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Puntland Forces are alarmingly Joining the Pirates Caade Muse former President.

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Gen. Cadde Muuse "War Ciidamadii Ammaanka Puntland gebigood Burcad badeed bey noqdeen"


Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Gen. Cadde Muuse Xirsi ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Ammaanka Puntland ay noqdeen Burcad badeeda ka qowleysata Xeebaha Soomaaliya iyo kuwa gacanka cadmeed.

Gen. Cadde Muuse ayaa sheegay in ilaa shan boqol oo ka mid ahaa Ciidamadii Ammaanka Puntland ay ku biireen Burcad badeedka, waxaana uu sheegay in hada ay socoto howlo la isku diiwaan gelinayo.

"Waxaan xaqiijinayaa in Ciidamadii Ammaanka ay intooda badan ay Burcad badeed noqdeen, marka ammaankii laga sugayay sidaas bey ku cidleeyeen"ayuu yiri Cadde Muuse oo rajo xumo ka muujiyay xaalada xilligan ee Puntland.

Isagoo la hadlayay Warbaahinta Puntland ayuu Cadde Muuse sheegay in falalka dilalka iyo ammaan darada ku soo kordhay magaalooyinka waa weyn ee Puntland ay yihiin kuwo ay ka dambeeyaan arrin qabiil.

"Aniga ma aaminsani in dilalka ka dhacaya Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Garowe iyo Qardho, in ay xiriir la leeyihiin Al-Shabab iyo Xisbul Islaam, dadka u dhashay Puntland ayaa ka dambeeyay oo waliba si qabiil dadka u leynaya"ayuu yiri Cadde Muuse oo intaa ku daray in aan laga been sheegin xaqiiqda.

Mr Cadde Muuse ayaa ku faanay in xilligii uu maamulayay Puntland uu la dagaalamay Burcad badeedka, isla markaana uu in badan Xabsiga dhigay, waxaase uu Maamulka hada jira ku eedeeyay in ay sii korinayaan Burcad badeeda.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee Waa mas'uulkii u horeeyay ee qira in Puntland si toos ugu lug leedahay falalka burcad badeednimada ee afduubka sharci darada u geysata Maraakiibta shisheeye, kuwaasoo ka qaata lacago fara badan.



Hoyga wararka Somaliyed

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"Aniga ma aaminsani in dilalka ka dhacaya Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Garowe iyo Qardho, in ay xiriir la leeyihiin Al-Shabab iyo Xisbul Islaam, dadka u dhashay Puntland ayaa ka dambeeyay oo waliba si qabiil dadka u leynaya"ayuu yiri Cadde Muuse


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The for­mer pres­i­dent of Somalia’s semi­au­tonomous regional state of Punt­land Gen­eral Mah­moud Muse Hersi pop­u­larly known as Adde has for the first time dis­closed that key mem­bers of the region’s coastal guards have joined the ram­pant pirates off the coast of Soma­lia. Dur­ing a via phone press con­fer­ence for local media last night Gen­eral Adde said that more marines have joined the pirates and that is a big slap the fight against piracy oper­a­tion by the Punt­land administration.


“Our forces left from us and instead they turned into buc­ca­neers this will dimin­ish our efforts to erad­i­cate piracy off the law­less coast of Soma­lia” the for­mer leader lamented.


“I am prais­ing reli­gious men and some of the local elders who said no to pirates and refused to sell goods from them” the for­mer pres­i­dent stated call­ing on peo­ple in the Punt­land region to be united against the noto­ri­ous pirates.


In other devel­op­ment, the regional min­is­ter for sea­ports and marine resources Abdirisaq Hus­sein Gaaceyte asked inter­na­tional com­mu­nity for more assis­tance to root out pirate-related activ­i­ties along the coast of Somalia.


“We are fed up with pirates and ter­ror­ism, both are global prob­lems and Punt­land alone can’t cope with them, so we call on the world com­mu­nity to help us put to an end to piracy off Somali coast” the min­is­ter told reporters in the port city of Bosasso last night.


Punt­land is the hotbed for Somali pirates while the sec­ond stran­gle­hold for pirates is said to be Harard­here dis­trict which is about 300 kilo­me­tres north east of the cap­i­tal Mogadishu.

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This is what Cadde Muuse said:


"Ciidamada waxaa ay aadayaan Badda, waxaana ay ku maqnaanayaan mudo, waxaa ay kuu imaanayaan iyagoo aan haysan dhaqaalihi ay ku qaateen afduubka iyagoo kaa codsanaaya cafis. Waxaana idiin sheegaaya in intooda badan la laayay qaarkoodna ay ku xiran yihin xabsiyada” - HORSEED MEDIA


TRANSLATION: "Our troops would go out to the high seas and would be away for a while. Then they would come back without the piracy money they recieved and ask for a pardon. I am telling you folks, most of them got killed and the rest are in jail"


That statement is more of an account and a reflection of how the former president tackled the sensitive issue of piracy during his reign. That his was a "kill or jail any deserter" policy , is the take away from his proclamation. Whether his approach at the time alleviated or aggravated the problem is certainly a matter open for another debate.

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Agreed LST, disregarding for a moment the authenticity of the reporting because majority of the news websites agree on Caade's outburst - I wonder why he chose now and at this particular time when the regional government is fighting for the right host the national fight against piracy.

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Juje, the timing could very well be a coincident. It doesn't look like an orchestrated move. Cadde is well-known to speak his mind. :D


The former president spoke within the confines of a statesman who was asked to shed light on certain issues that are important to his state. I don't think Cadde has the personality to be that bitter to dent the credibility of the state as a whole. He may have his political differences with the current president, but his was, in no way, to bring the “relics” back. He statements were within the acceptable bounds of a former president trying to stay in the limelight.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

The former president spoke within the confines of a statesman who was asked to shed light on certain issues that are important to his state. I don't think Cadde has the personality to be that bitter to dent the credibility of the state as a whole. He may have his political differences with the current president, but his was, in no way, to bring the “relics” back. He statements were within the acceptable bounds of a former president trying to stay in the limelight.

Indeed, it was probably 'ana wa ii kan', but we at least agree on he made the statement whether in acceptable bounds and confinement or not,

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