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Xaaji Xunjuf

Minister Cali Sandule Defends the visit of Farax macalin

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W. boosaha iyo isgaadhsiinta JSL oo canbareyn kulul usoo jeediyey waiirka arimaha dibada Kenya iyo maamul ka puntland


ka dib markii ay canbaarayn usoo jeediyeen booqashadii uu ku maray Somaliland .


ka dib markii ay canbaarayn usoo jeediyeen booqashadii uu ku maray Somaliland gudoomiye ku xigenka baarkalamanka Kenya faarax macalin.



Wasiirka boosaha iyo is gaadhsiinta aya waxa uu sheegay inu gaashaan ku khaldan yahay inuu canbaarayn ujeediyo gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka Kenya faarax macalin waxaa wasiirku sheegay in faarax macalin xaq u leeyahay inu booqdo soomaliland,puntland iyo somaliyaba.



Wasiir cali ayaa sheegay in farax macalin deegaankiisa labaad uu yahay g.sool sidoo kale wasiir cali wuxuu sheegay inaysan jirin cid eedayn karta imaatinka isaga iyo waftigiisa



Wasiir cali ayaa sheegay inuu u mahad celinayo waftiga faarax macalin ayna guul usoo hooyeen dowlada Kenya



Sidoo kale cali sandule wuxuu sheegay in Kenya ay tahay eesha ay joogaan deeq bixiyayaasha caalamiga ah ee deeqaha siiya wadamo badan oo Africa ah somaliland’na ku jirto waxaa kaloo wasiirku sheegay in mar hadii waftiyada Kenya ka imaanaya Somaliland la canbaaraynayo ay Somaliland la so wareegi doonto haayadaha deeqaha siiya eek u sugan wadanka Kenya caasimadiisa Nairobi, ina soo wareejindoonaan caasimada s/land ee hargeysa



Waxaa kaloo wasiir cali sheegay in imaatinka waftiga faarax ay tahay mid isku soo dhawaynaysa xidhiidhka bulshooyinka Somaliland Kenya iyo waliba xidhiidhka somaliya iyo Kenya



Isku soo wada duuboo hadalka ka soo yeedhay wasiir cali sandule ayaa ahaa mid uu ku dhaliilayo wasiirka arimaha diba Kenya iyo kan maamul wadaaga p/land maxamed faarax ciise Gaashaan



Gabiley Desk


lasanod Office

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Dalmar, you see even your uncle is defending Farax Macaaliin it's time you keep up with the reality. :D

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Dalmar, you see even your uncle is defending Farax Macaaliin it's time you keep up with the reality.

I was listening 2 farax macalin on bbc and he was saying caleemo qoyan ba lanugu so dhaweye laascanood iyo gobolka sool farda lanugu so galbiyey :D

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I have better uncles like Suleiman Xaqlotoosiye and Cali Sabarey



Qaadwale duley cid wax ka dhageesata majirto, naftiisa kuma filna

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Farax Macalin saw the so-called “ssc” vagabonds in Nairobi and came to Sool and delivered the home truth in person. He told the natives their interest lies with Somaliland and nowhere else. It was sincere and brotherly advice. All the clannish weeping and wailing won’t change that fact. It goes without saying; we appreciate his honesty and effort. smile.gif

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^How could say with all that certainty, how are people of LA better of with Hargeysa? What economical, political, and social advantages does Hargeysa have to offer?

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^^ Have to offer? Is Sool a charity case of something?


Sool is not poorer than Awdal or Togdheer and it is time the people of that region came together and developed their towns and villages. That’s what Farax Macalin told the people of LA after he saw in other Somaliland regions. Forget being goons for bogus MOD, M.5, Khusuusi or SSC nonsense. The money being wasted by the politicians in Nairobi could be better spent in other worthy projects back home. It's not rocket science, is it?

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

quote:Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Dalmar, you see even your uncle is defending Farax Macaaliin it's time you keep up with the reality.

I was listening 2 farax macalin on bbc and he was saying caleemo qoyan ba lanugu so dhaweye laascanood iyo gobolka sool farda lanugu so galbiyey
Aniga waxan garanwayey meeshu Dalmar ka gubanayo , is it because Farax Macaalin told the truth about somaliland rather then falling for the biased and hatred views of the exiled garaads in garowe? :D

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Originally posted by 'Dalmar':

I have better uncles like Suleiman Xaqlotoosiye and Cali Sabarey



Qaadwale duley cid wax ka dhageesata majirto, naftiisa kuma filna

Cali Sandule ba kuwaas oo dhaan ka ficaan wa nin daantiisa garanaya oo fariid ah. :D

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Cali Sandule ba kuwaas oo dhaan ka ficaan wa nin daantiisa garanaya oo fariid ah.

According to snm :D

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Aniga waxan garanwayey meeshu Dalmar ka gubanayo , is it because Farax Macaalin told the truth about somaliland rather then falling for the biased and hatred views of the exiled garaads in garowe?

Taa been baa ka sheegtay, Farax Macalin waxaa uu la saftay snm militia ee kusoo duushay SSC, taas ayaa laga xumaaday


Garaadada SSC are the real leaders of their region, they only became exiled after SNM invaded SSC region, they were forced to leave their homes, and they didn't have choice


Farah Macalin suppose to mediate and bring together Somali people, instead of endorsing the biased and hatred views of hate monger Faisal waraabe, siilaanyo, and NSS Riyaale

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Farax Macaliin is a man who speaks his mind and all he said was somaliland was doing a great job in las anood keeping it peace and lawful intaas wax laga xanaaqo maha Dalmarow, are you angry the fact he didn't speak about the exiled garaads well the exiled garaads were exiled because they were supporting bombings and terrorism and war mongering and creating hatred between the people of SSC, you are not fooling nobody with your cries neither Farax Macaalin. :D

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

^^ Have to offer? Is Sool a charity case of something?


Sool is not poorer than Awdal or Togdheer and it is time the people of that region came together and developed their towns and villages. That’s what Farax Macalin told the people of LA after he saw in other Somaliland regions. Forget being goons for bogus MOD, M.5, Khusuusi or SSC nonsense. The money being wasted by the politicians in Nairobi could be better spent in other worthy projects back home. It's not rocket science, is it?

It is common people invest in their towns and villages but this is not my question. The point of joining an association, union, country or any political entity is that one sincerely believes it is in their best interest or that they will gain something from any merger. The question is what does LA stand to gain from any merger with Hargeysa?


If the people of LA can develop their own towns and villages, what is the point coming under Hargeysa's authority or even Garowe's?

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The people of Sool can never be self suffient they are landlocked unlike the makhiris who have a access to the sea, hence they have to either rely on somaliland or puntland ( the main providers ) . :D

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