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Dahran: Iranian army is ready to retaliate.

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Iran's army ready to retaliate



Tehran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that Iran would "cut off the hand of any aggressor", as the Islamic republic's army put on a show of strength in their annual military parade.


In a speech marking the country's national armed forces day, Ahmadinejad said: "The enemies know that the Iranian army ranks among the most powerful armies in the world.


"The powerful army of the Islamic Republic of Iran is in the service of peace and security and is no threat to anyone. But in the face of enemies, it is like a meteorite.


"It will cut off the hand of any aggressor and leave the enemy covered in shame.


"The army must always be equipped and ready, and have mastered the latest technology, to respond to any aggression. We want peace, security and progress for all people, in particular the countries of the region and our neighbours."


Iran is under mounting international pressure over its disputed nuclear programme.


Iran insists programme is peaceful


It is refusing to comply with a United Nations security council demand to freeze sensitive uranium enrichment work by April 28.


The country insists its programme is peaceful, but enrichment can be extended from making reactor fuel to the production of warheads.


The parade showed Iran's military might in the face of mounting speculation that United States President George W Bush is considering military action against the country.


On show was a array of conventional battlefield weapons - including freshly painted Soviet-era tanks, mobile rocket launchers, short-range missiles, camouflaged trail motorcycles, pilotless aircraft and helicopters.


Next to the podium seating Ahmadinejad and top military brass was the slogan: "We can".


Iran's medium-range ballistic missiles - Shahab-3s which are capable of hitting Israel -were not on display.


They are handled by the revolutionary guards, a separate military force to the country's regular army.


The annual military parade came as the five permanent members of the security council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the US - and Germany, were to meet in Moscow to discuss the nuclear crisis.


Punitive measures on the agenda


The US has said punitive measures, such as freezing Iranian assets or imposing travel restrictions on senior officials, will be on the agenda.


Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson, Hamid Reza Asefi, said: "The 5+1 meeting in Moscow is more important for the participating countries than for us, because if they do not act wisely and make a mistake, they are the ones who will suffer losses."


"The 5+1 participants should bear in mind that whenever the Islamic republic of Iran has been under pressure, the result has been the reverse."


The security council is awaiting a report, due by April 28, from Mohamed El-Baradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, on Iran's compliance with its demands to freeze enrichment.

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