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Originally posted by General Duke:

It has been welcomed by Somali's wehere ever it went, Jowhar, Beledweyne, Mogadishu and so on.

Sug he sxb, you are more faster than the speed of sound thus short memory.

Jowhar according to Maxamed Dhere xita jodariyashi aad kala cararten malin cad.

Beletweyne..the TFG was passing through that zone only in transit never ever came to establish itself.

Xamar-Cade..TFG iyo wax uu eeg waxa ugu dembeysey 'padrigi' C/qassim.

And just to remind you again all three towns are currently under the control of the ICU hence contradicting that the TFG is welcomed in there waqtigan xadirka ah as sheeko baraley.

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^^^Juje, you seem to have little comprehension. I said the TFG without storming or attacking or saber rattling came to Beledweyne, Jowharm, Moagdishu and was welcomed by the populations. The courts came through the gun and force people to dance to their rune, this is the difference.


Now the TFG did not fight anyone even in Jowhar, and Mr Dheere for all his swager was found to be a coward.


Today the TFG armed forces are in Baidoa, if the courts attack they will fight, thats my point, it is the courts who's legitimacy is based on attacking selective areas and setting up clan courts.


They do not have any admin other than clan based millitias.


Saxib give an analysis, do not talk rubish, have the TFG fought and been defeated by anyone?

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^^Adeer, bal TFGda waxey isku heyso hala arkee, hadey cirka tiirar nagaga hayaan iyo iyo daad naga moosayaanba, ha soo daayaan. Bootada badan weyba na dhibtey lately. Waa mar uu Horn, intuu noo booteeyo wadna kur kur nagu rido iyo mar uu Duke, noo cagajuleeyo oo weliba nagu yiraahdo 'war TFG waa sida gorgorka qumaatiga u duula oo kale smile.gif . Sidaa aawadeed, inta UIC lagu soo dego ayaa mid mid samaawaadka loola kacayaa :D . Cidina Baqa-ku-maal habeen kasta kuma hoyan kareyso ee bal waxaad lasoo xuurtamaysaan soo dadeja, sxbyaal.


Dhurwaa baa laga hayaa 'waa la ordaa, waa la ordaa, oo waxaadan Calaf ku lahayn baa cad laga goostaa'. Marka TFGdu iyo Ethiopianka u taliyaba amba Buurhakaba haku soo ordaan amba haka sii ordaan, hadalkii haree Ina Libaax ayaa sugaya 'waa la sugaa waa la sugaa, wuxuu Illaaheey ku siiyaa la suggaa'. TFGyey soo jabaqlee Wallee jabbaa ku sugaya :D .

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^^^Brother, the TFG did not fight Mohamed Dheere when he was farting in Jowhar, for good reason nor does it worry about the clan courts who you fear so much.


War is an art form, and not one for the girls and the innocent children the clan courts are sending on the marches and using as shields.


I am in no rush to prove anything, I have confidance in the information and experience that Allah has given me with age.


So I tell you again pray for peace, pray that innocent blood is spared, but dont think that those you hide behind are a new thing.

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I am in no rush to prove anything, I have confidance in the information and experience that Allah has given me with age.

Brother, I am sure you do possess accumulated wisdom derived from age and experience, however thus far, no information you've provided has been useful in understanding the political shift that is taking place at home. I hope this time around, for the sake of your word, your information becomes true. Judging from the emphasis you've placed on Nov. 1st, I say, what happens from the 1st of November would be a defining moment for your wisdom.


I am not in any way rushing to war or further bloodshed, but I am truly curious as to how well connected you are to the TFG camp, from which your information originates. Fingers crossed; let us hope there is no war, and let us hope the TFG finds another 'clever' way of handling the situation in which it has found itself at this moment in time.

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^^^I am no soothsayer, I told you that the TFG will not attack anyone before that date. The 1st of november is imprtant for several reasons, politically, its the date for the meeting in Khartoum as well as the meeting of the security council of UN.


After this date the TFG will take a much harder line with the clan courts and their advances.

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