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Garowe: Cabinet reshuffle ;

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Dr.Cali Cabdullaahi Warsame
, ayaa kamid ah wasiirada cusub ee wareegtaddii shalay ka soo baxdey Madaxweyne Dr.Faroole lagu magacaabey. Dr.Cali Cabdullaahi waa aqoonyahan dhalinyar muddo dheer ayuu ku noolaa dalka Norway, waxa uu u wareegay kadib dalka Malaysia halkaas oo uu ku dhamaystey waxbarashadiisi, Dr.Cali Cabdullaahi waxa uu kamid ahaa raxan aqoonyahan ahayd oo waday musharixii hore ee madaxweynaha Puntland Nuradin Adam Diiriye, xukuumadda cusub ee Dr.Faroole ayuu ka noqdey Agaasimaha Tacliinta sare ee Puntland, isaga oo lafdhabar u ahaa hormarka wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland ay ku talabaasatay sanadkii la soo dhaafey.


Dadka aan lahayn aqoonta dawliga ah ama fikirkoodu hooseeyo waxa ay u haytsaan in wasaaradda caafimaadka loo dhiibo qof dhakhtar ah taas oo ah mid aan aqoonta dawliga sal ku lahayn, waana midda kaliftey in wasaaradda caafimaadku dhakhtar u dabranaato, dhakhtarkaas oo bulshadu u baahneyd in uu ku daaweeye isbitaalada. waxaa horyaala Cali Cabdullaahi in uu wax ka qabto arimaha caafimaadka Puntland isla markaana gaarsiiyo in bulshado hesho adeeg caafimaad oo wanaagsan, xisaabtan dhab ah lala galo ganacsatada dawooyinka kuwaas oo waddanka kusoo waarida daawooyin dhacay iyo kuwo bulshada aan wax tar u lahayn, iyo sidii xad loogu samayn lahaa goobaha lagu gado daawooyinka kuwaas oo ka badan dukaamada lagu iibiyo cunooyinka daruuriga ah, sidoo kale sidii loo samayn lahaa barnaamij caafimaad oo lagula socdo cunnooyinka dalka soo galaaya (Food Quality control). Inkasta oo Dr.Cali lagu badalay Dr.Bashiir Biixi iyada oo la tixgelinaayo sida maamulku ku dhisan yahay, haddana waxaa dad badan aaminsan yihiin in Dr.Cali uu tartan adag la geli doono Wasiirka waxbarashada Mr.Juxaa oo ay meel ka wada shaqeeyn jireen isla markaasna ah nin muujiyey dedaal dheeraad ah.


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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Cabdulaahi Saciid Samatar needed to go. He was a big fialure. Will see how Ina Axmed Kheyr fares.

How so?? is it because he oppose the handing over of somalis to ethiopia?

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:D:D @satellite phone to Xamar


Aw Muse marra waaxidah :D


Thanksful, Faroole inherited a state that had the form of goverment but not the spirit. The insecurity you see is the result of desperate reactions from certain groups who are unhappy where the state is heading.


Salaam to brother Sophist

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Sayid, I respect Ina Samatar's stance on the Galkacyo incident and his previous positions during the Adde presidency


But the man failed to tackle current security chalenges

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Xiin - his positions have not changed - he threaten to resign few times - he was and still is one of few who knew how to do his job properly - unfortunately there were too many barriers.

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xiinfaniin what would the likes of Shaakirullaah, Laba Xiniiniyood, Kashafa and Maaddey say about this?


I know Kashafa for sure but not LX that they called the ulumaa such as Abdulqaadir Gaa'mey as 'ulumaa u suu' and thus should not be listened to.


The wadaado in Bosaso have assimilated is their stance and this latest news will not make them change in any way or form but further lose respect in their eyes as the ulumaa are appeasing. :D:D


Sheekh Axmed Daahir, Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi and the rest of the culumaa in Puntland are vilified by them and brushed with the same paint that they side with the 'tol' and not the 'diin' as they didn't pick up the gun. :D


What advice would you give them?

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Faroole removing Samatar was the best thing he did in this cabinet, if anyone has a doubt how much this man was hated in Bossaso by a huge number, then you are deluding yourselves.


Lets hope the new security chief, and the new Governor & Mayor will do a better job. insh Allah.

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^^^AUN: Adeer I am not sure how commenting on this man is an attack on you?


He was a useless minister, and thats my opinion, made in my thread..

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The security needed major adjusting and I think that picking Yusuf Ahmed Khayr was a terrible choose. Between the two of them Abdullahi Said Samatar would have been better.


I would like to have seen a new person named.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Also, Said Mohamed Rage came back. I'm not sure why.

Just to please some folks who were unhappy with this admin!

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