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Omar Jamal takes post with Somali Mission to UN

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

BTW, the author alleged Omar is an opportunist, anti-islam, and outright crook. It is not simple charges for a man who holds public office.

indeed they are not simple charges - quite heavy on the contrary. but his pettiness got the better side of him and he is swinging for everybody connected with this guy, from Elmi, Beddel, Yey, Sharif etc.

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Fourtunately for him, all the guys he hit at are worthless with the exception of Elmi (whom i have no information on. Yey and Sharif Hotel are what we all know they are: one, a treasonous geriatric, the other a religious khaaín. Baddal is baddal( waa nin wareersan).


But I agree with you the manner the author chose suits mafrishes than the media. He should have reigned on the adjectives and expletives about th subject man.


Wuu xanaaqsanaa, and if i may guess where he is from (at the risk of upsetting some of my best friends in SOL), the writer has a distinctive Sool and sanaag bravado about him.

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Istaaqfurullah, mid baa hadda igu yidhi Sheikh Sharif iyo Omer Jamal isku xafiis bay u shaqayn jireen. Resce team'kii shariifka dhoobley ka qaaday buu Omer qayb ka ahaa buu ku leeyahay.



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^^ Waryaa Abtigiis, it seem the ONLF community is cleverly sacrificing Ina Beddel so as to dump on Omar Jamaal. hahaha. War Abtigaa ninka xanaagsan ee afka ka xumbaynaya ka celi, yaan habaar kugu dhicine. :D:D:D



As of the article written by the "angry" author (as you said), the following portion essentially recaps how absurd and inane the author’s charges are. Wax nin weyn isku wareerin karo baadigoobkooda ma aha awoowe.


In one of his now infamous media stints, Mr. Jamal summoned the unsuspecting Somali media in early May, and declared that the teenage Somali pirate who was captured after terrorizing the ship Mearsk Alabama for nearly a week is, in his words, “a distant cousin” (a code word frequently used by Jamal to denote clan affiliation), and that the teenager’s family in Puntland had retained him as a “local lawyer.”



A local lawyer? Sure, Jamal asserted more than once that he’s a “local lawyer”---whatever that means. Regardless, this madness was too much for Rep.

In the above cantarabaqash, the author had posted one NPR news article as an evidence that Jamaal called himself a "local lawyer" for pirates.


Let us read the very article that the author has posted as an evidence against Jamaal.



These sort of insult "articles" reduce otherwise sane individuals into detestable beasts. It is an absolute shame. Omar Jamal is just another brother trying to make bread. Whether he has a flamboyant persona, loves media attention or supported the Yeey goverment is neither here nor there. There is no need to get that personal and write such articles. It sort of makes the author seem less sane.

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The only thing I know about this OJ is that Duke and Xiin kept repeating his name when they had their temporary misunderstanding last year. :D


It seems that the ONLF are fighting on two fronts. Most of their fighters are concentrated on the Ethiopian front and ONE solitary fighter has been charged with the mission of bringing down Puntland. In fact, he's causing so much unrest that he became some sort of urban myth in good old Garowe. Now mothers there put their little kids to sleep with the scary warning "if you don't cover up, A&T will get you". :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

....the ONLF boys not even caring about losing Afmadow but concentrating on OJ's promotion.

It always amazes me just how pathetic the ONLF riffraff are and how easy it is to expose their bravado, but then again they only have to fool the posters of SOL with their cyber-bravery and warmongering.


Afmadow xataa waa difaaci waayeen. What can these folks actually succeed in, besides killing one another in the desert across the border?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

It seems that the ONLF are fighting on two fronts. Most of their fighters are concentrated on the Ethiopian front and ONE solitary fighter has been charged with the mission of bringing down Puntland.

:D Waa Abtigiis ninkaa keligii dagaalamaya. It is him indeed.


The ONLF war is a noble one. But I believe once the innocent travelers are released from the PIS dungeons, Warrior Abtigiis will try to focus on the bigger mission. Ninku nin xagxasho badan ma aha oo waa ragii hore.


The lone fighter indeed has a bigger fish to fry.

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Ninka moodaya in Afmadow ONLF iyo cid gaar ah laga qabsadayoow wax badan baa kuu laaban. Nimankaan Shabaab la yiraa haddii ay fursaddu siiso meel walba way tegayaan and I don't think in qorshohoodu yahay inay Koofurta keliya joogaan. Marka haddii hadhoow la barooran doono markii tuulooyin kale ay ka dhexbaxaan amay roon tahay in hadda tannaagada la iska daayaa!

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Shabab, xaraan quudatadii Isbaaro Inc kaliya ayee barteen sida gacan iyo lug is-dhaaf ah looga jaro, ee naf kale ey hayaan majirto. Marka ninyahow, qalbiga hadaad ku qaboojisaneysid oo aad daciifnimadaada marmarsiyo uga dhiganaysid Al Shabab anakee naga adgaatayee, idinkana wey idiin soosocota, taasu arin adiga kuu taala weeyaan. :D

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This quote is a joke "Wounded, an Agame Tigre writhes on the ground next to his gun. The ONLF kill him -- then cheer."


No kidding the agame had a gun. Read it real close, the agame had a gun!


ONLF soldiers kill their real enemies that is their only job! But of course a civilian would know nothing of this. Before you pass judgment on our brave men try walking in their boots. Quit standing on our young men to get your warped clanish message out to your misguided followers!


Mr. Somalia wrote: It always amazes me just how pathetic the ONLF riffraff are and how easy it is to expose their bravado, but then again they only have to fool the posters of SOL with their cyber-bravery and warmongering.

or perhaps you should go to the battle zone and instruct them on the proper way to fight a war? Oh wait you might get hurt doing that, so maybe you should just stay right where you are in safety and let them do the fighting for you. I bet if you went to the army camp and shared your ideas everybody would appreciate that. Seems to me you want to bark around and not bite the bite :D

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:


Shabab, xaraan quudatadii Isbaaro Inc kaliya ayee barteen sida gacan iyo lug is-dhaaf ah looga jaro, ee naf kale ey hayaan majirto. Marka ninyahow, qalbiga hadaad ku qaboojisaneysid oo aad daciifnimadaada marmarsiyo uga dhiganaysid Al Shabab anakee naga adgaatayee, idinkana wey idiin soosocota, taasu arin adiga kuu taala weeyaan.

Waxaan la yaabay Mr Soomaaliya iyo Qabyaalad iyo futuudland xaggee iska soo galaan? What a hypocracy...Mr Futuudland maa iska dhahdid...I think 19kii sano ee la soo dhaafay wixii Soomaaliya ka dhacay waa kaa daahan yihiin. Dagaallada ugu culus iyo xoogagga ugu awoodda badani inteey ka jireen waa su'aaale? Hakugu taagnaato taas...midda kale malaha burcad-baddeeda kuwa ka aaminsan inay yihiin wiilal ilmo adeerro ah oo badda ka shaqaysta ayaad ku jirtaa bay ila tahay (Waa la isku imaan)...did you listen wixii last week Shabaab ka soo yeeray? Aan kuu iftiimiyee waxay dheheen "Bari baan u soo soconnaa maamulka ka jirana waa Baadil" ee meeshii aad geli lahayd ayaa la rabaa. :D Muqdisho waxaaba jooga ciidammo caalami ah oo TFG ilaaliyee bal ninkii Odayga ahaa ee Faroole ma adigaa ilaalin kara? Soo badda ku dhici maayo? Waa ogtahay Hargeysana lagama qaabbilayo...oops Itoobiya ayuu u carari karaa illeen waa wuxuu dhiigga Soomaalida uga gadanayee :D Ma illowdey markii 2006 Cadde Muuse khalkhalay markii Cadaado la imaaday oo uu ku waashay Sh. Hebel baan wax ku wareejinayaa and stuff intaan Itoobiyaanka iyo C/Qaybdiid ka soo gaarin...for your information I was in Galkacyo(Taar City Hotel) galabta uu idaacadda ka calaacalayo... Maasha Yey Yaman iska dhiib illeen waxa soo socda ayuu si fiican u saadaaliyey! Shabaabku Soomaali oo dhan bay rabaan inay xukumaan oo fudayd, deg-deg iyo ka fiirsasho la'aan ku xukumaan weliba kuwa sidaada oo kale qabyaaladda iyo nacnacdu googoysey waxay ku dhigaan waa la yaqaan oo wayba ka helaanba. Need I say more? Looba joogee...Insha Allaah..!

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