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Alledged Shamo Suicide bomber might have been a victim himself: New Evidence

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Pictures of the alledged Shamo bomber sitting with the graduating students is published by Dayniile. This at least proves one thing wrong: if he was the bomber, he didn't have a Shuka.


This new picture seems to support the claims of the parents. It has also been very unnatural for the full face of a sucide bomber to survive such a big explosion.


If true, it is good news to the familes of the dead young man.



War deg deg ah Cadeen muujineyso shaqsigii lagu tuhun sanaa oo lahelay sawirkiisa isagoo goob joog ka ah xaflada Shaamow


Waxaa halkaan ku arki doontaa ninkii lagu tuhmay qaraxii shamoow waxaana halkana ku arkeysaa isagoo ka mid ah dadkii ka qeyb galay xafladaan sida ku cad sawirkaan


Hadaba hadaad dhab u fiirisa sawirka shaqsiga ugu horey oo wato shaarka cad oo liigmada leh hadaba si fiican isugu fiiri


Shaqsigaan ayaan kala cadeen in u wax qarxiyey in kale madaama uu goobjoog ka ahaa xaflada kana muuqan wax murug ah waloow uu fikirayo


Hadaba si wanaagsan u daawo sawirada labada ha waa isku mid waxuuna wataa hal shaati oo isku mid ah waxaana la ogeen in uu ka danbeeyo iyo in kale madaama waalidkiis uu beeniyey in uu ku lug lahaa qaraxaasi


Waakan sawirka isagoo kala go goay wxaana u muuuqataa in ay masiibada wax ka asiiibtay


Sawirkaana waa mid uu shirka fadhiyo uu caadi u jooga hadaba waxaa halkaa ka cad in uusan wadan wax shuka ah sida ay sheegtay dowlada taana waxaa beenineysa sawirkaan aan hada helnay


Wali macada in uu ku lug lahaa iyo in kale waxaase wali jira baritaan lagu kala ogaanaayo taana ma jirta cid cadeyneysa


Cabdiraxmaan Macalin Xuseen

Tafatiraha Wabka



Fadlan sawirka Dayniile link'ga ka soo qaad oo halkan ku soo dhaji!

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^It's not only them. Other Somali portals run the report as well as Danish.


This won't do any good for the victims but the Hotel staff and TFG have some explaining to do.

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We are not still sure if he is not the bomber. He could have been sitting there but later might have blown himself up. What the pictures prove( assuming their are not fake- which I don't think they are) is that the profile of the bomber doesn't fit this man. The bomber alledgely wore Shuka, and arrived at the scene later from the hotel room he rented.

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