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General Duke

Mogadishu: Support for TFG grows

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^^^A day old, no confusion saxib, the TFG is in control of Mogadishu and right now is marching towards the last city out of its hands Kismayu..


As for facts of what Somali's feel.

here is the view of

just look at who's pictures they have Xasan Dahir/Sharif Ahmed IndaCade of President Yusuf's?

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Mystic new pics from Mogadishu. PM Geedi has met up with the few MP's who used to support Sharif Xasan & Courts..


Ra'iisul wasaarha dowlada fadaraalka KMG somaliyeed prof: cali maxamed Geeddi ookulan albaabadu u xiran yihiin kula yeesha hotel Global ee magaalada Muqdisho

xildhibaannadii baarlamaanka ee Muqdisho ku sugnaa ka hor intii aanay dowladu soo degin








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There are pro-TFG and anti-TFG.


And if there were more pro-TFG supporters like you make it out to be, Aisha Yusuf would have walked right into Mogadishu, but even he knows that he won’t get a warm welcome, so better head back to Baidio.


Besides even the news article stated, that most of their supporters are Qaad addicts, Qaad sellers, cinema owners and those lowlifes, who are ignorant to the bone.


And we all know why they support the TFG, one of them even said, I will support anyone who lets me chew my qaad. LOL what a goon. Those are the supporters you are so eager to point out.

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Mystic, the TFG will not move in a few days nor should they jepordise the safety of any of their leaders. There will be a phased move, the troops first, disarmamanet, and certain operations to clean up any cells left behind by the courts..

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General Duke, there is no case for this. You know, there are opposing views. Majority this, minority this. Fact is presently, we are not Somalis alone in our land.

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^^^lol. The first pic, is from the PM meeting with the "opposition" MP's and the other pics is of the troops in the streets with the public going about their business.

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And those individuals are qualified to be the supporters of the TFG?


What a joke, thanks for cracking me up. You couldn’t find more pictures were there are actually massive supporters of the TFG. I haven’t read any article which states how many TFG supporters protested, but it was stated numerous times that about 2,000 people protested against the Ethiopian soldiers and TFG.


Do you see us you bragging about it?


NO, becuase these people aren’t people who are well-informed that is why. And they will shift sides easily and will support whoever pleases them.


Again stop with the silly cheerleading campaign.

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NO, becuase these people aren’t people who are well-informed that is why. And they will shift sides easily and will support whoever pleases them.

Indeed now they choose to support the TFG. Saxib the public as a majority are against your little group. Try as you may to hold the people back, the Somali wants a national government, passport to travel, services and a new life.

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Peacenow, there are opposition to everything, no population agrees 100%.

Thus the idea that all of Mogadishu is against the TFG is ludicrous. The majority, I repeat in the country as well as the capital are for the TFG and the new Somalia.

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