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When the time comes IA, we will have a sit down under a tree and find a solution whatever it may be. Lets leave the confused folks alone shall we?

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This thread showed one thing folks......there is no need to point fingers for many people here when they are in the wrong.


We can bla bla away all we like, but as long some folks are not acknowlidging their wrongs and that they are still supporting some misguided entities, whether you call them TFG, PL, SL or ICU, the suffering will continue and the million something people suffering in banadir now will become 10 million Somalis suffering in the whole country.


Now lets go on and pat ourself on the back for the solidarity of the mouth, while undermining that same solidarity with action.



Caamir- Somali baan ahay sxb, Kenya iyo Ethiopia will be wishing that Somalia relinquishes them maalin dhow. You can either accept an inferior position or you will rise up to the challenge. The choice is yours. You can either be a free Somali man or you can forever be a Xabash Kenyan slave.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Arrintaan Seccessionka has its day coming, we have more pressing issues to worry about now as far as million plus somalis are concerned.

Thats where your wrong Xoogsade. Arintan secessionka ah ma aha arin dib loo dhigan karo.

All political actors in Somalia should have a clear message and act accordingly. Wax dib u dhigasho and not being clear about intentions is whats fueling this conflict. The people of Xamar will only suffer longer if there is no clear message from political groups about their intentions and goals.

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Btw Me, Reer Waqooyiga meel dheer ma jiraan haddii la helo mabda' ka sarreeya kan qabiilka. As long as clan dictates the somali affair, secessionists will have a strong argument. Wax lagu aamusiiyo aan helno(islamic platform) marka hore ka bacdina iyagaa isa soo dhiibi doono :D:D



If we unite the country as one block from Raskamboni to Maakhir, with a solid platform far superior than reer hebel, many northerners who are now comfortable with qabiil flag will be switching sides. the sooner clan devisions die in the south, the weaker the secession ideology becomes.

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I am a member of the selfish self-centered party.


Ps. why do you think a Makharian or someone from the SSC will support the people of Xamar (with arms) if your self-centered party is lending an ear to the secessionists that want to occupy the Makharians or the SSC?


Its about interests, so your self-centered party should make a choice who is more important to them in their present struggle and for the future of the of our country. So make your own calculation.


In order for groups to unite in an armed struggle there should be a common interest. What is the interest of the million plus people suffering under Xabashi occupation? And what is in your interest?


When you know what your interest is, act accordingly, waxba dib ha u dhigan.

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Me, I support each and every somali clan's right up in the north who want to own their affairs and live free till somalis come together and decide the futue of the country. I disagree with the manipulation, arming of one wing against the other within the same clan, hegemony and claims based on the colonial past.


As for Muqdisho, Somalis would be fulffilling their obligation by supporting the cause in Muqdisho saxib. They are not doing special favours to anyone, or should expect special pleading from Muqdisho residents for them to lend a hand or morally support. Any clan can be next tomorrow as somalis mean the same to the Xabashi, the one he uses to achieve his goals and the one he is killing and displacing, they are all the same to him.


With that said and out of the way, we have to acknowledge each and every somali who shows solidarity and brotherhood with regards to Muqdisho whether they are from Somaliland or Puntland. Xabashi baa meesha dadkii ku laynaysa so all somalis should show solidarity regardless of their other agenda. Taa hadhoow waa lagu xisaabtamaayaa, hadda laakiin dadkii yaa la baabi'inaayaa, and by someone from Addis Saxib.

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Xoogsade,your saying that SL is seeking recognition for its separation from the rest of Somalia only until the whole of Somalia is at peace?


Its interesting,one saying, I dont want to know you nor be associated with you. But am really feeling your pain at the same time. :confused:

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I understand your fully sxb, but I am saying that people tend to act according to their perceived interests more then they act on obligations.


The interest of SL and those that support SL are at this moment not the same as the interests of the rest of us pro-unity Somalis. No matter how obliged they (the secessionist supporters) are to show sympathy to the suffering of the people in Xamar* and, the supporters of the secessionist entity will be the most unlikely group to support any struggle that means the unification and the stability of the rest of Somalia. The secessionist entity is one of the best supporters of the Xabash. The Xabash that is killing people in Xamar is getting supplied from Berbera.


So why should the word of someone that supports the entity that’s indirectly supporting the Xabashi massacres in Xamar be trusted?


First the secessionists should change their position on Somali Unity and only them will we have the same interests. Now they are looking at the Xabash for support and for ‘recognition’.



*btw they show sympathy to Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq etc too, whats the difference between that sympathy and the sympathy they show to the people in Xamar?

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Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina:

Xoogsade,your saying that SL is seeking recognition for its separation from the rest of Somalia only until the whole of Somalia is at peace?


Its interesting,one saying, I dont want to know you nor be associated with you. But am really feeling your pain at the same time. :confused:

Yes, we have emotional attachment to you folks up in the north, can't let you go and we don't understand how you want a separate country honestly abaayo.


It is not out of hatred or wanting to rule you, or set you back to stone age, rather, to see somalia as it was designed and built by somalis post colonial.




These are somali muslims saxib, their solidarity means a lot. I take ait at face value.

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^^^ The average Somalilander may be genuine in his or her solidarity but the leadership of Somaliland is knowingly complicit in what's happening in Muqdisho: it is actively aiding and abetting Ethiopia in its occupation of Somalia. The distinction must be made clear.


Oodweyne should be here any minute now.

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