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General Duke

Hargaysa: Seeks cooperation with Puntland State [end of secession]

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

so we can tour all the way with our secessionist flag to the outskirts of bosaaso.

Xaji at least you are admitting this flag that you have is only a secessionist flag and not a recognized, legitimate or a real nations. Unlike the Somali flag. : You can bring Disneylands flag to the outskirts of Bosaso for all I care. :D

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Duke and thankful America could not make the TFG work even if they could perform magic. And they know it the leaders of the hotel goverment knows that to. So its all a game the problem is the poor pirates are caught in between a goverment that is keep on failling them over and over again the past 20 years terrorist around the corner. About the so called somaliya flag Its Haraam ( forbidden)in most part of somaliya according to alshabaab. and there is nothing a flag can do for the failled country . :D

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Guys, guys, please give Duke some space. He's seen something

I have seen you rattled, Norf quite, Xaji Xunjuf admitting for once that his precious flag is no more than a secessionist flag. I have heard Gaboose twice propose to work with Puntland, now you know who Dr Gaboose is right?

I have also seen with my own eyes the US Admin declare openly that they will support in what they term “greater engagement: with the two Norther States of Somalia.


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Originally posted by Thankful:

The international community is using Puntland as a model for how the rest of the country should run!

Indeed, the International community has realised the tru path to peace. Which is Somaliland, Puntland with two other states, and Mogadishu as the Federal capital... ;)

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Take all the space you want, saaxib. It'll only get quoted in the future.

Yeah indeed, like how I am quoted on the dangers of Al Shabaab, Sharif Ahmed's failure and that Puntland would defeat easily the Al Shabaab in Galgala.


Yup and how we quote your Guru when he predicted without any doubt that Somaliland would be recognized by the world no later than November 2003.. :D

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^^ Actually, you will find he kept adjusting that every single year. It's a forecast after all. :D


And yes. Now keep going please. :D

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^^^No adeer he did not make another prediction since that time. He was so sure of himself.


Anyhow I know this is getting to you, and since you have not responded to the US stance, and the Gaboose proposal I shall continue, and enjoy it as well.


Somaliland is moving away from the secessionist position, because it has to.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

^since 91' what have you accomplished?

The question is what have
accomplished? As this thread highlights we are all in the same boat.
:D:D:D You gotta love this guy! I don't know how much of a help Puntland can be to Somaliland?

We all saw how small unit in the Galgala mountain rattled Faroole's admin.


As for cooperating, I do hope it leads to further cooperations between Somaliland and Northeastern Somali state of Puntland. It's good news.

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An old version of this thread


How can "Puntland" be of any help to "Somaliland" unless this is a public relations exercise?

Whereas the regions of Sanaag and Sool, western Bari, Haylaan and Ayn regions, are now portrayed as incubators of Islamic extremism.


Who instigated this calamity one might ask? Local proxy agents and the absence of a unified leadership? Can the people of these regions afford to be held hostage by two expansionist, clan entities? Time will tell.

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Red Sea Adeer you asking the wrong man this question.

Ask Gaboose and your leadeship this question.

The other poster is as usual behin he times Puntland does not need any naysayers it's recognized as a model for the future development.


Peace my brothers, we shall continue soon inshallah

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