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Che -Guevara

Surrender Peacefully!

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Just because I abhor the tactics used by AlShabab does not mean I support TFG (1 or 2 or any other) nor do I support any foreign intervention. I’m sure the same can be said for many people on this forum.

For all your bravery, you would not last a day in a Mogadishu battle, or a week under AlShabab rule, so spare us the bravado, you’re like a broken record.

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As I said,I have been observing your tactics and again I would say..You have mastered the art of propaganda...Pulling a Red Neck response on me..Lol. You know when a racist is confronted they always tend to respond in saying...erm,My best friend is Black,or I know a few Black people..Lol[i am pulling your leg,but honestly,I am Somali,so Somali affairs are my concern too.] icon_razz.gif


The name calling,card stalking,glittering generalities,Plain folks statements,band wagon tactics..These are all propaganda tools,I see your persuasive argument for your cause as a creation of 'cult personalities'..We dont need a cult, but a solution,and am yet to be convinced the Al-Shabaab's tactics are the solution.


I am for Xaq, for Islam and Muslims, but when I see Muslim killing another Muslim in the name of Nation,I loose faith in what ever the cause maybe on both side..Our beautiful Deen,has solutions for every situation,why aren't we exhausting the already formulas to solving conflict?

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