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Mogadishu: Heavy mortar exchange reported

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Madaafiic ku soo dheceeysa Suuqa Bakaaraha kadib markii la duqeyay Madaxtooyada.


Posted: 5/17/2009 5:15:00 PM

Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Madaafiic ayaa ku soo dheceeysa Suuqa Bakaaraha kadib markii la duqeyay Madaxtooyada.


Tiro Madaafiic ah ayaa lagu soo garaacay Suuqa Bakaaraha xili suuqa uu ahaa mid aad u cakiran oo dadku ay ka dukameysanayeen.


Waxaa madaafiicda suuqa lagu weeraray ay ka danbeeyay kadib markii tiro madaafic ah lagu garaacay Xarunta madaxtooyada ee Vila Somalia halkaasi oo fariisin u ah dowlada kmg Soomaaliya.


Madafiicda lagu garacaaya ayaa waxaa ay ku soo adeeysaa xili isla maanta Tiro madaafic ah lagu garaacay Iskool Boliisiyo oo uu ka socday Kulan.


Si dhab ah looma oga qasaaraha uu geysttat Madaafiicdaasi Wixii warara ah ee ku soo kordha kala soco hadii uu illaah inoo ogolaado.

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Horta Bakaarahani naf adagaa. Yey baa garaacayay for two years and now this..walina wuu taagan yahay. ILAAHAY ha gargaaro dadkaa reer mugadisho ee aan waxba galab san. AAMIIN!

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No, Cabdala Shideeye...U kidding right? Why Cabdala he the owner of such business?

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

He started the market and he is the main foojariiste in the country ,,,,

JB, is he the same guy who forged all those documents that convinced Puntlanders that there's actually oil underneath their land???


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