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Somali Islamists cut fuel supply to government base

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What about through Puntland via Ethiopia, ever thought of that.



That can be easily dealt with.

How, by bombing from the air :D

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Duke..Where were the troops you speak of when the Doqon in Jowhar, and Mogdisho warlords( who are so easily defeated by ragtag gardheerayaal) were openly defying the very agreements that they signed on in Nairobi. Only force hell bent on subjugating everyone could only unify Somalia. The courts might be just that force.

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^^^lol. Che, these forces if they had attacked the warlords of Mogadishu they would have been seen as aggressors and then the whole clan of Mogadishu would have been united to attack the TFG as nothing more than a clan coming back for revenge. That was the argument of the warlords and some in the courts.


The question is why did these courts and their warlords the Balcad coilition never attack the TFG in Jowhar?


Also the force in Bay now is much stronger, they came later through Ethiopia through wajid. They also added a number of others through the year.


Its a good thing the warlords are finished and soon the courts will follow.


The test is can they dfeat the TFG in battle? Also when they attack Baidoa they will attack Puntland which has a few other thousand fighters not involved yet.


Its their move, but we remmeber it took them 4 months to fight the road block gangsters of Xamar.

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^^^lol. Che, these forces if they had attacked the warlords of Mogadishu they would have been seen as aggressors and then the whole clan of Mogadishu would have been united to attack the TFG as nothing more than a clan coming back for revenge. That was the argument of the warlords and some in the courts.

How's this any diffirent if The TFG were to attack Xamar today. The Qabiil card would be used. The point is you can't have diffirent Qabiils led by pyschos asserting their independence by curving a little fiefdoms for themselves. Everyone must understand that they are part of country, and as such they must answer to the land's highest authority.


But I guess Yeey wouldn't be the man to do. He is so into Qabiil, and could hardly think beyond it. The man couldn't even unify Gaalkayo. That's always amazed me how Pland couldn't control Gaalkiyo entirely.

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^^^Thats why Puntland will outlast the courts, it was built on consensus and not on war.


I will say this again as I have before. If legitimacy comes through power then its ok.

When Yusuf was elected everybody thought he would fight, he did not, now everybody thinks he cannot fight, which he can.


The Somali media and pundits have been driven by events, the warlords were all powrful yesterday, today its the courts, tommorrow the TFG.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote: What about through Puntland via Ethiopia, ever thought of that.



That can be easily dealt with.

How, by bombing from the air
:D:D No comment.

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^^^You know that the courts can not stop fuel shortages. Anyhow give it a week and we will see how far thinsg progress. I have information that from 1st November things will heat up.

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^^ Allah, adeer come 1st of November, insha-Allah, Baidoa would come under severe fuel shortages :D . To heat up things, you need fuel to light the fire and without fuel, it ain't happening smile.gif .


PS: Waanba wada joognaa; Insha-Allah we will learn how credible your inside information is come 1st Nov. We await which turn the TFG's polcies would take. Just hope things happen for the better of the TFG from the 1st of Nov. If as you say, your info becomes absolutely correct, then, I am here to ackwoledge that you are indeed well-connected to the core of the TFG. If, however, nothing happens, then, what do you want us to believe about your claims to having inside information to the TFG's dealing in Baidoa?

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^^^Paragon, Thera are known Knowns, but there are great unknowns that Duke knows, and which we don't know but will know eventually. Lets the mighty TFG does came nov 1. That remind me of Oodweyne making the same promises about Sland recognition.

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^^^Saxib a few question for you both.

Aside from this new propoganda about fuel, which the TFG never purchased from Mogadishu.


If the TFG is in danger why are they not fleeing Baidoa? Why are they not lashing out, making threats? Instead what we have is the quite, before the storm. Ideed it is the courts who are making idle threats daily.


Che, I did love the Rumsfeld way you put that last statement. However I try to look beyound the hype, the TFG has an army, not mighty but adequite for the task ahead.

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Duke: If the TFG is in danger
why are they not fleeing Baidoa?
Why are they not lashing out, making threats? Instead what we have is the quite, before the storm. Ideed it is the courts who are making idle threats daily.

Rumour has it that they have, in the last couple of days, been having meetings to contemplete an exit strategy, erm, I mean a path to flee on :D .Dowladda KMGda oo lagu wado in ay u guurto magaalada Garbaharreey

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^^Ninyahow, adiguba you are confidently supporting confident C/Y :D . Aniguna I am giving support to the courts, for the peace they've brought to the land.

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^^^lol. You have a point but brother look beyond the perceptions reer Mogadishu hold.

I vividly remmeber them having the same number of fighters with even Inda Cade and others and they were crushed in less than a hour by the RRA. History is repeating itself all over again, but this time it will be for real. Insha Allah.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

When Yusuf was elected everybody thought he would fight, he did not, now everybody thinks he cannot fight, which he can.



General Duke,this phrase explains it all and from this,one can even deduct what is to be expected.What makes me gasp is the carelessness of the ICU.Dont they have learned military officers who are familiar with the arts of war and strategy?Besides that,the fuel strategy that they came up with ,legitimates any actions that ''will'' be carried out by the TFG.So what gain is there for them?None.

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