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Md. SHARIIF XASAN" Ra’iisalwasaaraha itoobiya muddo dheer ayuu hub iyo rasas ku soo gurayey soomaaliya...


Md. SHARIIF XASAN" Ra’iisalwasaaraha itoobiya muddo dheer ayuu hub iyo rasas ku soo gurayey soomaaliya isagoo la safnaa qaar ka mid ah hoggaamiyayaasha kooxaha hadan inuu ciidamo ku soo daad gureeyo dalkeenna waa qalad aragtideyda"


Guddoomiayah Golaha baarlamaanka soomaaliya Md. Sharif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo u waramayye isagoo ku suagn magaalda jabuuti ayuu sheegay inuusan marnaba oggolaaneynin in ciidmado itoobiyaan ah dalka soo galaan isla markasina ay ka abuuraan xiisado isagoo ku celceliyey in shacbiga soomaaliyeed aysan u baahaneyn xilligaan colaad hor leh oo loo abuuro isla makaasina ay u baahan yihiin in loo sameeyo dowladqaran wuxuun ka dalbaday dowlada Itoobiya inay ciidmadeeda dib ugala noqoto soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale Md. Shariif Xasan ayaa intaa raaciyey in san go’aaminin baarlamaanka dowladda federaalka kmg soomaaliya inay dalka soo galaan ciidmado safka hore ah hase yeeshee uu gaaray golaha baarlamaanka in la keeno ciidmado caalami ah oo soomaaliya hub ka dhigis ku sameeya hase ahaatee inay dowladda itoobiya taasi soo hareer mareen soona geliyeen dalka soomaaliya ciidmamo isagoo sheegay inuusan garneyn sababta ciidmada itobiya soomaaliya uga soo hor mareen .


Dhinaca kale Md. Shariif Xasan ayaa sheegay inuusan la qabin in Itoobiya ay soo dhex gasho qilaafka u dhaxeeya soomaaliya dhexdeeda gaar ahaan maxaakiimta iyo dowladda federaalka soomalaiya isagoo intaa ku daray in uu dadaalkiisu ahaa markii uu muqdisho imaanyey in wada hadalkii Khartuum dib la isgu soo laabto oo ay soomaalidu haatan u baahan tahay in la isku soo jiid-jiido.


Md. Shariif Xasan ayaa sheegay mar kale in Ra’iisalwasaarah Dowladda Itoobiya uu horey u siin jiray hub iyo rasaas hoggaamiye kooxeedyadii ka jiray soomaaliya xilligii ay fowdada ka jirtay Md. Shariif Xasan" ra’iisalwasaaraha itoobiya muddo dheer ayuu hub iyo rasas ku soo gurayey soomaaliya isagoo la safnaa qaar ka mid ah hoggaamiyayaasha kooxaha hadan inuu ciidamo ku soo daad gureeyo dalkeenna waa qalad aragtideyda" ayuu yiri wuxuuna intaa ku daray inuusan la qabin madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisalwasaarah I soomaaliya in dalka la soo gelinin ciidamo itoobiyaan ah taasoo uu sheegay inay keeni karto dagaal dhex mara soomaaliya iyo itoobiya isagoo intaa raciyey in aragtidiisu tahay mid gaar ah oo uu ku cabirayo sidii uu ugu heelan yahay in soomaaliya laga dhex dhaliyo heshiis buuxa oo waara.

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Shariif Xasan:”Aniga khatar uma arko inay Maxkamadaha ku hayaan dalalka geeska Afrika”


Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa ku tilmaamay Siyaasadda Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Itoobiya mid xambaarsan Fashil, isagoo ku eedeeyay Meles Zanawi uu dab ku sii shidayo arrimaha Soomaaliya.


“Waxay ahayd inuu dhexdhaxaad ka noqda Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, waxay ahayd inuu dhexdhaxaadiyo Soomaaliya ee ma aysan ahayn inuu yiraahdo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa weerarayaa”ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo haatan ku sugan Magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti.


Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa kaloo uu yiri Meles Zanawi markii uu waayay qof uu rasaas u dhiiba oo soomaali laaya miyuu dhahayaa waxaan weerarayaa Soomaaliya, taasi aqli ma aha”


Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ka muuqatay inuu caddeynayo khilaafka u dhaxeeya Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu ku cabiray aragtadiisa Siyaasadeed in arrinta Soomaaliya u dhaxeyso Dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha balse aysan u dhaxeynin Maxkamadaha iyo Dowladda Itoobiya.


“Waxaa is haysta waa Dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha oo isku haysta dad iyo dal ee ma aha Itoobiya iyo Maxkamadaha, umana arko iyo khatar ku yihiin Maxkamadaha dalalka deriska la ah Soomaaliya”ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan.


Sida muuqata Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaa ka dhex jira kala qeybsanaan weyn, iyadoo isku aragti yihiin Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha, halka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo wehelinayaan 30 Xildhibaan aragti ka duwan mida Dowladda la fadhiyaan Magaalada Muqdisho oo ku jirta gacanta Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliya.

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One of the few politicians that are really seeking peace and prosper for Somali-weyn. May Allah be with anyone who’s this type of vision like Shariif Xasan clearly showing.

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Duke he just sait safka hore was not included. should we take your word or his word. since he was there draf the resolution to bring peacekeepers

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^^^No brother the legislation passed included all countries.. I rememebr he eveb voted to support it. The man has no political position, he was with the warlords when they were against the government, then the government and now the courts.. He is not an important figure since the Parliment is meeting still in Baidoa with more than 180 MP's..

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^^^ Brother, I been following Somaliaonline for quite sometime now, and you always against anybody that disagrees with your uncle the president Yeey. So let me ask you,

Do u really think Yeey is right with the decision to bring in Ethiopia's army into Somali soil??


Shariif Xasan was never with anybody, he's very independent unlike some people. Shaiirfka is basically looking for lasting peace and he's taking the extra step to do that. Yesterday by negotiating with the warlords and today by talking to UIC. Yeey isn't even bothering to negotiate with anybody that disagrees with him, why because Ethiopia don't want a powerful Somali one day and therefore we can safely say that Yeey is working for Ethiopia’s hidden agenda.

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^^^So why did he support the bill in parliment to bring in any foreign troops regardless?


Why the two face antics?


Also I dont mind people disagreeing but taking a hypocritical and then being praised for it is a different thing all together.

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Do u really think Yeey is right with the decision to bring in Ethiopia's army into Somali soil??

The Dukestar is a bit busy working on a press release: Ethiopia, Our Neighbor, Our Friend, Our Ally...So I'mma go ahead and answer that on his behalf.


Fresh2Death-ow, ii dhagayso maandhow.... Indhacade....Sharif...Dahir Aweys...Clan Courts... Lower Shabelle....Indhacade...umm..Indhacade..what ? I said that already ? my bad....ummm Indhacade..dammit, I know I said it already..He's a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, can't ya see...ummm Clan Courts...yeah, Clan Courts..I like the sound of it..CC..yeah.. ummm Indhacade...Lower Shabelle...Oh yeah, check this: Al-Qaida = Dahir Aweys......uh-huh...Eriteria, no doubt...ummm yeah, if Eriteria got they backs, cannibal flesh-eating Xabashi's got ours..yeah...umm Indhacade, Therefore, Ethiopia is only helping my uncle's non-existent army re-take Moga, and once they do it, they have to stay for about 10 years 'sida nabada loo sugu', but don't worry, they'll stay in barracks for the duration of their stay...wacdallah...umm yeah.. Indhacadee



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^I guess you have outline the recurrent problem. It it no wise of you then to send a letter to Sheikh Aweys telling him to sideline the problem if he wants everyone on board? :D

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^^^ Brother Duke, Shariifka was always against the deployment of troops that com e from safka hore and that’s why that famous parliament brawl happened if you recall. Why not have a dialogue and maybe get some international peace forces to help us with setting up and training our own Somali Army and Police forces.


Shariif Xasan isn’t hypocritical, how could he be? He’s standing for what he believes in and that is lets talk and “we don’t need Ethiopia’s help. No thank you.

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^^^I will continue to highlight the fakery of the Clan Court arguments. So long as they will lie, I will expose it.


4858.jpgThug IndaCADE + Macalin Xashi[warlord Muse Sudi boy]

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Another Politician that's also making sense. Enjoy



The UN Security Council should heed the findings and recommendations of its Expert Monitoring Group on Somalia






Tuesday, November 28, 2006




On Wednesday, November 29, the UN Security Council considers a draft resolution, which, if adopted, will lift the arms embargo against Somalia first imposed in 1992 and eliminate the legal prohibition to the deployment of East African troops in support of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. The deliberations of the Council come a month after the suspension of the Khartoum-based dialogue over the objections of the UIC to the deployment of Ethiopian troops in Somalia and to Kenya’s campaign and support to the lifting of the arms embargo and deployment of IGAD troops.




The Council also considers a report by a United Nations Monitoring Group that reports arms violations by 12 states, who respectively support the TFG and the UIC and more ominously the deployment of troops and military advisors and trainers from Ethiopia and Uganda and Eritrea in support of the TFG and UIC. An exemption to the arms embargo and authorization of the deployment of IGAD troops as part of regional counter-terrorist strategy will effectively incorporate Somalia’s neighbors into Somalia’s factional and clan warfare. This will also transform and expand Somalia’s factional conflicts into a regional strife between Islamists and counter-terrorist warriors, which will make a solution to the Somali tragedy both difficult and costly to all concerned.




The Security Council should heed the findings and recommendations of its expert group. The Council should not mandate Somalia’s neighbors or other States in the region, who either approach Somalia as part of a wider regional conflict or seek authorization of an IGAD mission in order to create an opportunity to rent their armies- militias.




The Council should choose one of two options: It should leave Somalia to its vices and those of its neighbors as it has done since 1995, when a two year old UN mission was terminated. Alternatively, the UN Security Council should maintain and tighten the arms embargo and authorize a UN mission to monitor and deter violations of the arms embargo. The mission should be mandated to strengthen and support the Khartoum-based dialogue and assist the Somali parties to negotiate and implement a national security and stabilization plan. Such an approach will attract the moderates in both the TFG and UIC and the vast majority of the Somalis and help defuse the escalating regional conflict as well.




An appeal and a call for dialogue and peace among our people


The challenge to the Transitional Federal Government and the Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia is to agree on a road map for peace that will lead to the restoration of the Somali State. As the Minister of National Reconciliation, I invite all Somalis to reflect on our nation’s tragedy. We must do all we can to prevent outbreak of conflict especially in the midst of the current floods and suffering of our people. I invite both the government and the UIC and others




* To commit themselves to complete cessation of hostilities

* To establish a joint mechanism,

* To formulate a strategy for interim security arrangements.




The Khartoum–based dialogue and negotiations should be expanded to include Somaliland and Puntland as well as other unaffiliated groups. Such an inclusive and expanded approach to the dialogue is likely to strengthen the credibility of the dialogue process, facilitate agreement on a comprehensive political transition and inspire confidence and support for the implementation of negotiated accords that could help overcome obstacle to the restoration of the Somali State.




Finally, the acceptance of these minimal steps will create the opportunities for a more effective and elaborate UN support to the Somali peace process and the implementation of its outcome.




The leaders of both the Government and the Union of Islamic Courts have a choice to make. It is a choice between PEACE AND WAR. It is not a difficult choice to make or understand.




Dr. Mohamud A. Jama


Minister for National Reconciliation and member of the Somali Transitional Federal Parliament





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^ LOL. What can I say, bro. The insanity of qabil-based reasoning is too comical. Intelligent educated men are reduced to laughingstocks.



I guess you have outline the recurrent problem. It it no wise of you then to send a letter to Sheikh Aweys telling him to sideline the problem if he wants everyone on board?

Now that would be a strategically sound move in my opinion.


Shaykhuna Aweys,

If you do happen to read SOL, horta waan ku salaamaay. Tan labaad, we gotsa do somethin about Indhacade. It's not that I'm sayin he's guilty and ish, but Akhi is too controversial, knaah'mean. And I don't know jack-squat about him so I can't defend him when others say he's the 2nd coming of Lucifer. Feel me, Shaykh ? So for the good of the Somali people, and in your capacity as boss-man of the Courts, why not relieve him of his post and use him elsewhere ? An investigation of the allegations of drug-dealing would also help. I know we're on the cusp of a major war, so I trust your judgment in handling the Indacade situation.


Yo' boy,

Kashafa bin Rageedi Al-Shakshooka

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