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Solutions to the conflict in Somali Region

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How can it be solved? especially when it's a case involving that of a ragtag militias of ONLF who claim to be fighting ethiopia but at the sametime have a different hidden agenda to settle old scores, and the unwillingness of the riyaale government and ethiopia government to sort this issue out before it gets out of hand and destabilize the gobolka soomaaliida? i have my own visions for a solution which is the two communities of somaliland origin and ONLF origin should completely stop intermixing and a green zone drawed between the two groups just like Puntland & Galmudug which i believe this is the only way to restore peace and order in gobolka soomaalida of course trade might go down in the process but what's important is everybody can live in peace in their areas without getting hassled by a bunch of militias, which i believe if this small scale killings continue it might lead to a all out war in the near future so here is the solution one the grazing groups each stays in their areas and a green line be drawed to know exactly where each group should stay at and no intermixing at all at any times, i know many of you might accuse me of using segratation racial system to group people and place everybody in their place but this is my opinion and that is what i think can sort out the problem in gobolka soomaaliida cause sometimes too much intermixing might = more likely prone to conflict related, all the shared towns also should have a green line zones to know and remind each group not to step out of their boundaries.


Analyisis 101 on Gobolka soomaalida recent incident.

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The Zack, i see you are not a big fan of Green line but sorry to inform you a Green line will be possible soon since the two communities can't not get along just like galmudug and puntland marka stay in your place i will stay in my place starting from North awaare to Maydh.

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The Zack   

Looool@u and I know, take it easy man. The recent small clash is not news in that area, both communities are capable of moving on.

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The Zack, this is just a possible solutions for the future it doesn't mean i will implant it now, you sitll have few months left before it's implanted. :D

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Dalmar, this topic is for the people of ONLF and Somaliland i told you i have no place for the Kaashmiir issue i will open another thread for that. :D

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

Dalmar, this topic is for the people of ONLF and Somaliland i told you i have no place for the Kaashmiir issue i will open another thread for that.


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You started talking about Galmudug and Puntland...



Somali-diidland = Kaashmiir, somalidiid don't want to be part of Somalia like kaashmiiris don't want to be part of India


People of SSC are happy to part of Somalia, and all countries of the world agree that both Las Anod and Hargeisa are 2 cities in Somalia, and there is country called "Somaliland" in our world

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Dalmar, Las anod = the Kaashmiir issue since it's in dispute by the two places aka Somaliland & Puntland therefore it's similar to the Kaashmiir issue i hope you don't take a offence in this brother. ;)

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Originally posted by The Zack:

dalmar has a point , lets talk about all border related topics here. Come on sacad, don't be afraid dee.

What point does Dalmar has? Dalmar's own people are keeping his land hostage to be honest so he should blame his elders such as Xaabsade, Sandule and co, besides the sool issue is not like the Hawd issue, this topic is for the Hawd issue ha no daambayso Kaashmiir.

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You were interested to know if there is a Green Line between onlf and somali-diidland, yes there is a Big Green Line between onlf and somalidiid and is recognized by International Community and it is the border between Somalia and Ethiopia



You love your british masters so much right


And you want the eastern border of somali-diidland to be the fake border between former british somali colony and italian somali colony


And the southern border of somali-diidland should be same, the fake border between Ethiopia and former british somali colony


There is no ethnic "somalilanders" in western somalia or ethoipia

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Dalmar, blame your elders like xaabsaade, sanduule that you are under occupation - Kaashmiir aniga haa igu ooyn.

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