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No the elections haven't been decided yet but I am hoping that Ucid party, the party of welfare and justice will win. I think Ucid is way ahead of Kulmiye and Udub and has better plans and visions for the country.

Udub is already out of my picture and I still have some question marks about Kulmiye. I am saying this after I have compared all three parties fairly with open mind.

I have seen what everyone of them had to offer and by far Ucid and Faysal C. Waraabe are the party to be. I want and hope that Ucid wins and later Faysal C. warabe becomes the president,he is educated man and very religious man too.

He realizes the responsibility of being a leader of a nation. on the other Hand if Ucid doesn't win, it's still ok and they must work together to improve the nation. I promise myself as a Ucid supporter to support and respect all parties, because they are rightfully elected by the honorable Somaliland people.

This topic is open to all opinions and peoples except for the narrow minded ones. feel free to post your opinions and predictions.

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