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Disgraced warlord Muse Suudi invites Somalis to Nabad Wanaag

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A warlord and a former member of Moqdisho's infamous anti-terror alliance paid by the CIA, which fought against the courts for control of the city, is now calling Somalis to move on to peace negotiations. In his interview, Al-Dagaal-ooge Yalaxow shows a different side I did not know existed. A compassion for the country, its people and a love for peace. He's calling Somalis to embrace the peace initiatives with no preset conditions. Somewhere in the interview he acknowledged everyone is wronged upon including himself but what his memory failed to recollect is that he was a parasite that sucked the blood of millions of innocent Somalis far too long. The interview would have been a little creditable if he took the opportunity to sound why his call for peace is any better than the those in Amxaaro tanks or a beheading warning banner and suicide bomb belt.


I don't know if this is a genuine personal call or just another peace campaign paid by Ethiopia or his former employer. Did the Ethiopians turned Baydhabo into a Warlord Rehabilitation Center?



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Jimcaale, what I like about your views is that you always see things from a rational and neutral angle contrary to what the self-interested individuals here preach to us every day.


Be our respected judge.

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Thanks for your kind words bro but I ain't no good judge. I got the gene somewhere in me.


Seriously, have we run out of good creditable people that former warlords are now spearheading the toughest task of bringing noble peace to Somalia?

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The new muse sudi :eek: :eek: yaaab s shiek mansuur is callin for more distruction and blood - muse wants peace ... everything is possible in this somalia ....

Whats wrong he aint first warlord turned inside out --- You forgot MUlla indhacaadaa

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Somalida are so judgmental. You can't even recognize good even if it hit you in the face.


Take the man for what he has become and not for what he use to be.

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Muuse suudi yalaxow: "Qanyaro waxa noqonayo aniga wax manoqonaayi cedeeydi yeeli mee", uu bbc ka dhahay ninkaaaas..daacadnimada ku fiicanyahay..


Yarta warlords can't be trusted.....

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If this is about trust issue, then the list should stretch beyond warlordshipnimo. We have ministers, government officials who are probably as I type this defrauding our nation and its people, yet you trust them to make good decisions for the country.


Probably pocketing public funds, furthering their self interest before that of the nation, list goes on and on yarka.


Remember, the TFG is the biggest liar of them all.

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Sis Dalac-bilaash yaarantaada saaid u cuni joking)

No One did trust them-they using powers whether it's money or ethopian support or whatever it is; as socaiety we never have chance to vote yarta..........

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Somalida are so judgmental. You can't even recognize good even if it hit you in the face.


Take the man for what he has become and not for what he use to be.

Well said Layzie.

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