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Outcome of Puntland cabinet meeting

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Outcome of the cabinet meeting in the capital of Puntland, Garowe, headed by the vice-president Xasan Daahir AfQurac who is momentarily acting president as the president is in Europe for medical reasons:


  • Government employees have to hand in their list to the ministry of employment within 2 weeks.
  • The Darwiish and Police forces have to hand in their lists to the ministry.
  • Fundraising for the fight against severe criminal activities such as temporary roadblocks, robbery and destruction of the environment.
  • 5% of the budget to be used for security purposes for a period of two months.
  • Creating a new committee burdened with the task to halt Somaliland ballot boxes to Sool and Sanaag, which are Puntland territory.
  • Approval of the first 6 month budget of 2005 and the office of coöperation between the Federal government and Puntland state.




Shir ka dhacay xarunta Madaxtoyada DGPL ee Garowe




Shir ay golaha wasiirada Puntland ay ku yeesheen Xarunta Madaxtoyada ayaa lagu jeexjeexay qodobo badan isla markaana lagu ansixiyey, Shirkaan oo uu shir gudominayey M. ku-xigeenka Puntland isla markaana ah sii hayaha xilka Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa kamid ah Go'amadii laga soo saaray:


1- In shaqalaha Dowlada ee Rayidka ah liisas-kooda oo sax ah wasaaradahu u gudbiyaan wasarada Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha 14 cisho gudahood si loo saxo shaqaalaha wasaaradaha oo idil.


2- In liisaska saxda ah ee ciidanka Darawiishta iyo Boliiska loo gudbiyo wasaarda shaqada si loo ogaado tirakoobkooda iyo meelaha ay kala fadhiyaan.


3- In Roondada gobalada shaqayso 24/7, sidoo kalana waa in dhaqaale loo abuuro si looga hortago jidgooyooyinka, falalka burcadnimo iyo gubista deegaanka.


3- In dakhliga Puntland 5% loo qoondeeyo arimaha ammaanka muddo laba bilood gudohood ah.


4-In la sameeyo gudi gaar ah oo loo xilsaaro in aysan wax sanaadiiq ah soo galin gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag oo maamul ahaan hoos yimada Puntland.


5- Waxaa kaloo uu goluhu ansixiyey xafiiska xiriirka dowlada Federalka Puntland iyo miisaniyada lix bilood kiisa hore 2005.


Nuux Muuse Birjeeb

Radio Garowe-Puntland

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Government employees have to hand in their list to the ministry of employment within 2 weeks.

The Darwiish and Police forces have to hand in their lists to the ministry.

Fundraising for the fight against severe criminal activities such as temporary roadblocks, robbery and destruction of the environment.

5% of the budget to be used for security purposes for a period of two months.

Creating a new committee burdened with the task to halt Somaliland ballot boxes to Sool and Sanaag, which are Puntland territory.

Approval of the first 6 month budget of 2005 and the office of coöperation between the Federal government and Puntland state.






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