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Range Resources back again

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Sarcarsm not fitting for you chaps!


Foreign investment is fine but of bunch brokers running around to make a quick buck Give me a break come on this is not 1950s chaps. Somalia has large number of its sons and daughters who are in M&A, VC, PE and HF. We know what Range Resources is. It is nothing but a broking shop that is originating deals and then selling to the highest shady bidder at the expense of PL!.


The couple 100 bucks you guys have invested is mostly like down the frying pan. Don't worry that is the nature of "frontier markets".


Good luck.




The current seems to be doing good things; time will tell. Insha Allah, that we have ratified the constitution, the people will elect their leaders soon.






The current admin is in meetings with the exact same company that you claim are in business at the expense of Puntland. They obviously don't feel the way you do if this admin is preparing the exploration. When the former admin was in meetings with this group everyone said it was corruption. But I believe that President Faroole who campaigned on a platform of anti-corruption has proven that this company is not corrupt or he would not be meeting with them.

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When you consider what Range Resources has had to contend with over the past couple of years, you can only feel admiration for their continued commitment. When you suggest a couple hundred dollars invested, you obviously fail to understand how much money has been sunk into this project to try and get it off the ground. I personally know many investors who have commited hundreds of thousands of dollars! Perhaps it has been the ever changing landscape in Somalia and everyone wanting a free ride that has given you the wrong impression?


Without companies like Range and investors who are prepared to take a risk (big risk) the oil will be staying in the ground and the Puntland economy will be going no where.

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^Unless Range/Africaoil (or whatever they are called) do some actual DRILLING the oil will stay in the ground until Somalia sorts itself out. At the moment the oil majors just don't see a partner in Somalia. I also doubt the capabilities of Range and Africaoil.

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^^^I dont see the argument here at all. Let the company do its job, let the admin decide what it wants to do. We are just watching events unfold. And Norf adeer I know it pains you but the oil exploration is ongoing nothing has changed.

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Nothing has changed/developed - exactly my point :D


Those who have an inkling into developing oil fields and the associated procurement issues will know what I mean smile.gif


The rest will continue to be armchair spectators throwing predictions and jumping for joy everytime it is announced Range have started drilling smile.gif

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Originally posted by Sophist:

Sarcarsm not fitting for you chaps!


Foreign investment is fine but of bunch brokers running around to make a quick buck Give me a break come on this is not 1950s chaps. Somalia has large number of its sons and daughters who are in M&A, VC, PE and HF. We know what Range Resources is. It is nothing but a broking shop that is originating deals and then selling to the highest shady bidder at the expense of PL!.


The couple 100 bucks you guys have invested is mostly like down the frying pan. Don't worry that is the nature of "frontier markets".


Good luck.



:D , this is not 50s indeed!

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