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Obama Stunned. Republicans Rejoice

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Today, Chicago lost the bid to host the 2016 olympics to Rio. Obama tried hard to lobby for Chicago and even went to Copenhagen, Denmark to meet with IOC voting members.


How much do the Republicans love America? Here are few comments from the right wing conservatives ...



RED STATE: "Hahahahaha, I thought the world would love us more now that Bush was gone. I thought if we whored ourselves out to our enemies, great things would happen. Apparently not. So Obama's pimped us to every two bit thug and dictator in the world, made promises to half the Olympic committee, and they did not even kiss him."


MICHELLE MALKIN: "The news effectively ended the Obama campaign motto of "Yes We Can" with a "No, You Can't. This is a big win and a massive relief for taxpayers, But Chicago cronies are not going to take this well. Gird your loins."



THE DRUDGE REPORT: "The ego has landed. World rejects Obama"

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He was an ***** for thinking he could get Chicago the vote by his mere presence. Also South America has never hosted the Olympics and thus this was their turn.

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why does Obama lower his standards by lobbying for mere sport event? He needs to focus on things that matter most to his people. Although I do not think this deserves the outrage, it has gotten from the right. Anyways, Rio is a beautiful city that needs the attention.

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Obama was pushed to lobby for that city to host the Olympics by Chicago's local politicians who are famous for being very corrupt. He just thought he could repay them for their support by helping to bring the multi-billion dollar Olympic budget under their stewardship.


I think Obama made a fool of himself going over there in person and getting a b1tchslap from Rio. He should have allowed ONLY Michelle and Oprah to make fools out of themselves instead.



Rio de janeiro has nice beaches and fine women, I give you that-- But the rest of the city is pretty much dirty and full of crime.

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^^^ that's even more reason for Rio to get the Olympics, they would need to spend allot to develop the infrustructure and this would create jobs. Obama did not think thbgs through.

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I'm starting to really worry about Obama. I fear he may be a disaster waiting to unload.


I'm increasingly believing that he may be completely out of his depth in this role.


I fear that his ego and mania maybe to big for this job. Has he got the 'I'm great therefore I must be loved' disease. I fear so.


He has spoken to rallies in Prague, Berlin, Cairo. Preaching world peace and love. But I fear this maybe the act of someone naive and not understanding of the dangerous and complex world.


If he simply wants to be loved, then who will fear him?

If he is not feared, where will his influence come from?

If he has no influence, then what will he achieve?


His plan to get government funded health care is in serious trouble in Congress. Remember how it would be passed by the August recess, then Labor Day?


His energy tax is in trouble. He's made no progress on Iran or North Korea. He's made no progress on peace in the Middle East. His stimulus plan's success is limited at best, and of highly dubious long term effectiveness. All the Secretary of the Treasury can say is that things were worse a year ago, worse when he took office.


The cash for clunkers program that ended seems to have confirmed its worst critics complaint about it, it merely accelerated purchases that would have happened anyway.

He hasn't pulled out of Iraq, his own General says he's in grave jeopardy of losing in Afghanistan, he gets only lip service from America's fair weather allies in NATO, he's been snubbed by the Russians, by the Venezuelans, by Iran, can't close GITMO as promised because he has no place to put the prisoners (exactly what Bush said) and now he goes to Denmark to get the Olympic games for Chicago and loses that too.


So in this global village, where is the world's number one

community organizer?



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My theory for rejecting Chicago? Cos Rio is every ageing white European male's wet-dream. The beach, the girls and oh the samba. Obama himself was caught on camera having an eyeful of a saucy babe from Brazil, right? Let alone the French president. :D

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