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The Ideal Muslimah (for sisters)

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An Excerpt from the Conclusion of the Book “The Ideal Muslimah: The True Islâmic Personality of the Muslim as Defined in the Qur’ân and Sunnahâ€)


By Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Hashimi


The Muslim woman’s role is not merely to stay at home, nursing children and taking care of the home. In addition to all that, the Muslim woman is in fact raising a heroic new generation, playing an important role in Da’wah and making an important, constructive contribution in all areas of life, working side-by-side with men to populate and cultivate the earth, enrich life and make people happy.


It is abundantly clear that the Muslim woman who is guided by Islâm is pure, constructive, productive, alert, aware, educated and refined. She fully understands her duties towards Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah, and towards herself, her parents, her husband and children, her relatives, her neighbours, her friends and sisters in Islâm, and her society as a whole, with all the different types of people, events and transactions it includes.


She believes in Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah and the Last Day; she is alert to the trials of this life and the traps of the Shaytan; she worships Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah , obeys His commands, heeds His prohibitions, accepts His will and decree, returns to His protection and seeks His forgiveness when she stumbles or becomes negligent; she is aware of her responsibility before Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah towards the members of her family; she is keen to please Him by whatever she does; she understands the true meaning of being a slave of Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah and supports His true religion; she enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil as much as she is able.


She is aware of her obligations towards herself, understanding that she is a human being composed of a body, mind and soul, each of which has its own needs and requirements. Hence she is careful to strike the right balance between her body, mind and spirit; she does not devote attention to one at the expense of the others, rather, she devotes to each of them the attention that is needed to form a balanced personality, always guided by the wise teachings of Islâm as seen in the Qur’ân , Sunnah and examples of the righteous salaf who followed in the footsteps of the Prophet( Sallallahu alyhi Wa Sallam) with all sincerity.


She takes care of her outward appearance without going to extremes of excess or showing off, and she takes care of her inner nature in a manner that befits the human being whom Allâh Subhanawa Ta'Allah has honoured by making the angels prostrate to him and subjugating all that is in heaven and earth for his benefit. In this way, she develops a balanced, likeable character, one that is attractive both in appearance and in her thinking, reasoning, behaviour and reactions.

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