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General Duke

Bossaso: Boom in livestock trade brings in cash...

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The question and the "fact" highlights that you have some inferiority complex. Again who cares where the animals come from?


The post as you can read from the title is about the renewd export boom that is taking place, what the "Western Somalia" and their livestick has got to do with this is quite baffling.


Thus try again, lad. :D

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Dukey, dukey, dukey. We're getting worked up again aren't we. Take a deep breath and calm down. I simply asked where the animals had come from and he told me he didn't know but they were definitely not from WS. Simple as that.

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The Zack   

Since you failed to comprehend my point let me clarify it for you. Largest number of livestock comes from Western Somalia thus it is a big problem any Somali port to miss that business. Berbara port must be feeling lucky this time or maybe Djibouti.

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Haatu: who is getting worked up the man who created the post or the individuals who keep asking silly questions that make no sense.


Zack: Adeer you are becoming quite a bore, as the article highlights there is no shortage of livestock this was a big day, thus

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

quote:Originally posted by Haatu:

^^^ Has muriidi changed his name or something? Che that doesn't make sense

Zack understood it and replied emphatically
Ahh, haddaan ku fahmey.



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Haatu: Adeer, why does it matter where they came from again? Answer the question.


Zack, you stated your opinion lad, first know the difference between a fact and an opinion.


Your point is not valid neither for there are more animals than the demand and Bossaso is booming lad.

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