
When you have a visionary leader...

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...a city develops fast like this. Ma jecli inaa shaqsi siyaasi amaano, but Laftagareen deserves his due by developing some much needed infrastructures of this city and not pocketing it, as others have done. It is so much different from merely five years ago. The city almost seems like it can be mistaken for Kigali.

This photo was taken a few months ago. Private development ayaa ka sii daran. Our old man had a building with three dukaamo and bakhaar right in the city centre. Mid ayaaba la soo taagan tahay that he is ready to pay $500,000 to buy it. Waaba yaabnay, but the family refused.


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Baidoa is currently very stable, peaceful and there has been quite some investment in infrastructure (roads, drainages, sidewalks). What I found quite apparent was the complete absence of local political leaders, I understand that Laftagareen won’t allow any of the opposition leaders to set foot in the region, Is that true? 

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It was just yesterday an opposition member - xildhibaan C/llaahi Balaag - landed in Baydhabo. Marka mucaarad lama diidano.

I don't blame Laftagareen not allowing mucaarad ku sheega la soo kireystay, though. If you know the history of nascent maamul dhisid of Koonfur Galbeed, mar walba mucaarad jeeb ku jiro ayaa la soo kireystaa lagu jabiyaa. They did in 1995 after dowlad lagu dhawaaqay, led by abuukaato Xaseey. They did in 2003 after Shaatigaduud's maamul lagu dhawaaqay in 2002. They did in 2014 after maamulkii lixda gobol lagu dhawaaqay oo ay burburiyeen. 

Marka sida Axmed Madoobe haddaadan iskaga ilaalin, maamulka soo koraayo ayee burburinaayaan dadkaas jeebka ku jiro. Koonfur Galbeed can't afford that.

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Is Abdullahi Balaag the one who wanted to attend funeral of his brother but was refused? 

I didn’t know the history of maamul dhisid in SW, but understand the destructive postures and consequences that Somali political dynamics can have. But on the other hand, keeping mucaarid close to the power centre’s can also have positive effects, they add to creating an open dynamic atmosphere, boost confidence of diaspora to return and invest, and also boost social and development work as they want to showcase that their adding something to the locality. 

Another thing what struck me was the aid industry and their local handlers seeming to hardly deliver or being less visible, while SW and Baidoa is an area where aid industry has been operating for decades and claiming to have done a lot, but hardly being visible compared to other regions where at-least 10-20% of work is implemented. I am not sure, but it seemed that there is less scrutiny or pressure on aid and development actors to deliver atleast some of their commitments



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Also I understand that majority of Lay** community are against Laftagareen, and he has partly support from Xad*** community, which doesn’t promise much for his political fortunates without major league players in his corners. 😂 

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9 hours ago, Arafaat said:

Also I understand that majority of Lay** community are against Laftagareen, and he has partly support from Xad*** community, which doesn’t promise much for his political fortunates without major league players in his corners. 😂 

Not really. Waa Rooboow iyo laftiisa hoose. Reer Koonfur Galbeed qabiilka saas kuma aha, unlike faradheerta. Reer Koonfur Galbeed, deegaan ahaan isku baheystaan, not qabiilnimo.

In fact C/llaahi Balaag, along with xilshibaanada kale sida Aaden Madoobe, Saransoor amlnd Sareedo are from my clan, based in Xuddur. Saransoor is my sub-clan xildhibaan. Out of four, laba Laftagareen la jiraan - Saransoor and Sareedo -, Aaden Madoobe waa dhex dhexaad and C/llaahi Balaag too dhex dhexaad ahaa until mucaraadka whispered to his ears in Abriil, 2023.

For C/llaahi Balaag, the Shariif Sakiin he now sides with xilshibaanimo u diiday in 2016. Like Madoobe, and Saransoor, he is an RRA veteran, which Laftagareen respects and gave them xildhibaano, though he knew inay dhex dhexaad yihiin or mucaaradka la hadlaan.

I agree aaska walaalkiisa in loo diido qalad weyn ahayd. Qof fiican waaye shaqsi ahaantiisa and my late mother knew him.

By the way, it is Had...*, not Xad... Not every H word in Maay is X.

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4 hours ago, Illyria said:


Could not possibly be inadvertently, and indirectly praising gains of decentralised system of governance, could you?

Not really. A visionary, incorruptible mayor could've done the same if given or raised the funds. Baydhabo was developed too in 1980s as well, hence second madaxtooyo meesha ku taalay Jaalle Siyaad ku nasan jiray.

Speaking of Jaalle Siyaad, happy 21da Oktoobar. Towradatan barakeysan.

Haye call me, of all people, Ubaxii Kacaanka. s0239.gif

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If this is Baydhabo Janaay then the good mayor has done miracles. Tell him to add more public spaces, parks and walkways. Both Hargiesa , Mogadishu, Borama and maybe even Boosaaso got nothing but suffocating buildings with no where to sit. 

He should plan now before it grows to a giant city. Imagine walking in the city and you can't find any bench to sit or any park to relax. 

3 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Haye call me, of all people, Ubaxii Kacaanka. s0239.gif

Parks, open spaces, beeraha xoriyada, jardiinooyin, public health, education and secure borders, proud somalis and more were the legacy of the Kacaankii Barakeysnaa.

When we were young we didn't know. Even being punctual at work was called Guulwade.

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18 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Not really. Waa Rooboow iyo laftiisa hoose. Reer Koonfur Galbeed qabiilka saas kuma aha, unlike faradheerta. Reer Koonfur Galbeed, deegaan ahaan isku baheystaan, not qabiilnimo.

Indeed have seen that as well that deegaan based connections are more important that clan. Was also suprised how prominent Shariif community is in Baidoa, for some reason I used to think that Shariif Sakiin was a unicorn.    


18 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Byï»ż theï»żï»żï»ż wayï»ż, it is Had...*, not Xad... Not every H word in Maay iï»żs Xï»ż.ï»żï»żï»żï»żï»żï»ż

Interesting, but Xari*** is correct with a X. By the way how come Eel* are so well known outside of SW while they are not the largest? 

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16 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

We should move the Somali capital here, from hell hole Mogadishu

Great work

What residence requirements?

I think understanding and speaking Maay definitely would help to integrate and settle. And it’s so widely spoken throughout South-Central. 

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MMA, and others.


if you calling this man a hero, who killed so many of his people to stay power, who cancelled election and is roughless dictator. Why then, not given Deni the same, he also clean puntland from Alshabaab, built the only comunity port in somalia, done 1p1v, done some many other development in garoowe and so on. You dont call him hero, you call him dictator

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18 hours ago, Arafaat said:

I think understanding and speaking Maay definitely would help to integrate and settle. And it’s so widely spoken throughout South-Central. 

Or marry local girl

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