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General Duke

Obama's historic night

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I don't know what to make of Clintons anymore. The iron lady hangs on -- ahem with her finger nails. It is not over until Clinton camp concede.


They have exposed Obama's fatal weakness. However you look at the map, Obama pretty much faces tough fight all around.


White voters -- majority in all [with emphasis] all states -- have deep seated reservation about him.


Can blacks, educated whites, and youth deliver the goods come to November?

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Hilary knows it is over for her mathematically, but she is out to prove a point - that Obama does not have the support of the blue-collar and the 'hard'white working Americans, as she puts it. Thus her aim is to convince the Super delegates and the DNC to back her on this. If not she will make sure that Obama does not win in November hence rendering her as the presumptive nominee for 2012.

The DNC on the other hand would have to take the gamble on Obama. He is winning or at least has won according to their rules but can he deliver the big one in November is a big doubt. As Hilary has intentionally exposed the weakness of Barack is that he lacks the support of the ordinary American and the DNC have to work hard to shore up that margin .

May be America is willing to take that giant leap and go for change with Barack or may be when it comes to presidency they dont want to take that chance.

Nevertheless it is worth mentioning that the Luo man has made a tremendous achievement for black people regardless of the outcome.

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All this talk of working class whites is not as important as people are making it out.


When he is crowned there will be a big shift, his base, new voters young, Afro-Americans will be energised. Most of Hill's voters will alos vote for him because they are democrats.


Clinton was the biggest hurdle. No guarantee he will win November, but who thought he would come this far?

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