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Garowe: Cabinet reshuffle ;

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On a side note,


Puntland(and the rest of Somalia) are in kind of a bind. Because when I visited the country several times, I always heard people make comment about how the diaspora are coming and taking all the best jobs, forcing the ones that never left the state to work under them.


By no means am I saying that it is only happening under this administration. The thing is that there is a subtle tension brewing; people are getting annoyed by the heavy Diaspora presence at the highest levels of our government.


They know however that the money the Diaspora sends back and invests in the nation is arguably the most important part of their economy and vitally needed. They also know that they don't have the access to education like we do and that people who worked for the Somalia government when it was fully functioning are also valuable logistical tool.


With more Puntland born and raised students graduating from schools in Malaysia and Sudan and other places we need to make sure that they are included in the high levels of government and not just those from Europe, N America and Australia.

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Gheelle.T: Every Ministry has a minister, the state Minister is a deputy of the Minister who heads that department. A single Ministry can not have two ministers running it. Kapish.



Big-Boy, adeer you need to do more, post more, create links for your uncle and post more pics, also you need to learn more. Good luck with Mr Hashi, he seems like a good man.



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The president of Somalia's Puntland state Dr. Abdirahman Mohammed Farole has carried out a wideranging cabinet reshuffle as part of efforts to rejuvenate his one-year government.


In a presidential decree that Garowe Online received a copy, Farole said he has relieved 8 ministers and assistant ministers of their appointment after consultation with his vice president and saw the need in accordance to the constitution.


The new ministers who would replace the relived ones as stated in the decree are as follows.


Gen Yussuf Ahmed Kheyr

Minister of Defense and DDR


Ali Yussuf Ali Hosh

Assistant minister of Defense and DDR


Dr Daud Mohammed Omar

Minister of Planning and International relation.


Pro Abdiqadir Ali Hashi

State Minister of Planning and International relation.


Eng Abdirisaq Yussuf Elmi

Assistant Minister of Planning and International relation


Said Mohamed Rage

Minister of Fisheries, Ports, Marine Transport & Resources


Hassan Farah Jama

Minister of Trade and Industrialization



Abdi Mohammud Mohammed

Assistant Minister of trade.


Dr Ali Abdullahi Warsame

Minister of Health


Abdullahi Haji Hassan Aw Ahmed

Minister of Justice.


Abdi Yassin Hirsi

Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs and local government.


Abdisaq Mohammed Ismail

Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs and local government

Abdishakur Mire Adan

Assistant Minister of Special Programme and Vehicles


Abdirasaq Muse Yussuf

Assistant Minister of Fisheries


Mohammed Abdullahi Salah Deer

Assistant Minister of Fisheries


Saynab Ugas Yassin

Assistant Minister for Women and Family Affairs


Ali Ahmed Gamute

Assistant Minister for Education.


Abdiqani Salad Yussuf

Assistant Minister for Information.


Mohammud Mohammed Sheikh Ibrahim

Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation.


The ministers who were relived of their duties include Abdulaahi Saciid Samatar the security minister, Abdirisaq Yassn abdule Gesod justice minister, Abdullahi Ali Hirsi, Farah Adan Dhalaa planing and international relation minister, Abdirisaq Hussein Gaceyte port minister, Abdihakin Farah Ali, Dr Bashir Ali Bihi Health minister and Halimo Mohammud Mohammed vice minister of planing .


Since its inception in January 2009, President Farole’s government has made substantial growth in the development of the Puntland state, which declared its autonomous status in 1998.

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^I would have fussed like him, had my Phd holding uncle(poor me, don't have one) were reduced to mere deputy ministerial position. :D How dare you Duke!!

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What is interesting is that Samatar got axed and has been replaced by Yusuf Ahmed Khayr who was sacked as head of the police by Adde Muuse in the last government and is known to be a good friend of the President.


He is also the father of horseedmedia's owner. Definitely I would have preferred someone strong in that position, which Samatar was not btw but Yusuf Ahmed Khayr for me is rather a gentle option, he is a wadaad as well rumoured to be linked with Al-Itihad who have reformed and it seems Faroole is heavily relying on now. I welcome it if they can bring the necessary change but Yusuf is a gentle option but god willingly I wish him all the best. Maybe a calm and measured approach is what is needed and dialogue and not someone who is to strong willed and rigid.


Faarax Adan Dhalac was expected to get axed as the President was very much patient with him through out the last year. Farole made a mistake in firstly selecting him and that's why he brought this reshuffle in place to get rid of the people he who wrongly put in the government in the first place and who he no longer trusts. Dhalac was in open rebellion and it was visible to everyone.


Saciid Maxamed Raage former Fisheries Minister who got the sack from the last government due to politically motivated allegations on his person which have not yet been proven to be correct either way has been brought back. He was a former Presidential Candidate and was in direct challenge with Farole at the last election. His 'clan' has been accused of being behind of the some of the trouble in Bosaso and I think this has been facilitated to please some of the feelings of deprivation amongst that clan and will proof a crucial step in bettering Bari region's overall security together with the new mayor and governor of the region.


The last bit which is of great interest is the replacement of Dhalac with Dr. Dauud Maxamed Cumar who is someone well known in Lasanod and also rumoured to have links with the reformed Al-Itihad moverment, that have so much space in Faroole's government and trust, that it is said, that it is a welcome move indeed as someone who can finish of tasks and do the work required.


The interesting bit is the Junior Minister for Planning and Internatioanl Cooperation which has been given to the PDF President Prof Abdiqadir Abdi Hashi an influential man from Toronto who is really inspiring. He will assist the Minster for Planning and International Co-operations Dr. Dauud Maxamed Cumar in his duties and the day to day activities of that ministry.


Faroole is serious about the International side of Politics and has heavily invested into it by naming a Junior Minister to assist the Department/Ministry for Planning and International Co-operations.


Let's see what these changes will bring inshallaah. Overall nothing surprising really. His focus is on International issues and that is where he will put his energy on.

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Bigboy just relax bro and don't take things personal, I am sure Duke has nothing against good Hashi. It's just misunderstanding.

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