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The Guardian newspaper outlines interesting strategy in combating the piracy problem

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Che, the article I posted made that clear. One does not need Ayyoubi to confirm. And the reason I posted was to show that piracy is a criminal that is not specific to a particular community, a fact good Oodweyne and the Macno Yare kid often, quite conveniently, overlook.

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Excellent policy recommendations. Solution to piracy is aiding Puntland administration while not abandoning the TFG option in its entirety because the extremists have to be really contained.

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

Excellent policy recommendations. Solution to piracy is aiding Puntland administration

What you're trying to say is that Xiin is a lier when he says "piracy is a criminal that is not specific to a particular community,"

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The Zack   

This reporter suggested very good strategy. These western countries could save money by helping Puntland fight piracy. They spend too much money on trying to keep the Somali coastline save, they also spend too much money on ransom. $30,000,0000 of ransom just in 2008? That is quite a bit. In return, we will have peaceful coastline.


P.s. They better promise that they will keep their Qashin out of our seas lakin.

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AfricaOwn, the key word is aiding an administration that proved to be a viable one without current or previous outside assistance. Of course, activities of piracy aren't exclusive to one area/region, but assisting the Puntland adminstration not only on security issues but also other environmental and economical factors that cause and perpetuate piracy is of utmost importance in lieu of wasting streams of hard currency into the Atalanta project as well as the TFG. Such policy stance has failed and staying on this track will prove to be a huge sunk cost.

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Unless they wonna escort their fishing trawlers and secure the continuation of their industrial and urban waste disposals.

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Originally posted by The Zack:


P.s. They better promise that they will keep their Qashin out of
our seas

Did you say 'our seas', or are you simply pulling our legs? :D


1, 2,3...

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Great article from one of my favourite newspapers from back home[uK]. The important thing is that the world is slowly recognising the importance of Puntland as a solution not only to the Piracy issue but the whole Somali problem.

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The Zack   


Unlike you I am a Somali and all Somalia (land and sea) belongs to me. Same is true for any other Somali citizen.


Sheekada goboleysiga iyo kala saar waddanka.

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