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Somali Islamists cut fuel supply to government base

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Hannibal, the punits in SOL, do not understand that the TFG must be seen defending itself and not as the agressor. Now that time has come, we have these foolish clan courts running around the country and making threats against peaceful regions as well as neighbouring states.

What is the world to think? Lift the embargo and let the "weak" TFG defend itself, let Ethiopia defend itself, let the horn defend itself from these "radicals".


This fuel thing is another point to score, all the TFG did is visit Bur-Hakabo and you get this reaction, when they invaded Kismayu did the TFG make threats in public? No.


The courts have done A.Yusuf allot of favours, they will be thanked later on.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

quote:Duke: If the TFG is in danger
why are they not fleeing Baidoa?
Why are they not lashing out, making threats? Instead what we have is the quite, before the storm. Ideed it is the courts who are making idle threats daily.

Rumour has it that they have, in the last couple of days, been having meetings to contemplete an exit strategy, erm, I mean a path to flee on
Actually it is not only Duke, Gheedi seems to be displaying a level of confidence he has never displayed before also. :D


When asked about that rumour (is the government planning to move to Gedo), he confidently replied the only place we will be moving to soon is Mogadishu. :D





I wholeheartedly agree you with. The Courts have helped and put a new and invigorated life into the TFG then any other thing could have.

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If the TFG is in danger why are they not fleeing Baidoa? Why are they not lashing out, making threats? Instead what we have is the quite, before the storm. Ideed it is the courts who are making idle threats daily

The TFG does have enough fire power to defend itself, and of course you have Ethios army regiments openly parading in the open. Bro, the more important question here is would the TFG accomplish anything. If history is anything to go by, the answer is no. It had an entire two years to bring about change. It is useless body that is dragging its feet to oblivion.


And mind you, the courts are no means angels, but they have least to shown the propensity to wanna progress, and expand their influence into rest of Somalia, while TFG wasted time in useless inter-squabbling and trying to appease warlords.

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^^^Che, your argument does not stand, regarding firepower the TFG has enough guns and will but it is yet not time to take action.


You credit the courts with what, fighting, well you are 100% right the TFG did not fight anyone instead it opted to negotiate to talk to play politics. The clan courts is not a national movement with various contradictions and based on consensus. It is a single clan, fighting on behalf of that clan and trying to thwart the national government. The clan courts are from the main armed clan of Mogadishu, the one that had the firepower, business and will to fight.

The TFG is made up of different clans, different group sometimes opposed to each other.


I would not bet on the courts winning every battle, they have so far had set backs in Galkacyu and Buaale.


In the long run, the age of warlords is over, we are now enetering the end of the civil war. A national federal government is better than the deluded dreams of a single group who have no idea how to govern.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Che, your argument does not stand, regarding firepower the TFG has enough guns and will but it is yet not time to take action.

Buddy, I think we agree on this one. Reread what wrote.


And I credit the courts for taking out Xamar warlords, and bringing some sort order to the south.

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^^^I agree some sort of order is better than before, but they should not pretend to be bigger that what they really are or over do their simple achievement. We had the people of North West bring peace as Somaliland and the people of the North East as Puntland. These two huge regions brought this about a decade before, so lets not over do what this clan has done, it is no more than what others clans achieved long ago.

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Peace and development my boy, something the courts have not done yet. What was Puntland like in 1991? Compared to today?


Those two areas have systems that work, it is up to them to change the system but not for people who just got out of the dark. The clan courts need to do allot of work before they can talk about those regions. Their whole rhetoric shows their aim is power. Thus even the power they gained they risk with the mad rash dahses.

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Duke: In the long run,
the age of warlords is over
, we are now enetering the end of the civil war. A national federal government is better than the deluded dreams of a single group who have no idea how to govern.

Erm, A/Y isn't/hasn't been a warlord? or the TFG parliament doesn't consist of warlords? smile.gif

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This is unnecessary provocation and sabotage, reminiscent Caydiid Senior's tactics, such as not allowing caawinaadii caalamka ka yimid to reach landlocked regions.


Wadaada ku sheega should know better, otherwise unintended consequences ayaa dhacaayo, forcing and giving the natives of these regions a necessity to liberate Shabeellaha Hoose and its ports, such as Baraawe.


And shame for reer Buurhakaba facilitating this shameless stunt.

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TFG is dead men, history with their tigery masters. waara abdulahi yusuf does not have plan or agenda . TFG is bankrupt no more money to fund cival war :eek: :eek: . TFG lost both military and heart of the people. They TFG lost burhakap and Bu'aale . WHere is he goin to find save heaven this time . No excuse for TFG somalis all over somali made up their mind on who they fevor and support which is icu , even honourable waddado from puntland stated icu is not USC and that infact biggest USC is being a aid by PUntland amdministration.



READ THIS IS JUST MATTER OF TIME Abdulahi will get kicked out


Kadib markii uu Kacdoonkii ugu weynaa ee Soomaaliya uu ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho sababayna in uu ku fido Koonfurta iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya ayaa shacbiga Soomaaliyeed isla garwaaqsadeen in kudhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka uu yahay Xalka keliya ee Dhibaatada looga bixi karo.


Hadaba Magaalada baydhabo oo Maalmahani ay diiraddu saaran tahay ayaa waxaa kasocda Abaabul aad u xoogan oo lagu abaabulayo sidii Shacbiga Gobolkaasi ay u muujin lahaayeen sida ay u doonayaan kudhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka isla markaana gudaha magaaladaasi ay ka sameyn lahaayeen Kacoonkii Muqdisho oo kale.


Qaar katirsan Culumaa'udiinka Gobolkaasi oo katagay Degmada Buurhakaba si nabad ahna ku galay Magaalada baydhabo ayaa ka bilaabay gudaha Magaaladaasi wacyi gelinta Shacbiga Ku dhaqan Gobolka baay, waxayna ku dhiira gelinayaan sidii ay uga qeyb qaadan lahaayeen xureynta ladoonayo in dalka laga xureeyo Ciidamada Tikreega ah oo doonaya in uu soo celiyo gumeysigii hore oo kale.


Shacbiga kudhaqan Gobolka Baay oo idil ayaa horey u balan qaaday in ay la shaqeynayaan Golaha Maxaakimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed iyadoo taasina laga dareemi karo sida Gudaha Baydhabo looga gacan haatinayo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed.

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