse as it doe not able know how to distinguish the real authority of Ghedi from the one that Mr Jurinle Wheels.


It is quite obvious and crystal clear that, Professor Ghedi and his entourage advisors never feel free and secure or will have any ownership of political independence without first looking their shoulders constantly as long as they cannot able to remove the burden and the weight over their shoulders.


Presently, all indications are Ghedi can not sign any policy agreements with international community without first referring the representative of Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf Mr. Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle.


Ghedi has ineffectively become someone who is being controlled and not knowing how to emancipate himself from the shackle and chains surrounding his neck, which suffocates politically and personally.


Twice recently Ghedi has received donations from the Italian government, at Ceel Macaan-unofficial harbour of Northern Mogadishu in his own home town. Alas, both occasions, Jurinle was at hand, shadowing over Ghedi, and sadly appeared as vibrant, supervisor and the real force to be reckoned with. My question begs answer; what has happen to Mr. Ghedi and the honourable citizens inhabited between Jowher and Mogadishu- who comprise all walk of life-politicians, academics and other forces. Or have they all been reduced as only spectators and personal references over the physically diminutive but politically towering shadow of Abdirizaq Jurinle?


Jurinle even offended the innocent Mogadishu citizens by swearing that they will never receive any assistant until and when the city of Mogadishu is perhaps safe for him and his uncle-Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf. Did Jurinle forget where he was or does he and his uncle-Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf give donations? Or does he misconstrue that everyone is as patient or as equal to Professor Ghedi?


In the past, few months, Professor Ghedi went a well publicized overseas trips, however, as usual, every time, Ghedi’s activities was watching by people assigned to monitor Ghedi’s activities led by none other than Abdirizaq Hassan Jurinle.


Diplomatic ethics demand that if and when a president or a prime minister is undertaking overseas trips; ministers of foreign, finance and diplomatic field experts and well versed individuals should include with such a trip in order to facilitate the smooth running of the trip.


Somali people are suspicious today that, the current Transitional government concocted in Imbagathi, Nairobi- Kenya has transformed into a money making None-governmental organization, as long as Imbagathi TNC lives on, and Mr. Jurinle has become an accountant general for the overseas aids and assistances intended to relief the plight of millions of Somalis who are suffering various socio-economic, man made and natural disasters. The question is whether Professor Ghedi is a part and parcel of this conspiracy, or he becomes a victim of his own making and needs SOS rescue mission.

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