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General Duke

Hargaysa: Seeks cooperation with Puntland State [end of secession]

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Maamulka Somaliland oo Sheegay In ay Puntland Iska Kaashandoonaan Arimaha Amaanka


September 27, 20100 comments| leave your own!

Share Maamulka Somaliland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in arrimaha amniga ay kala shaqeyn doona Dawladda Puntland oo ay deris yihin.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee Somaliland Dr.Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose oo shir jiraa’id ku qabtay magaaladda Hargeysa ayaa ku eedeyey Dawladda Eritrea in degaanada Somaliland kasoo dejisay rag hubeysan oo ka tirsan Jabhadda ONLF,ragaas oo bishaan gudaheed ka degay gobolka Awdal lana sheegay in ay u gudbeen dalka Itoobiya.


Wuxuu sheegay in Dawladda Puntland ay isaga kaashan doonaan sugida nabadgalyada guud,isagoo walaac xoogan ka muujiyey dagaalada Buuralayda Galgala ee u dhaxeeya Ciidanka Puntland iyo xoogag taabacsan wadaad lagu magacaabo Shiikh Attam.


Wasiirka ayaan sheegin qaabka ay maamulka Puntland isga kaashandoonaan dhanka nabadgalyada.


Dawladda Maraykanka ayaa dhowaan sheegtay iyaduna in ay xoojin doonto taageerada ay siinayso Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Horseed Media

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^^^Not sure why you used the word "sexy" in this context. Peace is an important subject however its the secessionist who are changing gears..


They are starting to admit to their people that secession is over..

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Somalia: Somaliland appeals for 'cooperation with Puntland' a second time

27 Sep 27, 2010 - 8:29:11 AM


A senior member of the government in Somalia's separatist region of Somaliland has appealed for cooperation with the neighboring state of Puntland, Radio Garowe reports.


Dr. Mohamed Abdi Gabose, a practicing medical doctor and Somaliland's new interior minister, told a press conference in Hargeisa Sunday that Somaliland "has started making good connections" with officials in Puntland.


"Somaliland and Puntland share many things that cannot be hidden or denied based on brotherhood for the common interests of both. From now on, we [somaliland] want to on security matters because it seems there are anti-peace groups who want to threaten our peace," said Dr. Gabose, Somaliland's Internal Affairs Minister appointed by President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, who won Somaliland’s presidential election in June.


Dr. Gabose praised Puntland's government for the "war against insurgents and anti-peace groups" in the region.


Last month, Dr. Gabose said Somaliland authorities are worried about the Galgala militants allied to Al Shabaab who have been defeated by Puntland troops in the Golis mountain range that stretches between Somaliland and Puntland.


Separately, Somaliland's interior minister said local police have captured a "man suspected of the October 2008 bombings" in Hargeisa, which targeted the Somaliland presidential palace, a United Nations office, and an Ethiopian trade office in Hargeisa, capital of Somaliland.


He did not provide details of the suspect’s case, but Dr. Gabose said Somaliland had increased its "intelligence an security capacity to prevent further terrorist attacks."


No official in the government of Puntland has publicly responded to Dr. Gabose's offer of security cooperation between Somaliland and Puntland authorities.


The two neighboring stable regions in northern Somalia have been recognized as part of a "two-track" U.S. engagement policy for Somalia recently.


Somaliland and Puntland have had troubled relations over Sool and Sanaag regions since 2002, including sporadic military clashes.


Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has demanded that Somaliland withdraw its troops from Las Anod, one of Puntland's major towns in Sool region, which was seized by Somaliland forces in Oct. 2007.


Somaliland's new administration President Silanyo has publicly stated that it will pursue "peaceful negotiations" on the matter of Sool and Sanaag regions.


Located in northwestern Somalia, Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but has not gained international recognition as an independent country.

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S/land oo mar kale P/land ugu baaqday wadashaqayn rasmi

27 Sep 27, 2010 - 7:47:46 AM


Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Dowladda la magacbaxay Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose ayaa maanta shir jaraa'id oo uu ku qabtay xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa waxa uu kaga hadlay arrimo dhowra oo khuseeya nabadgelyada iyo xidhiidh fiican oo uu sheegay in ay haatan la bilaabayaan Dowladda Puntland ee Somalia.


Wasiirku waxaa uu ugu horayn shirkiisa jaraa' id ka sheegay in Xukumadan cusub ee uu hogaamiyo Axmed Maxamed Maxamud (Siilaanyo) ay haatan bilowday sidii ay xidhiidh fiican ula yeelan lahayd mas'uuliyiinta Dowladda Puntland ee uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Sh. Maxamed Faroole.


Dr. Gaboose wuxuu carabka ku dhuftay in ay rabaan in wax kasta oo xaga nabadgelyada khuseeya ay iska kaashadaan taasi oo u dan ah ayuu yidhi labada dhinac.


Waxana isaga oo arrintaasi ka hadlaaya uu yidhi: "Anaga iyo Puntland waxa naga dhexeeya wax badan oo aan indhaha laga qarsan karin oo walaaltinimo ah oo noo dan ah labadayada dhinacba, Waxanan haatan laga bilaabo rabnaa in aanu si weyn isaga kaashano xaga amaanka oo aad moodo in qaar badan ku fikirayaan, sidii ay nabadaas khalkhal u galin lahaayeen."


Wasiirka A/Gudaha ee Somaliland Dr Max'ed Gaboose waxa kale uu ku amaanay dhanka Dowladda Puntland in ay dagaal kula jirto kuwa raba qas iyo qalalaase iyo in ay nabadu cudur ku tahay, waxana uu sheegay in wixii howlahaasi ku saabsan ay dhawaan bilaabi doonaan.


Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu sheegay in ay ciidamada Booliska ee magaalada Hargeysa ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen in la sheegay in uu ka dambeeyay qaraxyadii ka dhacay Hargeysa Oktoobar 2008kii ee ay dadka badani ku dhinteen.


Waxa kale oo uu Wasiirku ka hadlay in ay sare u qaadeen dhanka ciidamada iyo sirdoonka si looga gaashaanto wixii dhibaato ku keeni kara amaanka Somaliland.


Waa markii labaad uu Dr. Gaboose Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Somaliland uu ku baaqo in Somaliland iyo Puntland ay wada yeeshaan iskaashi amniga ah laakinse ilaa haatan mas'uul ka tirsan Dowladda Puntland oo ka jawaabay arrintaasi ma jiro.


Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa todobaadkaan ku dhawaaqday inay taageero horumarineed u fidin doonto maamulada nabdoon ee ka jira Waqooyiga Somalia gaar ahaan Puntland iyo Somaliland.


AKHRI: SL oo ku baaqday iskaashi amaanka (12 Aug 2010 Garowe Online)


Maxamed Jamaal

Garowe Online


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The 20 year long of drunken induced delusions of secession and of creating a viable separate repubic is coming to an end. The hangover no doubt will be hard for many gullible folks who believed in the nonsense. The Siilanyu admin under pressure from its handlers are now coming back to the fold. Greater cooperation with Puntland is the start of a move towards shedding Hargaysa’s claim as capital of secession and re educating the population on the benefits of joining the union once again. They have no other options.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The 20 drunken induced delusions of secession and a separate state is coming to an end. The hangover no doubt will be hard for many gullible folks who believed in the nonsense. The Siilanyu admin under pressure from its handlers are now coming back to the fold. Greater cooperation with Puntland is the start of a move towards shedding Hargaysa’s claim as capital of secession and re educating the population on the benefits of joining the union once again. They have no other options.

Cooperation between 2 somali regions is Good news, But Cooperation between Puntland and Somaliland when Laas Caanood is under the occupation of snm malitia is dangerous, and it will only make worse already deteriorating relationship between SSC people and Puntland.



People of SSC don't want to be part of Puntland anymore, beceause they cannot trust Puntland

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Mamulka Somaliland Oo Wadashaqayn ka Dalbaday Dawlada Puntland.

Posted by Ali on September 27th, 2010


Hargaysa(;- Mamulka Somaliland ayaa wada shaqayn ay ugu wayntahay dhinaca amniga ka dalbaday dawlada puntland.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha mamulka Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose oo warfidiyeenada kula hadlay magaalada Hargaysa ayaa sheegay in mamuka somaliland wada shaqayn kadalbanayo dawlada puntland.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan wadashaqayn haatan leeyihiin mamulka somaliland iyo dawlada puntland waxaana uu intaa ku daray in haatan ay doonayaan in dhinaca amaanka aad isaga kaa shadaan.


“Dawlada Puntland iyo Mamulka Somaliland waxaa haatan ka dhaxeeya wadashaqayn aan qarsoonayn waa walaalaheen mana muuqdaan wax nakala kaxaynkara”ayuu yiri Gaboose.


Wasiirka ayaa tilmamaay in ay jiraan dad doonaya in ay carqaladeeyaan amaanka Puntland iyo Somaliland waxaana uu sheegay in lagu dadaalo sidii looga hortagi lahaa.


Hadalkan ku aadan in mamulka somaliland uu wadashaqayn ka dalbado dawlada Puntland ayaa ah markii labaad waxaa mamulka siilayo siyaasadiisa umuuqataa mid kabadan mamulkii hore.


Ali Ahmed Abdi

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Cooperation between 2 somali regions is Good news, But Cooperation between Puntland and Somaliland when Laas Caanood is under the occupation of snm malitia is dangerous, and it will only make worse already deteriorating relationship between SSC people and Puntland.


People of SSC don't want to be part of Puntland anymore, beceause they cannot trust Puntland


Liiban: The Somali dilemma is a political problem, if the secessionist as is clear are moving away from this unnecessary ideology then everything will be solved. No need for occupation or violence and everyone will build their regions and villages.

Puntland is not the one that has to move ideologically. The State is part of Somalia, and has maintained that position throughout. It’s our brothers in the NW that have to learn an uncomfortable new dance. SSC pressure can only help the unionists and show that only through a single Somali state can we all benefit.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The 20 year long of drunken induced delusions of secession and of creating a viable separate republic is coming to an end.
The hangover no doubt will be hard for many gullible folks who believed in the nonsense.


This will go down in the annals of history. Brilliant. Just brilliant! :D


These gullible lot were fooled by none other than the mugger-extraordinaire, who for all those years-- just to distract them from observing his unmerciful plundering of their state monies--lied to them that recognition was ever closer, during his tenure in Villa Morgan. And the fools that they are, they believed him; as if, Riyaale going on a vacation once in a while to some European capital could ever give them the so-called "recognition" they sought. Calling these cretins, who believed secession from mother Somalia would be possible, gullible is sometimes even an understatement.



Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

This is so funny
. Let's wait to see what the Kulimey supports have to say.

AO, Kulmiye is a non-entity and in fact, I dare say, does not give a hoot about which way the wind blows on this matter, because they're merely politicians who only care about their own political survival. In short, Kulmiye, the Party, aren't the gullible ones here. It is the dullards that they sold this nonsense that got the short end of the stick. Now AO, it is never too late to repair your ignorance and work to rehabilitate your insipid violation of allegiance toward Mother Somalia. After-all, you are still young, relatively speaking of course, and you still got the best years of your life ahead of you.


I only feel sorry for the older ones like JB, Xaaji Marduuf, Oodweyne, Ngonge, Suldanta, Ayoub and Norf. Men who are in their 50s and 60s. Men who are in the waning twilight days of their lives and who, all of a sudden, have nothing to show for it; after so many years of wey duushey or some such other balderdash about the region of northwest Somalia seceding from my beloved Somalia. I pity these sapheaded Somali elders of SOL, I really do. :D

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